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План-конспект урока по теме “Town Life. London”

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В данном конспекте урока учащиеся знакомятся с новыми лексическими единицами по теме “Town Life. London”, развивают умение частично-неподготовленной диалогической речи на уровне развернутого диалогического высказывания.Данный конспект урока составлен по УМК И.Н. Верещагина, О.В.Афанасьева для 4 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка.

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«План-конспект урока по теме “Town Life. London” »

Департамент образования города Москвы

План-конспект урока

ГБОУ СОШ №1297 (третий год обучения)

по теме “Town Life. London”

УМК И.Н. Верещагина, О.В.Афанасьева для 4 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка

Выполнила: Федотова А.А.

Проверила: Газарян И.З.

Москва, 2011

Тип урока: урок формирования лексических навыков

Задачи урока:

Практическая задача урока:

  1. Ознакомить учащихся с лексикой по ситуации “Town Life. London” ( активная лексика town, city, square, main, cinema, theatre, church, road; пассивная лексика( фразы-клише) turn to the left/right to the traffic lights, walk two blocks) и научить употреблять ее на уровне подстановки.

  2. Развивать умение частично-неподготовленной диалогической речи на уровне развернутого диалогического высказывания.

Воспитательная задача урока:

  1. Научить учащихся работать в парах, слушать и принимать точку зрения друг друга.

Образовательная задача урока:

  1. Способствовать расширению филологического кругозора учащихся и социокультурной компетенции на основе художественного текста для чтения “It’s interesting to know… “ ( упр. 8 стр. 48)

Развивающая задача урока:

  1. Способствовать развитию языковой и контекстуальной догадки, внимания, мышления ( при семантизации и тренировке ЛЕ)


УМК, доска, раздаточный материал ( карточки), наглядные пособия.


  1. Речевая подготовка:

  1. Организационный момент:

T: Good morning! Glad to meet you! How are you today? What date is it today? What’s the weather like today?

T: Today we will learn a lot of new things. But first of all, let’s do our phonetic exercises.

  1. Произносительная зарядка (диалог-ex. 6 p. 47)

  1. Снятие трудностей ( на доске turn to the left/right, walk to blocks, traffic lights)

  2. Установка на чтение и постановка КЗ: Listen to the dialogue and say if Andy could help Pete.

  3. Первое прослушивание.

  4. Проверка понимания и решение КЗ.

  5. Обучающее чтение.

  6. Модельное чтение. (читают средние ученики)

  1. Развитие умения частично-неподготовленной диалогической речи на уровне развернутого диалогического высказывания (работа в парах)

  1. Установка на выполнение задания и время:

T: Think of your own dialogues. The words can help you. You have got 2 minutes.

12 Green Street

Turn to the left

To the left

Walk 3 blocks

A: Excuse me. Could you help me?

B: Sure. What do you want?

A: Where is _____________ , please?

B: Oh, that’s easy. Walk to the corner and then _____________________ .

A: To the corner and then ________?

B: That’s right. And then _______________ . And you are in Green Street.

A: Thank you!

15 Green Street

Turn to the right

To the right

Walk 7 blocks

A: Excuse me. Could you help me?

B: Sure. What do you want?

A: Where is _____________ , please?

B: Oh, that’s easy. Walk to the corner and then _____________________ .

A: To the corner and then ________?

B: That’s right. And then _______________ . And you are in Green Street.

A: Thank you!

6 Green Street

Turn to the right

To the right

Walk 2 blocks

A: Excuse me. Could you help me?

B: Sure. What do you want?

A: Where is _____________ , please?

B: Oh, that’s easy. Walk to the corner and then _____________________ .

A: To the corner and then ________?

B: That’s right. And then _______________ . And you are in Green Street.

A: Thank you!

7 Green Street

Turn to the left

To the right

Walk 9 blocks

A: Excuse me. Could you help me?

B: Sure. What do you want?

A: Where is _____________ , please?

