-начинать, вести / поддерживать и заканчивать диалог, соблюдая нормы речевого этикета.
В аудировании:
-воспринимать на слух и полностью понимать речь учителя, одноклассников.
В чтении:
-читать несложные аутентичные тексты с полным пониманием и с использованием приёмов смысловой переработки текста.
В письменной речи: составлять список вещей.
Развитие умения планировать своё речевое и неречевое поведение
Развитие коммуникативной компетенции, включая умение взаимодействовать с окружающими, выполняя разные социальные роли.
Развитие смыслового чтения, включая умение прогнозировать содержание текста по данному началу
Ход урока
I Организационный момент
Teacher: Good morning. Glad to see you.
Pupils: Good morning. Glad to see you too.
Teacher: Sit down, please.
Who’s on duty?
Pupil: I’m on duty.
Teacher: What day is it today?
Pupil: Today is ….
Teacher: What is the date?
Pupil: Today is ….
Teacher: Thank you. Sit down, please.
II Фонетическаязарядка
Teacher: Look at these slides, please. What can you see on the first slide?
P1: Gloves.
T: Yes, you are right. Please name the things from this slide.
P2: Helmet.
T: How many helmets can you see on the slide?
P2: Two helmets.
T: Well. Pronounce the word “helmets”.
(Words from the other slides: cameras, guitars, caps, bicycles, watches, basketballs.)
(If the pupils make mistakes in pronunciation of the words, the teacher corrects them.)
III Речеваязарядка
T: Can you answer my questions? What things have you got? Have you got a basketball? Have you got a cap? Have you got a helmet? etc
P: I have got ….. Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
IV Постановка цели урока
T: Now open your textbooks at page 38. Can you name the theme for the lesson?
P: “My Things”.
T: What are you going to do today? Use page 35 to answer.
(Pupils give their answers.)
T: Yes. Today you will talk about personal things and birthday gifts. You will practise plurals.
V Развитиелексическихнавыков
T: I think it’s time to learn Study skills, page 38. Read the information to yourself.
(International words in English
Associate words that are similar to words in your language. This helps you remember them.)
(The teacher explains the meaning of the word “associate” using the examples: jeans, bank and so on.)
T: Do exercise 1, please. Firstly, read the task to yourself.
(Listen and repeat. Which of these words are like words in your language?)
P: Гитара, баскетбол, камера, шарф.
T: What is the Russian for “trainers”?
(Pupils discuss the meanings of new words.)
VI Развитие умений ознакомительного чтения и техники чтения вслух
T: Now let’s read what Tim and Amy are talking about. It’s exercise 2, page 38. Answer the question: Who’s got a new bike?
P: Tim’s got a new bike.
T: Can you say what Amy’s present is.
P: I think it’s ….
T: Well, listen and read to find out.
P: Amy’s present is digital camera.
T: OK. Now read the dialogue by roles.
(The teacher corrects pupils’ pronunciation and intonation.)
VII Развитие умений монологической речи
T: Look at the picture again. Which of these things have you got? What colour are they? Tell your face partner. (Timed- Pair-Share)
Use the example in the textbooks.
I’ve got a skateboard and a helmet. My skateboard is blue and my helmet is red.
VIII Динамическаяпауза
T: I see you’re tired. It’s time to do an exercise.
IX Обобщение и осмысление формообразования множественного числа существительных
T: I have said that you’ll practise plurals. Do exercise 5, page 39. Read the rules. …, can you explain the rules?
Now write the prurals.
Let’s check your answers.
P: 1 doll – dolls
2 party – parties
3 man – men
4 box – boxes
5 ball – balls
6 boy – boys
7 knife – knives
8 watch – watches
X Развитие фонематического слуха и произносительных навыков
T: It’s important to pronounce the sounds correctly. Study the reading rules in exercise 6. Do exercise 6. Listen and tick. Then listen again and repeat the words.
XI Развитие навыков распознавания и употребления указательных местоимений
(this – these, that – those)
T: Read the rules and the examples in the table, exercise 7. Then make sentences.
P: 3 This is a camera.
4 These are watches.
7 Those are trainers.
8 That is a skateboard.
T: Do exercise 8, page 39. Point to things near / far from you. Make sentences using this / these, that / those.
A: (points to the ruler)
B: This is a ruler. (points to the blackboard) That is a blackboard.
XII Развитие умений аудирования с выборочным пониманием заданной информации
T: Do exercise 9. Listen and match the people to their presents.
Firstly, read the names of the people and presents.
Secondly, listen to the track.
Keys: 1 g, 2 e, 3 h, 4 c, 5 f.
XIII Домашнее задание
T: Do exercise 10, page 39. Write a list of things you want for your birthday.
XIV Подведениеитоговурока
T: What have you learnt today?
P: I can …. I still can’t ….. I want to learn ….
T: Thank you for your work today. Your marks are ….