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План открытого урока в 9 классе "Music that changes lives"

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план урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме "Music that changes lives", разработан в соответствии с возрастными и индивидуальными учащимися класса.

The aims:

1. О?ушыларды? м?тінді ж?не Present Perfect Continuous ша?ын т?сініп, оны ауызекі с?йлеуде білімдерін ?олданыуын жетілдіру. Музыканы? адам ?мірінде алатын зор м?ні туралы ма?л?мат беру.

2. О?ушыларды сыни т?р?ыдан ойлап, ?з ойларын т?жырымдап айту?а баулу.

3. А?ылшын тілі п?нін о?уда ?ызы?ушылы?ын оятып, эстетикалык білім беру.

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«План открытого урока в 9 классе "Music that changes lives"»

The theme:

Music that changes lives

The date:


The class:

9th A

The aims:

1. Оқушылардың мәтінді және Present Perfect Continuous шағын түсініп, оны ауызекі сөйлеуде білімдерін қолданыуын жетілдіру. Музыканың адам өмірінде алатын зор мәні туралы мағлұмат беру.

2. Оқушыларды сыни тұрғыдан ойлап, өз ойларын тұжырымдап айтуға баулу.

3. Ағылшын тілі пәнін оқуда қызығушылығын оятып, эстетикалык білім беру.

The type of the lesson:

New lesson

Demonstration materials:

Карточкалар, бағалау парағы, интербелсенді тақта, кітап,

The plan of the lesson:

I. Organization moment.

  1. Greeting the students

  1. Check up the passable material

  • Hello!

  • How are you?

  • Good morning boys and girls! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please!

  • Now, let’s check up your revision!



  • Now look at the interaction board, please!

  • What is music?

  • Please, go to the board and write your own opinion.






  • Now, please look at the slide about music.

  • OK, boys and girls what do you think about our lesson?

  • What about it?

  • What purpose of our lesson?

  • Our purpose is writing and listening more information about music in the world and in our life. Also we must know about influence of music.

  • Now, let’s continue our lesson!

  • Please, tell me what kind of musical instruments do you know? Music is performed by different musical instruments.

  • Let’s listen to them and watch the musical instruments.

  • That’s good!

IV.New lesson.

Divide the class into 2 groups

  • Look at the blackboard! You will see a video about Brazilian a single-string instrument called Berimbau.

  • Boys and girls take a piece of paper and gather into groups according to pictures.

  • And each of you has got some information background in front of you.

Berimbau is a single- string percussion instrument from Brazil. The berimbau is used in the practice of the Afro-Brazilian martial art capoeira.

Capoeira is an Afro- Brazilian art from that makes a ritual of movements from martial arts, games and dance.

-Boys and girls! Our topic we will read is “Music that changes lives”.

-Read the text about Carlinhos Brown.

-Look at the interaction blackboard and write is this sentence True or False.

1. He arrived on the Brazilian pop scene in 2000. (F)

2. He became known as a leader of the musical group “BoysBand”. (F)

3. Candeal was a very poor area. (T)

4. His parents are alive today (F)

5. He trains young musicians. (T).

  • Look at the blackboard and answer the questions:

  1. What does the text say about Salvador?

  2. Why do you think Carlinhos Brown wanted to do something for the children of Candeal?

  3. How do the children start learning to play music at Practicum Music School?

  4. How has the school developed since it started?

  5. Why has the project been successful for the neighborhood?


  • Boys and girls!

  • Oh, let’s relax!

  • Do exercise and let’s dance!

  1. Grammar

  1. Fixing the lesson.

  • Today we will talk about Present Perfect Continuous.

  • How can you translate into your native language?

  • OK. That’s right!

  • Now, look at the board!

  • Now, please look at the board! You can see an exercise for you. I will give you some minutes to do it.

  • Then I will show the right answers and your neighbor student must check-up your answers.

  • We have done all exercises! You are good students! Thanks!


“Knowledge line”

  1. – Your homework ex 1,2(a,b,c)- p 60,61

  2. – Now, please stand up and do the circle!

  • Say what did you know and like in this lesson!

  1. -The lesson is over!


Қаралды: Келісемін: Бекітемін:

ӘБ отытырысында Директордың әдістеме “№ 4 орта мектеп МДМ” КММ

Жұмысының орынбасары директоры

Ашық сабақ: “Music that changes lives”

Тағабаева София Мұратқызы



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

План открытого урока в 9 классе "Music that changes lives"

Автор: Тагабаева София Муратовна

Дата: 26.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 310277

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