The plan of the lesson
Сабақ жоспары
План урока
Subject/Сабақ/ Предмет: English
Theme/ Сабақтың тақырыбы/ Тема: Who is it?
Aim/Мақсат/ Цель: To revise the theme “Who is it?”.
-to educate: -Respect the foreign language and mother tongue.
developing/дамытушылық/ развивающая
-to develop: - Reading, writing, speaking skills. Skills of oral count.
bringing-up/тәрбиелік/ воспитательная:
- Foster a love of foreign language, and respect each other.
Resources/Көрнекі құралдар/ оборудование:
- Books, charts, video, interactive whiteboard, blackboard
Subject/Сабақ/ Предмет: English
Theme/ Сабақтың тақырыбы/ Тема: Who is it?
Aim/Мақсат/ Цель: To revise the theme “Who is it?”.
-to educate: -Respect the foreign language and mother tongue.
developing/дамытушылық/ развивающая
-to develop: - Reading, writing, speaking skills. Skills of oral count.
bringing-up/тәрбиелік/ воспитательная:
- Foster a love of foreign language, and respect each other.
Resources/Көрнекі құралдар/ оборудование:
- Books, charts, video, interactive whiteboard, blackboard