B: Oh, that’s easy. Walk to the corner and then _____________________ .

A: To the corner and then ________?

B: That’s right. And then _______________ . And you are in Green Street.

A: Thank you!

  1. Проверка. Учащиеся выходят к доске и разыгрывают диалоги при помощи опор.

  1. Проверка домашнего задания.

T: Now, let’s check your hometask. Open ex. 5 p.42 ( конструкция to be going to do smth) and Барашкова ex. 108 ( общие вопросы).

  1. Работа с новыми лексическими единицами:

  1. Ознакомление.

T: Our topic today is “Town Life. London”. Today we will learn new words. Let’s have a look at the blackboard.

T: Have a look at the picture. It’s Red Square. Repeat after me-square. What is it? Can you translate? And London there is Trafalgar Square.

P: перевод

T: Have a look at the picture. It’s a place where people can watch films. It’s the “Pushkinskii” Cinema. Repeat after me - cinema

P: перевод

T: Have a look at the picture. It’s the Bolshoi Theatre. Repeat after me-theatre.

P: перевод

T: Have a look at the picture. It’s a church. Repeat after me-church. What is it? Can you translate?

P: перевод

T: Have a look at the picture. It’s a road. Repeat after me-road. What is it? Can you translate?

P: перевод

T: Объяснение разницы town / city.

T: Введение слова main ( переводной способ)

  1. Тренировка:

T:Let’s practise a bit.

  1. Имитация.

T: Repeat after me if I am right.

  1. London is a city.

  2. It is Red Square.

  3. It is the “Pushkinskii” Cinema.

  4. It’s the Bolshoi Theatre.

  5. It’s a beautiful church.

  6. It is a long road.

  1. Модельное чтение.( режим T-Cl)

  2. Контролирующее чтение.

  3. Подстановка.

T: Insert the necessary words.

  1. We live in Moscow near Red ___________ .

  2. I like to watch films in the _________ .

  3. Where is the Bolshoi ________________ ?

  4. The old ________ is very beautiful with its golden domes. ( золотые купола)

  5. Moscow is a big ___________ .

  6. What is the _______ square in Moscow? It is Red Square.

  1. Работа с текстом.

  1. Введение в тему.

T: What is our topic today, remind, please?

T: Right you are. So we are going to read about famous places of London.

  1. Снятие трудностей (социокультурные реалии страны изучаемого языка): Bloomsbury Square, the British Museum, Great Russel Street, the “Odean” , the Royal Opera, Covent Garden, to found, critics.

  2. Установка на чтение:

T: Read to get some information about London.

  1. Первичное прочтение.

  2. Проверка понимания:

True/ False:

  1. Bloomsbury Square is one of the oldest in London.

  2. The British Museum is not old.

  3. The “Odeon” is a cinema.

  4. One of the oldest churches in London is St. Paul’s Cathedral.

  5. The Royal Opera House or Covent Garden is in the centre of the garden.

  1. Завершающий этап урока.

  1. Подведение итогов.

  2. Выставление отметок+устное оценивание.

  3. Домашнее задание: ex. 6 p. 47 ( кассета +учить), ex. 9 p. 48 (устно),

ex. 19 p. 51 (словарь).

Если останется время, кроссворд:

  1. How often do you go to the Bolshoi _________?

  2. It is a very beautiful ______________ .

  3. Moscow is a big city and Korolev is a small _________ .

  4. What is the ________ square in Moscow? It is Red Square.

  5. Do you like to go to the _________ to watch films?





























12 Green Street

Turn to the left

To the left

Walk 3 blocks

A: Excuse me. Could you help me?

B: Sure. What do you want?

A: Where is _____________ , please?

B: Oh, that’s easy. Walk to the corner ad then _____________________ .

A: To the corner and then ________?

B: That’s right. And then _______________ . And you are in Green Street.

A: Thank you!

15 Green Street

Turn to the right

To the right

Walk 7 blocks

A: Excuse me. Could you help me?

