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План урока английанглийского языка

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25-02-2015 English The 8 form The theme: Save the Nature The aims: 1) talking about protecting the environment and saving the nature 2) develop pupils speaking, reading, writing and listening skills; enrich pupils vocabulary 3) bring up the pupils to become environmentaly educated person and to take care of living and non - living things The visual aids: an interactive board,pictures Type of the lesson: getting new information Plan of the lesson: 1. Organization moment 2. Checking up the home task 3. Warm up 4. Activization of the new theme 5. Presentation 6. Practice 7. Conclusion 8. Home task 9. marks I. Organization moment А) greeting B) talking with the duty -Good morning, boys and girls! I am very glad to see you. Sit down, please. -What is the date today? And what is the day today? Thank you. II. Checking the home task - Now lets check your home task. What was your home task for today? - What have we talked about at the last lesson? about LITTER IS A PROBLEM IN OUR TOWN. LITTER IS A PROBLEM IN OUR TOWN. Litter is garbage - like food, paper and cans - on the ground or in the street. Where many people live together, litter is a problem. People don't always put their garbage in the garbage can. It's easier to drop a paper than to find a garbage can for it. But litter is ugly. It makes the city look dirty, and it spoils the view. The wind blows papers far away. Often they are difficult to catch. When they blow against a building, they stay there. This building is a wall of garbage. Many countries have recycling centres in many places, but there isnt any recycling centre in our town. And we have to throw our litter away. So we are litterbugs. Some people want to control litter. They never throw litter themselves, and some­times they work together in groups to clean up the city especially in the summer. In most countries litter is against the law. I think the law must punish (наказывает) people who throw garbage on the streets in our town. But they don’t even pay a fine for that. -Translate these sentences into English 1. ?о?ыс ?алды?тары к?шеде, далада шашылып жатыр. Litter is garbage - like food, paper and cans - on the ground or in the street. 2.Адамдар ?здеріні? ?о?ыстарын к?бінесе ?о?ыс ж?шігіне салмайды. People don't always put their garbage in the garbage can. 3.Жел ?а?аздарды жан-жа??а ?шырады. The wind blows papers far away. 4.Some people want to control litter Кейбір адамдар ?о?ысты ба?ылап отырса. 5. Мені? ойымша за? орындары к?шеге ?о?ыс ла?тыр?ан адамдарды за?мен жазалауы керек. I think the law must punish (наказывает) people who throw garbage on the streets in our town. - Very nice! III. Warm up - Let’s start our lesson with the phonetic drill. It is called “Don’t kill the world!”. Look at the interactive board. Listen to me. Dont kill the world! Dont let the Earth down! Do not destroy the world! Dont kill the world! Dont kill the world! Dont let the Earth die! a) Reading in chorus b) Reading in turn c) Translation IV. Activization of the new theme - Look at the board. There are two lists. Read each of the following lists of five words. One word does not belong in each list. Find it. 1. a) discover d) America b) Christopher Columbus e) New world c) save 2. a) city d) nature b) country e) street c) town V. Answer the questions - The theme of the lesson is Save the nature. Dear friends! Today we are going to have a talk and discuss the problems of the environment. Open your notebooks and write down todays date and the theme. Today well talk about nature, environment and ecological problems. - Answer the questions: - Do you care about the environment? - Do you protect the environment? - How do you help the environment? - Do you plant trees and flowers? - Do you keep your schoolyard clean? - Do you know the problems of the environment? VI. Presentation A) Vocabulary Petrol stations, n – жанармай бекеті Factory, n – фабрика, зауыт Pollute, v – ластау Pollution-ластану Fur-а? терісі Destroy-?ирату Soil- топыра? Destroy, v – ?ирату, б?лдіру Soil, n – топыра? B) Reading - Read and translate the text The Earth is in danger We know the words the world around us have many meanings. We think first of all about the Earth with its people and nature. The Earth - Mother - Nature. The problem of the nature is pollution. We know there are many seas, lakes and rivers on the Earth. We also know that water is a source of life on the earth. National resources, such as minerals, oil are widely used for purposes of home industry and agriculture. As a result air, soil and water are polluted. People kill animals for fur, oil and meat. Some animals are included into the International Red book of rare or endangered animals. VII. Practice A) True or False - Open your copybooks and lets find and write. Are these sentences true or false? a) If we pollute the soil, food will not be healthy. F b) If we pollute air, people will not be healthy. T c) If we pollute the water, fish will die. T d) If we dont fight pollution of the environment, itll be too late. T e) If the government doesnt control air pollution, water pollution, well regret it. T B) Make a Poster 1. What should we do to save the nature? 2. What shouldnt we do to save the nature? Ex: We should grow flowers and water them. We should keep the environment clean and protect the nature. We shouldnt pollute the water, air and soil. We shouldnt kill animals The next task Environmental quiz. The gradual warming up the Earth is called________ warming. (alogbl) Acid ________ destroys trees and kills fish in lakes. (ianr) Many factories dump dangerous ______ straight into the sea. (michecals) Huge areas of tropical rain ________ are dissappearing every year. (orestf) The exhaust fumes from cars and lorries cause serious ________ in many cities around the world. (llutionpo) VIII. Conclusion Write your advice in your leaf IX. Home task : - Write a short composition Save the nature
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«план урока английанглийского языка »



The 8 form

The theme: Save the Nature

The aims: 1) talking about protecting the environment and saving the nature

2) develop pupils’ speaking, reading, writing and listening skills; enrich pupils’ vocabulary

3) bring up the pupils to become environmentaly educated person and to take care of living and non - living things

The visual aids: an interactive board,pictures

Type of the lesson: getting new information

Plan of the lesson:

1. Organization moment

2. Checking up the home task

3. Warm up

4. Activization of the new theme

5. Presentation

6. Practice

7. Conclusion

8. Home task

9. marks

I. Organization moment

А) greeting

B) talking with the duty

-Good morning, boys and girls!

