1)Начало урока Оргмомент Речевая зарядка Постановка коммуникат. задачи 2) Основная часть урока 3)Конец урока | Организованное начало урока. Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения. Настроить уч-ся на активную работу Развитие умений МР Совершенствование МР и ДР Совершенствование грамматических навыков Подведение итогов Объяснение д/з Выставление отметок | Good morning, sit down please. I’m very glad to see you. Who is absent today? What’s the matter with him/her? How are you today? Are you satisfied with the conditions in which you learn? What should be done to improve the situation? What are your suggestions? Today we are going to speak about your ideal school, how do you see the school of your dream, what should be there in it, etc. At home you have prepared compositions. Please hand them in. And the rest are welcome to present to the class the plans of the school of the new century. Thank you very much. And last time we didn’t manage to discuss all the cards with problems. Now one by one give your opinion on the problem you got last time. You were also asked to repeat the usage of the English pronouns. Now we are going to do some exercises orally. But first of all say when do we use these or that pronouns. Give your examples. Insert some or any: 1. There is some milk in that jug. 2. She wanted some stamps but there were not any in the machine. 3.Is there any one who speaks Italian? 4. They can’t have any more strawberries; I want some to make jam. 5. Some one I know told me some of the details. 6. Have you any idea who could have borrowed your bicycle? 7. I saw hardly any one I knew at the party, and I didn’t get any thing to drink. Now give your sentences and ask your group mates to insert this or that pronoun. Thank you for the lesson. It was very pleasant to see you. I am very pleased with your work. See you next time Your home task will be to repeat the usage of the degrees of comparison of the adjectives and to do ex. 55, p.50 And now your marks for the lesson…. | 2 2 2 15 10 9 2 1 2 | t-cl t-cl t-cl p-cl p-t t-cl. t-cl t-cl t-p | - уст. уст. уст. уст. уст. уст. - - |