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План-конспект урока английского языка на тему "Беларусь"

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Урок обобщения и систематизации знаний с использованием ИКТ по теме "Беларусь"

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«План-конспект урока английского языка на тему "Беларусь"»

We are proud of our country.

(6 класс)

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний с использованием ИКТ.

Цель урока: формирование иноязычной коммуникативной и межкультурной компетенций учащихся средствами английского языка через использование современных технологий и средств обучения.

Задачи урока:

  1. образовательный аспект: активизировать употребление лексики по теме занятия, систематизировать страноведческие знания, совершенствовать навыки устной и письменной речи;

  2. развивающий аспект: развить речевые умения учащихся, внимание, память, умение работать в парах;

  3. воспитательный аспект: развить чувство гордости и любви к своей Родине, воспитывать взаимоуважение и чувство ответственности.

Средства обучения:

  1. наглядные: презентация;

  2. раздаточный материал: карточки-«mind maps»;

  3. звуковые: скороговорки;

I. Организационный этап. (слайд №1)

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. How are you?

Cl: We are fine, thanks. And how are you?

T: I’m OK, thank you. Sit down, please.

Сообщение темы урока.

T: Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. Look at the display. What are we going to talk about? - Right! We’ll make a trip around Belarus. Today we are going to travel around our beautiful country — the Republic of Belarus.

By what means can we travel around the country? Can we travel by plane, train or ship? There are many of us. We are a group.

What is the best way of travelling for us?

The best way to see a beautiful country is to go on a sightseeing tour with a guide. I shall be your guide today.

II. Фонетическая зарядка. (на доске, звукозапись)

T: Let’s start our lesson with tongue-twisters. Look at the blackboard. Listen and repeat the tongue-twisters.

  1. Listen! You mustn’t whistle in the castle!

  1. Swan’s swimming over the sea – swim, Swan, swim! Swan’s swum over the sea. Well swum, Swan!)

Which letter is not pronounced? (letter T) Which sound do you hear more than the others? (sound W)

(Учащиеся повторяют за учителем и отвечают на вопросы)

III. Речевая разминка.

T: And now let’s play a game “Agree or Disagree”. You already know a lot about Belarus. Listen to my sentences and be attentive. Repeat the statement if you agree with me and correct it if you disagree.

T: Grodno is the capital of Belarus.

P1: I disagree with you, Minsk is the capital of Belarus.

T: Minsk is the biggest city.

P2: I agree with you, Minsk is the biggest city.

T: Belarus doesn’t have beautiful nature.

P3: You are mistaken, Belarus has beautiful nature.

T: The symbol of Belarus is the stork.

P4: It’s true. The symbol of Belarus is the stork.

T: There are no lakes in Belarus.

P5: I disagree with you. There are many lakes in Belarus.

T: There’s only one castle in Belarus.

P6: I disagree with you. There are many castles in Belarus.

(Учащиеся соглашаются или не соглашаются с высказываниями, исправляя неверные суждения)

IV. Usually tourists talk to each other during their journeys, don’t they? We may hear some facts from other people’s lives.

For example :

I went to London last summer.

Oh, I’ve never been to London. It’s always been my dream to go there.

The pupils read the sentence in the Simple Past tense and give the clue using the sentences in the Present Perfect tense.

I visited Vitebsk last July.

I travelled to Africa in September.

I was at the circus last Friday.

I saw an elephant at the Zoo yesterday.

I was at the Opera and Ballet theatre at the weekend.

I read a book about wildlife in Australia last week.

I went to an international camp in summer.

I talked with an Englishman yesterday.

I visited the Art Museum yesterday.

I played golf when I was in Scotland.

I listened to the bagpipes in Edinburgh.

I went to the capital of Russia last spring.

I travelled to the seaside by plane.

IV. Совершенствование навыков устной речи и письма.

1. Парная работа. (mind maps, слайды №2 – 6)

T: Now make up the pairs. Fill in the mind maps about Belarus. Get ready to tell about your information later, on the display.

(Учащиеся работают в парах. Готовят небольшой рассказ каждый по своей теме)

2. Развитие навыков неподготовленной монологической речи посредством работы в группах.

Now let’s see what you have written. Let’s check your answers. Look at the display.

(Учащиеся в парах рассказывают свою информацию)

V. Релаксация.

T: I see that you are tired. Will you stand up? Let’s remember our poem about Nesvizh and do exercises.

(Учащиеся и учитель вместе рассказывают стихотворение и выполняют упражнения.)

Up, down, up, down,

(Руки вверх, вниз)

Which is the way

(Разводим руками)

To Nesvizh town?

(Пожимаем плечами)

Where? Where?

(Смотрим по сторонам)

Up in the air,

(Руки вверх)

Close your eyes –

(Закрываем глаза)

And you are there!

(Открываем глаза)

VI. Развитие навыков монологической речи.

1. Совершенствование навыка подготовленной монологической речи.