I am very glad to see you. Sit down, please.

-What is the date today?

And what is the day today? Thank you.

II. Checking the home task

- Now let’s check your home task. What was your home task for today?

- What have we talked about at the last lesson? about LITTER IS A PROBLEM IN OUR TOWN.


Litter is garbage - like food, paper and cans - on the ground or in the street. Where many people live together, litter is a problem. People don't always put their garbage in the garbage can. It's easier to drop a paper than to find a garbage can for it. But litter is ugly. It makes the city look dirty, and it spoils the view.

The wind blows papers far away. Often they are difficult to catch. When they blow against a building, they stay there. This building is a wall of garbage.

Many countries have recycling centres in many places, but there isn’t any recycling centre in our town. And we have to throw our litter away. So we are litterbugs.

Some people want to control litter. They never throw litter themselves, and some­times they work together in groups to clean up the city especially in the summer. In most countries litter is against the law. I think the law must punish (наказывает) people who throw garbage on the streets in our town. But they don’t even pay a fine for that.

-Translate these sentences into English

1. Қоқыс қалдықтары көшеде, далада шашылып жатыр.

Litter is garbage - like food, paper and cans - on the ground or in the street.

2.Адамдар өздерінің қоқыстарын көбінесе қоқыс жәшігіне салмайды.

People don't always put their garbage in the garbage can.

3.Жел қағаздарды жан-жаққа ұшырады.

The wind blows papers far away.

4.Some people want to control litter

Кейбір адамдар қоқысты бақылап отырса.

5. Менің ойымша заң орындары көшеге қоқыс лақтырған адамдарды заңмен жазалауы керек.

I think the law must punish (наказывает) people who throw garbage on the streets in our town..

- Very nice!

III. Warm up

- Let’s start our lesson with the phonetic drill. It is called Don’t kill the world!”. Look at the interactive board. Listen to me.

Don’t kill the world!

Don’t let the Earth down!

Do not destroy the world!

Don’t kill the world!

Don’t kill the world!

Don’t let the Earth die!

a) Reading in chorus

b) Reading in turn

c) Translation

IV. Activization of the new theme

- Look at the board. There are two lists. Read each of the following lists of five words. One word does not belong in each list. Find it.

1. a) discover d) America

b) Christopher Columbus e) New world

c) save

2. a) city d) nature

b) country e) street

c) town

V. Answer the questions

- The theme of the lesson is “Save the nature”. Dear friends! Today we are going to have a talk and discuss the problems of the environment. Open your notebooks and write down today’s date and the theme. Today we’ll talk about nature, environment and ecological problems.

- Answer the questions:

- Do you care about the environment?

- Do you protect the environment?

- How do you help the environment?

- Do you plant trees and flowers?

- Do you keep your schoolyard clean?

- Do you know the problems of the environment?

VI. Presentation

A) Vocabulary

Petrol stations, n – жанармай бекеті

Factory, n – фабрика, зауыт

Pollute, v – ластау

Pollution, n – ластану

Fur, n – аң терісі

Destroy, v – қирату, бүлдіру

Soil, n – топырақ

B) Reading

- Read and translate the text “The Earth is in danger”

We know the words “the world around us” have many meanings. We think first of all about the Earth with its people and nature. The Earth - Mother - Nature. The problem of the nature is pollution.

We know there are many seas, lakes and rivers on the Earth. We also know that water is a source of life on the earth. National resources, such as minerals, oil are widely used for purposes of home industry and agriculture. As a result air, soil and water are polluted. People kill animals for fur, oil and meat. Some animals are included into the International Red book of rare or endangered animals.

VII. Practice

A) True or False

- Open your copybooks and let’s find and write. Are these sentences true or false?

a) If we pollute the soil, food will not be healthy. F

b) If we pollute air, people will not be healthy. T

c) If we pollute the water, fish will die. T

d) If we don’t fight pollution of the environment, it’ll be too late. T

e) If the government doesn’t control air pollution, water pollution, we’ll regret it. T

B) Make a Poster

1. What should we do to save the nature?

2. What shouldn’t we do to save the nature?

Ex: We should grow flowers and water them.

We should keep the environment clean and protect the nature.

We shouldn’t pollute the water, air and soil.

We shouldn’t kill animals

The next task Environmental quiz.

  1. The gradual warming up the Earth is called________ warming. (alogbl)

  2. Acid ________ destroys trees and kills fish in lakes. (ianr)

  3. Many factories dump dangerous ______ straight into the sea. (michecals)

  4. Huge areas of tropical rain ________ are dissappearing every year. (orestf)

  5. The exhaust fumes from cars and lorries cause serious ________ in many cities around the world. (llutionpo)

VIII. Conclusion

Write your advice in your leaf

IX. Home task : - Write a short composition “Save the nature”

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

план урока английанглийского языка

Автор: Жумаканова Салтанат Турахметовна

Дата: 04.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 182079

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