B: Sure. What do you want?

A: Where is _____________ , please?

B: Oh, that’s easy. Walk to the corner and then _____________________ .

A: To the corner and then ________?

B: That’s right. And then _______________ . And you are in Green Street.

A: Thank you!

6 Green Street

Turn to the right

To the right

Walk 2 blocks

A: Excuse me. Could you help me?

B: Sure. What do you want?

A: Where is _____________ , please?

B: Oh, that’s easy. Walk to the corner and then _____________________ .

A: To the corner and then ________?

B: That’s right. And then _______________ . And you are in Green Street.

A: Thank you!

7 Green Street

Turn to the left

To the right

Walk 9 blocks

A: Excuse me. Could you help me?

B: Sure. What do you want?

A: Where is _____________ , please?

B: Oh, that’s easy. Walk to the corner and then _____________________ .

A: To the corner and then ________?

B: That’s right. And then _______________ . And you are in Green Street.

A: Thank you!

12 Green Street

Turn to the left

To the left

Walk 3 blocks

A: Excuse me. Could you help me?

B: Sure. What do you want?

A: Where is _____________ , please?

B: Oh, that’s easy. Walk to the corner and then _____________________ .

A: To the corner and then ________?

B: That’s right. And then _______________ . And you are in Green Street.

A: Thank you!

15 Green Street

Turn to the right

To the right

Walk 7 blocks

A: Excuse me. Could you help me?

B: Sure. What do you want?

A: Where is _____________ , please?

B: Oh, that’s easy. Walk to the corner and then _____________________ .

A: To the corner and then ________?

B: That’s right. And then _______________ . And you are in Green Street.

A: Thank you!

  1. How often do you go to the Bolshoi _________?

  2. It is a very beautiful ______________ .

  3. Moscow is a big city and Korolev is a small _________ .

  4. What is the ________ square in Moscow? It is Red Square.

  5. Do you like to go to the _________ to watch films?





























  1. How often do you go to the Bolshoi _________?

  2. It is a very beautiful ______________ .

  3. Moscow is a big city and Korolev is a small _________ .

  4. What is the ________ square in Moscow? It is Red Square.

  5. Do you like to go to the _________ to watch films?





























  1. We live in Moscow near Red ___________ .

  2. I like to watch films in the _________ .

  3. Where is the Bolshoi ________________ ?

  4. The old ________ is very beautiful with its golden domes. ( золотые купола)

  5. Moscow is a big ___________ .

  6. What is the _______ square in Moscow? It is Red Square.

  1. We live in Moscow near Red ___________ .

  2. I like to watch films in the _________ .

  3. Where is the Bolshoi ________________ ?

  4. The old ________ is very beautiful with its golden domes. ( золотые купола)

  5. Moscow is a big ___________ .

  6. What is the _______ square in Moscow? It is Red Square.

  1. We live in Moscow near Red ___________ .

  2. I like to watch films in the _________ .

  3. Where is the Bolshoi ________________ ?

  4. The old ________ is very beautiful with its golden domes. ( золотые купола)

  5. Moscow is a big ___________ .

  6. What is the _______ square in Moscow? It is Red Square.

  1. We live in Moscow near Red ___________ .

  2. I like to watch films in the _________ .

  3. Where is the Bolshoi ________________ ?

  4. The old ________ is very beautiful with its golden domes. ( золотые купола)

  5. Moscow is a big ___________ .

  6. What is the _______ square in Moscow? It is Red Square.

  1. We live in Moscow near Red ___________ .

  2. I like to watch films in the _________ .

  3. Where is the Bolshoi ________________ ?

  4. The old ________ is very beautiful with its golden domes. ( золотые купола)

  5. Moscow is a big ___________ .

  6. What is the _______ square in Moscow? It is Red Square.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

План-конспект урока по теме “Town Life. London”

Автор: Федотова Алла Александровна

Дата: 23.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 190136

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