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План-конспект урока английского языка на тему: Past Continuous tense

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The aims of the lesson: Improve and enrich vocabulary, to get all necessary information about Past Continuous Tense


Educational: to upgrade our language skills using Past Continuous tense.

Developing:  to develop students’ communication skills
Bring - up:     development of speech, the ability to generalize and systematize

Materials and equipment: an interactive board, computer, blackboard.



 Good morning, children! How are you today? Ok, fine. Who is on duty today? What day is it today? Who is absent? What was your homework? Be ready to present your project! Let’s start with the first group and listen to each other.

Good job!

 And now the next group, show me your poster.  Well done!



Today we shall travel to the world of the Past Continuous Tense. (Слайд 1)
I think it will be rather interesting. But before we will start our traveling let’s look at the goals of our lesson and read them
(children answer) (слайд 2)


Game “Say the word with the sound”

T:  Let’s work in pairs. Each pair will take 5 cards with some sounds. Your task is to think of the verbs with these sounds. Are you ready?

For example: [m] – climb, jump, swim

T:And now make up the sentences using this words and Past Continuous Tense.

Student Book(Ex.2 p.99)


(work group)

T: I want you to play a new game “Champion». 
The task for you is to finish my sentences in the Past Continuous Tense. 
The pupil who will make up a lot of sentences will be the champion today.

For example: The teacher was… (The teacher was standing. The teacher was speaking English. The teacher was looking at the pupils. Etc.)


Interactive board


T:  Now, please, look at the screen. Let’s remember the poem in the Past Continuous Tense and read it together. (Слайд 3)


Imagine that you are English teachers, and it is necessary to explain the rule about the Past Continuous Tense to your class. 
Who wants to go to the blackboard and try to teach us how to use it? Our screen will help you to do good explanations.
Let’s discuss statements, questions and negative sentences in the Past Continuous Tense. (Слайды 4-6).


T: I would like you to do several interesting exercises. 
Look at the screen now (
Слайд 7). 
You see these interesting pictures with animation. 
Give any names to the characters and describe their actions in the Past Continuous Tense.


I hope that all of you enjoyed our lesson. You have learnt a lot of information. And your marks for the lesson are…….

Write down your homework

In the following exercises, you should rewrite sentences, then choose correct answer. Is it clear?

The lesson is over.Good job! Thank you! Good bye!

Workbook Ex.1,2 p.78


Retelling of the text

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«План-конспект урока английского языка на тему: Past Continuous tense »

lesson plan

Date:30 .01.2014

Theme: Past Continuous Tense

Form: 6 «B»

Time: 45 min

The aims of the lesson: Improve and enrich vocabulary, to get all necessary information about Past Continuous Tense


Educational: to upgrade our language skills using Past Continuous tense.

Developing: to develop students’ communication skills
Bring - up: development of speech, the ability to generalize and systematize

Materials and equipment: an interactive board, computer, blackboard.









Good morning, children! How are you today? Ok, fine. Who is on duty today? What day is it today? Who is absent? What was your homework? Be ready to present your project! Let’s start with the first group and listen to each other.

Good job!

And now the next group, show me your poster. Well done!





Today we shall travel to the world of the Past Continuous Tense . (Слайд 1)
I think it will be rather interesting. But before we will start our traveling let’s look at the goals of our lesson and read them
(children answer) (слайд 2)




Game “Say the word with the sound”

T:  Let’s work in pairs. Each pair will take 5 cards with some sounds. Your task is to think of the verbs with these sounds. Are you ready?

For example: [m] – climb, jump, swim

T:And now make up the sentences using this words and Past Continuous Tense.


Student Book(Ex.2 p.99)



(work group)

T: I want you to play a new game “Champion». 
The task for you is to finish my sentences in the Past Continuous Tense. 
The pupil who will make up a lot of sentences will be the champion today.

For example: The teacher was… (The teacher was standing. The teacher was speaking English. The teacher was looking at the pupils. Etc.)



Interactive board



T:  Now, please, look at the screen. Let’s remember the poem in the Past Continuous Tense and read it together. (Слайд 3)



Imagine that you are English teachers, and it is necessary to explain the rule about the Past Continuous Tense to your class. 
Who wants to go to the blackboard and try to teach us how to use it? Our screen will help you to do good explanations.
Let’s discuss statements, questions and negative sentences in the Past Continuous Tense.
(Слайды 4-6).



T: I would like you to do several interesting exercises. 
Look at the screen now (
Слайд 7). 
You see these interesting pictures with animation. 
Give any names to the characters and describe their actions in the Past Continuous Tense.




I hope that all of you enjoyed our lesson. You have learnt a lot of information. And your marks for the lesson are…….

Write down your homework

In the following exercises, you should rewrite sentences, then choose correct answer. Is it clear?

The lesson is over.Good job! Thank you! Good bye!


Workbook Ex.1,2 p.78


Retelling of the text

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

План-конспект урока английского языка на тему: Past Continuous tense

Автор: Satayeva Ayagoz Zhumabaevna

Дата: 23.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 242984

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