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«План-конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе»
План-конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе (УМК под редакцией М.З.Биболетовой)
Учитель: Небытова Н.В (МКОУ «Лицей №2»)
Тема урока: «Школа. Школьные предметы».
Цели и задачи:
- развитие навыков чтения и устной речи на иностранном
- обобщение и систематизация знаний по изученной теме;
- обеспечение практического применения полученных
знаний, умений и навыков;
- воспитание взаимоуважения во время работы в команде.
Оснащение урока: АРМ предметника, учебник, рабочая тетрадь, мяч, магнитофон, раздаточный материал, материал для рефлексии.
Тип урока: обобщение знаний.
Ход урока.
I этап. Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной речевой деятельности.
1. Оргмомент.
Учитель: Hello, dear friends! I am glad to see you. You are so nice today. My name is Miss Svetlana. Today I am your teacher of English. How are your today?
Ученик: I am fine, thank you.
Учитель: And you? Have you any news?
Ученик: I am OK, thanks. I have no news.
2. Речеваязарядка.
Учитель: I am glad that you are good. Oh, I am so busy today that I don’t remember what day it is today? Will you help me, please?
Ученик: It’s Tuesday.
Учитель: Right you are. Thank you. Do you remember all days of week? Let’s revise them. Listen to me and say after me. (Days of week)
Учитель: What date is it today?
Ученик: Today is the 14th of October.
Учитель: It is autumn now, isn’t it?
Ученик: Yes, it is.
Учитель: I like spring and summer. What is your favourite season?
Ученик: My favourite season is…
Учитель: Is the weather good or bad today?
Ученик: The weather is …
3. Установка к уроку.
Boys and girls, today we’ll speak about school and school subjects.
II этап. Работа с языковым материалом.
Учитель: Для того, чтобы рассказывать нашим друзьям из других стран о том, в какую школу мы ходим и какие предметы изучаем, нам нужно знать много английских слов. А для того, чтобы эти слова правильно и красиво произносить, нам нужно разбудить Miss Chatter.
1.Фонетическая зарядка: Miss Chatter проснулась и хочет выглянуть в окошко (произносим звук ). Теперь она делает зарядку ( произносим звук r , there is, there are). A tongue twister: She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore
Thank you. Well done.
2. Повторение названий школьных предметов.
So today we’re speaking about school subjects, but do you remember them? Look at the screen, listen to me and say after me: (названия предметов на экране)
Russian, Literature, Mathematics, Science, History, Art, Physical Education, Information Technology, Design and Technology, Music.
3.Игравмяч. And now we’ll play a ball. I’ll say words in English and you will say them in Russian and then we’ll change.
4.«Снежныйком». Let’s play game “Snowball”. Start, please. (дети играют в «Снежный ком», называя слова по теме «Школа»).
5. Упражнение на подбор соответствия. (задание на экране)
OK. I see, you know subjects well. But what do you do at your lessons? Look at the screen and match the subjects and activities:
English sing songs
Russian work on computers
Maths run, jump and play
History solve difficult problems
P.E. study events in the past
I.T. write dictations and do exercises
Music speak, read, translate texts
6. Чтениетекста «Misha’s school subjects».
Учитель: There is a text on your desks. Can you tell what this text is about?
We’ll read about a boy and his favourite subjects at school.
Misha’s school subjects.
Misha gets up early every day and goes to school. He has 5 or 6 lessons every day. He has many subjects at school: Mathematics, English, French, History, Science, Literature, Art, Physical Education, and Music.
Misha likes Mathematics. It is difficult, but it teaches him to think. At Maths lessons pupils solve difficult problems. It is his favourite subject.
Russian is not easy for Misha. Pupils must learn many rules and write many exercises.
Music is OK. Misha doesn’t play the piano, but he likes to sing.
Misha also likes Literature. It is interesting. Pupils read books and learn poems by heart.
Misha likes English. It helps him to find friends.
(ученики читают текст по цепочке).
Учитель: Thank you. And now answer my questions:
What is the boy’s name?
How many lessons has he every day?
What subjects has Misha at school?
What is Mish’a favourite subject?
What subject does Misha not like? Why?
Упражнения на основе прочитанного
Complete the sentences (задание на экране)
Misha gets up…
Misha likes …
Pupils must learn….
It is difficult, but it
Subjects we like and don’t like
Учитель: Look at the screen and say what subjects you like and don’t like and why
(на экране образец:
I like …. because….
I don’t like …. because…
Учитель: Thank you, boys and girls. And what is the best thing at school?
Ученик: The break!
Учитель: What do you do during the break? Do you remember? Open your books at page 10 ex.15. Let’s read and choose what you do during the break.
(на экране слова и выражения):
Run around the classroom
Draw funny pictures on the blackboard
Talk loudly
Have a cup of tea
(ученики составляют предложения)
Учитель: And now boys and girls, we’ll divide in 2 teams and arrange a competition.
Task 1. Look at the screen. You see school things. Let’s help a pupil to get ready to school. Write as many words as you can.
(на экране фото школьных принадлежностей)
Task 2. Crossword (на экране и у каждой команды кроссворд)
Task 3. Find 9 school subjects (задание на экране и у каждой команды)
Task 4. Say what is good and bad at school
(задание на экране и у каждой команды):
Do a lot of homework
Get bad marks
Make new friends
Learn new things
Have 5-6 lessons every day
Have fun during the break
Enjoy school parties
Get up early in the morning
Task 5. Write rules for pupils and for teachers (творческое задание). Ex.27 at p.14 will help you.
IV этап. Заключительный.
1. Подведение итогов.
Учитель: Dear friends, you’ve worked very well today. Thank you very much.
Everybody gets “5”. What have we done today? (дети говорят чему они научились и что повторили на уроке)
Учитель: Your home task is to draw or to paint your dream school and to tell about its subjects.
3. Рефлексия.
Учитель: Are you tired? Did you like our lesson? If you liked it, take a bright leaf, if you are tired and didn’t like our lesson, take a brown leaf. Stick your leaves on our tree.