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План - конспект урока по английскому языку "Реальные и нереальные условные предложения"

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  1. To practice Real/Unreal conditional structures in statements and questions;
  2. To develop speaking and listening skills within the grammar area;
  3. To develop deductive habits and interaction skills.

Forms: group work, pair work, frontal work

Materials: cards, tests cards, board

On the board:

“If you are planning for a year, sow rice,

If you are planning for a decade, plant trees,

If you are planning for a lifetime, educate people”

                                                             Chinese proverb

  1. Organization moment. Greeting. Declaration of the objectives of the lesson.

T divides the class into two teams, assigns the tasks and explains the rules.

  1. Checking homework. T checks a composition “My ideal school”. Volunteer Ss read their compositions.
  2. Warm-up: group to pair work. T distributes cards which are the halves of conditional sentences, e.g. 1 card: “I would buy a computer…” 2 card: “…if I had enough money.”

The task is to make a sentences of two halves. Ss go around the class and look  for a pair to match the halves of their cards.

  1. Game “Guess the habit”.

The aim is to review the grammar area.

  1. T distributes the cards with questions to both teams and to Ss who are to cards with questions to both teams and to Ss who are to leave the room;
  2. One S of each team leaves the room;
  3. Ss who are in the classroom answer the questions about their team-mate who is out, trying to guess the answers;
  4. Ss then ask their team-mates the same questions and count the coincidences. The team which guesses the most answers wins.
  1. Jigsaw reading with Real conditional structure.

T reads aloud the text, then gives out the parts of the text to Ss. After listening to the text Ss put the sentences in order using Real conditional structures. Then each group reads their texts in front of the class.

  1. “Ambition” questionnaire with Real/Unreal conditional structures. T gives out the tests “Ambition”, translates some words if necessary. Ss complete the test, read the results and discuss if the results are true to life.
  2. Conclusion and evaluation.

T asks the questions to check what Ss have learned during the lesson and what they found interesting.

T evaluates the Ss work during the lesson, gives the home assignment. Ss share their opinions about the lesson.

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«План - конспект урока по английскому языку "Реальные и нереальные условные предложения" »




  1. To practice Real/Unreal conditional structures in statements and questions;

  2. To develop speaking and listening skills within the grammar area;

  3. To develop deductive habits and interaction skills.

Forms: group work, pair work, frontal work

Materials: cards, tests cards, board

On the board:

“If you are planning for a year, sow rice,

If you are planning for a decade, plant trees,

If you are planning for a lifetime, educate people”

Chinese proverb

  1. Organization moment. Greeting. Declaration of the objectives of the lesson.

T divides the class into two teams, assigns the tasks and explains the rules.

  1. Checking homework. T checks a composition “My ideal school”. Volunteer Ss read their compositions.

  2. Warm-up: group to pair work. T distributes cards which are the halves of conditional sentences, e.g. 1 card: “I would buy a computer…” 2 card: “…if I had enough money.”

The task is to make a sentences of two halves. Ss go around the class and look for a pair to match the halves of their cards.

  1. Game “Guess the habit”.

The aim is to review the grammar area.

  1. T distributes the cards with questions to both teams and to Ss who are to cards with questions to both teams and to Ss who are to leave the room;

  2. One S of each team leaves the room;

  3. Ss who are in the classroom answer the questions about their team-mate who is out, trying to guess the answers;

  4. Ss then ask their team-mates the same questions and count the coincidences. The team which guesses the most answers wins.

  1. Jigsaw reading with Real conditional structure.

T reads aloud the text, then gives out the parts of the text to Ss. After listening to the text Ss put the sentences in order using Real conditional structures. Then each group reads their texts in front of the class.

  1. Ambition” questionnaire with Real/Unreal conditional structures. T gives out the tests “Ambition”, translates some words if necessary. Ss complete the test, read the results and discuss if the results are true to life.

  2. Conclusion and evaluation.

T asks the questions to check what Ss have learned during the lesson and what they found interesting.

T evaluates the Ss work during the lesson, gives the home assignment. Ss share their opinions about the lesson.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Автор: Мороз Светлана Николаевна

Дата: 15.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 219748

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