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План-конспект уроку на тему : «Travelling & Tourism. Glossy postcards.»

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Тема уроку :  «Travelling & Tourism. Glossy postcards.»

Мета уроку :

Освітня :

     - поглибити та активізувати знання учнів про туризм та подорожі в усній    та писемній мові;

     - навчити використовувати нові ЛО в розмовній мові.

Практична : 

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«План-конспект уроку на тему : «Travelling & Tourism. Glossy postcards.» »

План-конспект уроку

англ. мови в 10 класі

на тему :

«Travelling & Tourism. Glossy postcards.»

( ppp 1, 2)

Тема уроку : «Travelling & Tourism. Glossy postcards.»

Мета уроку :

Освітня :

- поглибити та активізувати знання учнів про туризм та подорожі в усній та писемній мові;

- навчити використовувати нові ЛО в розмовній мові.

Практична :

- практикувати засвоєння нового ЛМ під час виконання комплексу вправ.

Розвиваюча :

- розвивати навички аудіювання, монологічного та діалогічного мовлення;

- розвивати комунікативні здібності, фонематичний слух, пам’ять,

- розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію.

Виховна :

  • виховувати культуру спілкування;

  • виховувати інтерес до пізнавальної діяльності;

  • виховувати зацікавленість до розвитку туристичного бізнесу, професіям даного виду діяльності;

  • прищеплювати прагнення використовувати здобуті знання як засобу інтелектуального самоствердження.

Обладнання : ноутбук, мультимедійна дошка, проектор, розданій ресурсний матеріал для індивідуальної та парної роботи, глянцеві конверти-подорожі, рекламні буклети, підручник Enterprise, Longman Activator.

Хід уроку :

І. Greeting. Привітання, оголошення теми та мети уроку. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.( ppp 3)

T- Good morning, guests and my dear pupils! Take your seats. How are you today? Are you in a good mood?

P – Yes, we are.

T – Glad to hear it! Let’s start our English lesson. ( ppp 4) As for me, I like fancy travelling. It’s quite useful. It helps us to know more about tourism and travelling, about different kinds of holidays, trips and excursions. It develops on our outlook. Do you enjoy travelling?

P – Yes, I do. For me, it means smth new, interesting and amazing. I prefer to find out more exiting and useful information for my life. Learning and treasure are coincided together. I love travelling.

T – Thanks, good for you!

T – So, today we will speak about our studying trip. Our theme is Travelling and tourism, glossy postcards. We are going to talk about it.

( ppp 5)

You will :

develop your skills & habits;

learn to express your opinion, your thoughts & guess;

enrich your voc-ry;

learn to understand & practice this kind of activity;

have a chance to find yourselves in the sphere of tourism, to be a travel agent & to lure our guests to travel.

II. Phonetic Drill. ( ppp 6)

T – Have a look at the thoughts of famous people and repeat after me :

Travelling is one way of lengthening life

( Benjamin Frankling)

He who travels far, knows much

( John Clarke)

The world is a book, and those who do not

travel, read only a page

( St. Augustine)

T - And now, my dear friends, do you agree with these statements?

Ps – Yes, of couse.

P – It is very interesting to think it over and find the truth. I’m totally agree.

T – I’m happy with your reasoning and want you to give me one more your own thought according to our topic.

P – « Tourism influences on the modern life-style»

T – Right you are. I like this one : ( ppp 7)

«If you look like your passport picture, you probably need the trip.»

III. Vocabulary practice.

T - The main part of our trip is learning a new voc-ry and revise the previous. Look at the screen, I have smth for you :

(ppp 8)

Different kinds of holidays, trips & excursions :

-activity holiday

-coach station



-round-the-world trip

-business trip


-holiday resort


-to cross the border

-tourist attractions

T – I ask you , my dear, to explain, reading the definition, the meanings of the words. Don’t name it. Everybody should guess. Who will be the first?

- Thank you, try to remember!

IV. Warming-up. (Writing) ( ppp 9)

T – Divide into 3 groups.

T – Look at the board. We have 4 ways of travelling. You know it very well. These are some kinds of travel by means of which we can travel. You have 2 minutes.

Put the words from the list into the four categories :

ferry,coach,plane,sleeping car,motorbike,yacht,dining car, flight,harbour,platform,motorway,terminal,cruise,compartment,runway,traffic jam,voyage

Road Sea Rail Air

Travel Travel Travel Travel

……………….. …………….. ……………. ……………..

………………. …………….. ……………. ……………..

………………. …………….. ……………. ……………..

……………….. …………….. ……………. …………….

T – Thank you, the winner is……………………………team. You receive your Golden Tickets.

V. Listening. (ppp 10)

T - Listen to the five recordings and match them to the means of transport

used in each of them :

A ferry

B hitch-hiking

C plane

D train

E underground

T – Who will answer? A – 4, B – 5, C – 2, D – 1, E – 3.

T – Thanks a lot! You were great! You receive you Golden Tickets.

VI. Reading. ( ppp 11)

T - Look at the words. Tell me, please, which of the forms of transport is, in your opinion :

  • the cheapest?

  • the most comfortable?

  • the most expensive?

  • your personally favourite? Why?


Bus or coach





T – Thank you for your explanations.

T - Read the following article about different ways of travelling.“ Travel round Europe”.

T – What kinds of transport did the Author mention there?

T – Right you are.

( ppp 13)

T – And now, speaking about our text, have a look at the board and match the underlined words from the text to the definitions:

1) a kind of ticket that is valid for many trips______________

2) a type of luggage that you carry on your back___________

3) the line separating two countries_____________________

4) the money you pay to travel_________________________

5) the time of year when there are a lot of tourists__________

T – Good work!

VII. Checking Home-work. (ppp Paradise & Thailand)

T - Let’s check your home assignment. You were to imagine, that you want to go anywhere, but you don’t know exactly. What should you do in this situation?

Who wants to present the dialogs?

T – 2 players, please. The first is a travel agent, the second – a confused traveler. And you were asked to prepare travel booklets.( give the booklets)

T – I’m thankful for your acting! Golden Tickets go to you! It was perfect!

VIII. Speaking. ( work in groups) ( ppp 14)

T - Imaging you have been asked for advice about a cheap but interesting holiday in your country. Make a short dialog using the following headings :

Places to go : It’s worth going to/ visiting….

Transport : You can take….

Accommodation : You can stay at/ in…..

Food : If you want to eat well without spending a fortune,…

Things to do : Depending on what you like, you can….

T – You have 2 minutes to think it over. Ok?

T – I want two pupils to present this dialog.

T – you worked hard! Thanks! Take your Golden Tickets!

IX. Summing-up.

T – Thank you. Our lesson is over. You’ve got a lot of interesting info. What did you study today? Was it useful for you? I hoped you liked our lesson. You have the Golden travel tickets to visit these wonderful places of your dream.

Tasks for your home-work : ( ppp 15)

1) You are to prepare booklets about

any Country you would like to present us and to visit;

2) There should be such info:

-kind of a trip;

-name of the country;

-places to visit (2-3);

-where to stay;


-how to get there;


T – Is everything clear? Your marks are : ………………………………………

( comment marks)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

План-конспект уроку на тему : «Travelling & Tourism. Glossy postcards.»

Автор: Барвінок Світлана Леонідівна

Дата: 16.06.2014

Номер свидетельства: 106101

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