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План-конспект урока по теме "Towns and Cities"

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План-конспект урока по теме "Towns and Cities" направлен на введение новой лексики с последующей актуализацией в речевых ситуациях для учащихся 10-11 классов. Также урок сожержит упражнения на повторение грамматического материало по темам "Present Perfect" и конструкции "Used to be". Набор лексических единиц и грамматических конструкций является универсальным и может служить дополнением к любому УМК.

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«План-конспект урока по теме "Towns and Cities" »

План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 10 классе

по теме “Towns and Cities”

Тип урока: промежуточный

Время: 45 минут



- сформировать целостное представление об инфраструктуре малых и больших городов;

- формирование уважительного отношения к мнению других.


- расширение знаний учащихся в рамках темы “Towns and Cities”;

- развитие навыков говорения, чтения и письма.


- усвоение новой лексики по теме и активное употребление ее в речевых ситуациях;

- актуализация грамматического материала по темам “Present Perfect” и “Used to be”;

- совершенствование навыков поискового и просмотрового чтения.


- развивать языковую догадку;

- тренировать кратковременную и долговременную память;

- развивать концентрацию внимания;

- формулировать выводы из прочитанного и услышанного.


Картинки с изображением различных видов домов.

Раздаточный материал с домашним заданием.


Ход урока

1.Организационный момент

T: Good afternoon! Sit down, please. I’m very glad to see you!

SS: Good afternoon!

2. Целеполагание

T: We will start a new topic today. What are we going to speak about? Look at the pictures and tell me, please, what you think. (см. приложение)

S1: I see different building, modern and old ones.

S2: I think there are different cities in the pictures. Two of them are big and the others are small.

T: Yes, that’s right. Today we are going to speak about towns and cities. By the way, where do we live? Is it a city or a town?

SS: We live in the city because it is quite big. There are a lot of shopping centers, restaurants, cinemas and universities.

T: Has our city always been so big and modern?

SS: No, it has been much smaller.

3. Повторение грамматического материала по теме “Present Perfect” и “Used to be

T: In your handouts you have the text about small town Caerwen. Your task is to read the text, list the things which have changed and talk about them.


One year after the flood which damaged many old buildings in Caerwen, our historic town has a completely new face. Many of the important old buildings, such as the castle and the town hall, have been repaired and are now more beautiful than ever, but the 18th-century school, which was very badly damaged, had to be pulled down. In its place there is a lovely park with fabulous gardens. The old mill has also been replaced by a sports and leisure center, and the entire riverfront has been turned into a place for peaceful walks by the water. A new car park has been built for the convenience of visitors, and a modern shopping center is being planned to fulfill all shopping needs. But don’t take our word for it – come and see Caerwen, a historic town with a new face, for yourself.”

T: Which changes are mentioned in the text?

S1: Such buildings as town hall and the castle have been renovated. Besides, the 18th-century school has been pulled down and replaced by a lovely new park with fabulous gardens.

S2: The old mill has been replaced by a sports and leisure center. Moreover, the riverfront has been turned into a place for peaceful walks by the water.

S3: A new car park has been built and a modern shopping center is being planned.

T: Right you are. How has our city changed? Discuss with your partner what our city used to be like, let’s say 10 years ago, and what it is like now.

S1→S2: - I suppose our city has grown in size. There used to be small houses and now a lot of skyscrapers and blocks of flats are being built in the center of the city.

-I agree. Also, in the suburbs there used to be old and shabby houses and now there are cozy cottages and detached houses.

-Besides, new facilities have appeared. There used to be small corner shops and now there are a lot of shopping centers which fulfill even the most sophisticated needs of customers.

-You’re right. There are malls for every taste and wallet.

T: Very well. All of you have mentioned only positive changes. Does our city have any negative ones?

S1: I guess there are no negative changes. Our life has become more convenient and interesting.

S2: Sorry, but I disagree. There used to be few cars on narrow roads and less car accidents. Now a lot of highways have been built and there is congested traffic. For example, to get to school in a rush hour it takes me about 1 hour because of traffic jams.

S3: I have one more idea. There used to be no beggars and homeless people on the streets of our city, and now there are a lot of such people near the market place and railway station. They have no place to live and no money, so they steal and commit other crimes which leads to the increase of a crime rate in our city.

T: Thank you. Now let’s talk about the facilities in our city. Look at the blackboard and match the facilities to the groups, and comment upon your answers. На доске: Facilities: swimming pool; department store; shopping center; railway station; airport; football stadium; opera house; underground; leisure center; multi-storey car park; university; theatre; museum; zoo; school; art gallery; college; mall; ice rink.

Groups: Culture Transport Education Sport Shopping

S1: For culture group I have: opera house, theatre, museum and art gallery. I think the most attractive place to visit for tourists in our city is art gallery because it has the unique collection of wooden sculptures.

S2: As for transport, there are: railway station, airport, underground and multi-storey car park. Unfortunately, there is no underground in our city. Besides, there is only one multi-storey car park in the center. I guess our local authorities should build underground and more multi-storey car parks. It would make the traffic in our city less congested and more convenient. Also, we have an airport, but it is not big enough. Every year the number of flights and tourists is increasing but in our airport there in not enough space for departures and arrivals.

S3: In education group goes university, school and college. In my opinion, our city has a great variety of educational facilities to choose from. That’s why a lot of students come to our city every year to get good education.

S4: Sport group includes swimming pool, football stadium and ice rink. I’m quite satisfied with sport facilities of our city. There are several swimming pools, 4 big football stadiums and even an indoor ice rink in our city.

S5: For shopping group suit such words as department store, shopping center, leisure center and mall. Shopping facilities are quite good in our city. Customers can find all world famous brands and modern trends.

T: Thank you. All your ideas are very good and creative. One more point I want to discuss with you. Do you think that there are any serious problems in our city?

SS: Yes, there are some. For example, homelessness, traffic congestion, overpopulation and so on.

T: Right you are. Also, there are such problems as pollution, vandalism, sub-standard housing and high crime rate. Учитель записывает все проблемы города на доске.

As our time is almost up for today, you home task will be to prepare the speaking describing our native city. Look through the cards with your home task.

Give a 5 minute talk on the topic My Native City. Remember to speak about:

  • how has your city changed (name 5 changes);

  • what problems does your city have (give 3 examples);

  • how to solve these problems;

  • what places of interest would you recommend to a foreign tourist to visit in your city and explain why; (give 3 examples).

T: Are there any questions on your speaking task?

You’ve done a good job today. Your marks are… See you tomorrow!


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

План-конспект урока по теме "Towns and Cities"

Автор: Киселева Арина Викторовна

Дата: 30.08.2015

Номер свидетельства: 227814

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