T: Now I’d like to invite you to the bus tour about Belarus. We’ll start it with … What is the name of this city? – Right! Minsk. (слайды №8 - 13)

(Учащиеся представляют заранее подготовленные пересказы о достопримечательностях Беларуси, сопровождают рассказ иллюстрациями.)

VII. Работа с текстом.

Let’s continue our work and now we are going to speak about Belarissian castles.

Puzzle: Children from Zhlobin are going to visit Mir Castle. But the coach is not very fast. It makes 70 km an hour. Mir Castle is about 300 km from Zhlobin. How much time does it take to get to Mir Castle?

Now, read the text. Your task is to learn and remember as much information as possible about Mir castle and Nesvizh Castle.

In the old times people called Belarus the country of castles. There was 35-40 km between them. Now there are many places in Belarus where we can still see these old castles.

In the old times people called Belarus the country of castles. There was 35-40 km between them. Now there are many places in Belarus where we can still see these old castles.

Nesvizh lies in Minsk region. It is one of the oldest towns in Belarus.

From the 16th century it was the residence of the rich family – the Radziwils. There is a monument to Radziwil-Sirotka in Neswizh.

The castle in Mir is older than the castle in Nesvizh. It dates from the 15th century. There is no other castle in the world like this one. The builders used red bricks for the castle. Since 1992 the castle in Mir has been a museum. This place is also famous for its beautiful park.

The castles are very interesting. They are famous for their ghosts. The Nesvizh ghosts are the Black Dame and the Black Nun. The Black Nun likes to play tricks on people. The ghost can push someone or break a mirror. And the Black Dame still walks in the castle. It’s the ghost of Barbara Radziwil.

Look through the text and match the parts with the pictures. (Exercise 3a, page 60)

Read the text and choose the title for each part of the text from this list. (Exercise 3b, page 60)

  1. The ghosts of the castle.

  2. The country of castles.

  3. The residence of the Radziwills.

  4. The red brick castle.

A blue square in each paragraph marks the place where a sentence was taken out from. Put the sentences back into the paragraphs. (Exercise 3c, page 61)

  1. Radziwill-Sirotka built a castle there in 1583.

  2. Mir castle is in Grodno.

  3. Every rich man in old times had a castle.

  4. Every castle has its history, legends and ghosts.

*Complete the sentences. (APPENDIX 9)

1. In old times people called Belarus the country of …

2. From the 16thcentury Nesvizh Castle was the residence of a rich family …

3. Since 1992 the castle in Mir has been a …

4. The castles are famous for their …

*Correct one mistake in each sentence. (APPENDIX 10)

1. Now there are many places in England where we can still see these old castles.

2. Nesvizh lies in Gomel region.

3. The builders used white bricks for the castle.

4. The Nesvizh ghosts are Green Nun and White Dame.

Answer the questions. (Exercise 4, page 62)

1. Have you ever been to Mir or Nesvizh?

2. When did you go there?

3. What did you see there?

4. Did you like the trip? Why?

5. If you haven’t been to Mir or Nesvizh, would you like to go there?

Now it’s time to leave these castles. What have you learnt about these castles?

2. Фронтальная работа.

T: We visited a lot of interesting places in Belarus today and learned a lot of things about our country. Our trip has finished. What do you remember about Belarus? Lets do a test on Belarus. (слайды № 14 - 23)

(Учащиеся выполняют вместе с учителем тест.)

VIII. Аудирование.

  1. Задание перед прослушиванием. Each country is proud of its people. What people made our country famous? (4-5 портретов. Соотнести с именами. Здесь же портрет той, которая поёт I love Belarus).(слайд 24) Anastasia Vinnikovа. represented our country at the Eurovision Song Contest with the song I love Belarus in 2011. Now you will watch the video of her performance and answer the question. What national symbol will you watch on the video? (The ornament) Просмотр отрывка видео выступления на Евровидени.You heard some new words. Now you will look at the slide, listen to me and repeat.(слайд 25)

  2. The song “I love Belarus” (аудирование)Fill in the gaps.Учитель раздает карточки.

Look at the slide and check. (слайд 26)Be honestly. How many mistakes have you got?

IX. Домашнее задание: ex. 5 p. 65 write.

X. Итог урока.

T: Our lesson is over. Did you like our trip around Belarus? Are you proud of your country? (слайд №13) Thank you for your active work at the lesson. Last sentence game.We should be proud of our country because …. (1. our country is very beautiful. 2. We have many places of interest to visit. 3. Our country is full of talented people…..)

(Учитель подводит итог урока, оценивает работу учащихся).

I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today. Your work was great. I liked it very much. I’m pleased with the answers and your work. Thank you for your participation. Thank you for today’s lesson. See you next week.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

План-конспект урока английского языка на тему "Беларусь"

Автор: Соловьян Юлия Николаевна

Дата: 29.03.2018

Номер свидетельства: 464133

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