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План-конспект урока « Living together»

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«План-конспект урока « Living together»»

План-конспект урока

учителя английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 60

Орловой Ольги Михайловны

учебник М.З. Биболетовой  6 класс.

Unit VII. « Living  together.»  Section 2.  Lesson 4.

Проблема урока: Умеешь ли ты общаться с близкими тебе людьми?

Цель урока: Организовать общение учащихся по проблеме взаимоотношения в Российских и Британских семьях.

Задачи урока:с позиции компетентностного подхода

  • Речевая компетенция:

– формирование умений и навыков монологического высказывания о своей семье и  отношениях в семье.

  • Языковая  компетенция:

— совершенствование произносительных навыков новых лексических единиц и реплик-клише речевого этикета  при общении с близкими тебе людьми в неформальном общении со сверстниками.

— развитие навыков употребления Present Рerfect на языковом материале в ситуациях «общение в семье».

  • Социо-культурная компетенция:

— использование правил речевого этикета при общении в Российской и Британской семье и умение находить сходства и различия.

— прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку.

  • Компенсаторная  компетенция:

— формировать умения пользоваться языковой догадкой  используя переспрос  или просить повторить, уточняя значение  незнакомых  слов  в процессе устно-речевого общения в ситуации сравнения взаимоотношений в Российской и Британской семье.

  • Учебно — познавательная  компетенция:

— знакомство с культурой общения и уважительного отношения между членами семьи в Британии, умение находить нужную информацию в тексте  для использования в монологическом высказывании о взаимоотношениях в Российской семье.

— умение работать в парах, группах, самостоятельно.

  • Воспитательные:

– воспитывать уважительное отношение к членам своей семьи;

— чтить и уважать традиции семьи.

Оснащение урока:

  • Учебник  М.З. Биболетовой  стр.128

  • Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику стр. 63

  • Карточки(предметные) для отработки ЛЕ по теме «Родственники» .

  • Аудиозапись стихотворения «Who is the family? What is the family?»

                                            ХОД УРОКА

I. Организационный момент:  Предъявление  проблемы  урока

а) Приветствие:

T. Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you! How are you?

P. Good morning, teacher!

T. I’m glad to see you!

P. We are glad to see you too!

T. Thank you! Sit down! How are you?

P1. I am fine, thanks.

P2.And. I am fine, thank you.

P.3 That is OK!

T. Today we continue to speak about the members of our families and relations in the family.  Let’s  start! The theme of our lesson is « Living  together.»  Today we try to answer the question «Who is the family? What is the family?»

 б) Фонетическая зарядка:  Совершенствование  произносительных навыков ЛЕ необходимых для высказывания о своих родственниках и членах семьи.

      Look at the blackboard and read the words. Find the words with the sound [æ] (family, grandfather, grandmother); the sound [f] (father, grandfather, family, wife); the  sound [l] (older, elder, uncle, male, relative, family); the sound [d] (older, elder, grandfather, grandmother, husband); the sound [a:] (aunt, grandfather, father). Find and read the names of members of the family.

Слова на доске:

Mother ,older, nephew, grandfather, sister, husband, cousin, father, grandmother, son, uncle, wife, family, younger, elder, niece, brother, daughter, aunt, male, relative.

II. Формирование умения пользоваться языковой догадкой

T. Join the parts to make 10 words of the members of the family.





















T. Try to guess who this is using the definition!

T. Your father and your mother are your …

 P1.  Parents

T. Your mother’s father or your father’s father are  your  …

P2. Grandfathers

T. Your mother’s mother or your father’s mother are  your  …

P3. Grandmothers

T. Your father’s sister or your mother’s sister are your …

P4. Aunts

T. Your father’s brother or your mother’s brother are your …

P5.  Uncles.

T. Your aunt’s or uncle’s children are your …

P6. Cousins.

T. The daughter of your brother or a sister is your …

P7. Niece.

T. The son of your brother or a sister is your …

P8. Nephew.

III. Умение находить нужную информацию в тексте  для использования в монологическом высказывании о взаимоотношениях в Российской семье.

T. We know, that relations in the family are very important. And of course children and parents have their own responsibilities.

T. Take your students books and open them page 129-130 exercise 19-20. We read what children say  about their parents` responsibilities. And what parents think about their children`s responsibilities. After the reading we`ll answer the questions. Please:

T. What are parents’ responsibilities?

P1. Parents must talk to their children more often.

P2. Parents must help  their children with problems they have at school.

P3. Parents must set a good example to their children.

T. What are children’s responsibilities?

P1. Children must take out the rubbish.

P2. Children must make their beds.

P3. Children must do their homework by themselves.

T. What responsibilities do you have at home?

P1.I help my mother to set the table before dinner.

P2.I make my bed every morning.

P3.I. take out the rubbish every evening.

T. What do you like doing around the house? And what types of housework don’t you like?

  P1. I like helpihg in the garden, but I don’t like washing up.

P2. I like walking my dog, but I don’t like going shopping.

P3. I like watering the plants, but I don’t like looking after my nephew.

IV. Минутка релаксации.


1. Ask your students to close their eyes, put their thumbs on their ears and a finger on their eyes.

2. Tell them to listen to the sounds of their minds, to run their tongues against their palate and to breathe in and out ten times, but very slowly.

3. Ask them to imagine the color of the sky on a bright spring day, listen to the waves of the sea or the sounds of birds.

4. Now tell them to start opening their eyes very slowly.

You’ll notice that they will be much quieter and ready to work, especially if your class is after lunch time.

V.  Развитие навыков употребления Present Рerfect на языковом материале в ситуациях «общение в семье».

T. Take your students books and open them page 130 exercise 24. Do exercise in written form. The task of this exercise is to write  five things you`ve done for your parents recently.

— I have made my father`s bed.

— I have helped my mother to set the table.

— I have swept the floor.

— I have  gone  shopping.

— I have  taken out  rubbish in the morning.

VI.  Формирование  умений  монологического высказывания об отношениях в семье.

T. Relations in the family are very important. Do you agree with this idea? Say what do you think about it.

P1.I agree that relations in the family are very important. My parents always try to understand me. My father helps me to do my homework. And I help him in the garden. My mother loves me very much. I love her very much too. They are a good example to me.

P2.I agree that. relations in the family are very important too . I love my parents and always help them about the house because they work a lot and are very busy. I help my mother to set the table before dinner. I clean the house and take out the rubbish every evening. . I  walk my dog, and go shopping.

VII.  Подведение итогов урока

T. The lesson is over. Tell me please what did  we do at our lesson.

P1. Today we  spoke about the members of our families.

P2. And about  relations in the family.

P3. We knew, that relations in the family are very important.

P4. And that children and parents have their own responsibilities.

T. Are the relations in the family very important?

P1.Yes, they are.

P2. Yes, of course.

T. I’d like to thank you for a good work at the lesson. I give excellent marks to …,

good – to …, etc.  The lesson is over. See you later.  Good bye

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

План-конспект урока « Living together»

Автор: Орлова Ольга Михайловна

Дата: 16.01.2020

Номер свидетельства: 536008

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