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План-конспект урока английского языка "Мой город"

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Данный урок посвящен экскурсии по городу.
Основная цель урока: знакомство с историей родного города и совершенствование речевых навыков.
Учебные действия.
Познавательные: учащиеся должны знать историю своего города.
Коммуникативные: свободно говорить по-английски по данной теме.
Регулятивные: Самостоятельно принимать решение.

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«План-конспект урока английского языка "Мой город" »



Учитель: Лемешок Наталия Ахнафовна

Предмет: Иностранный язык (английский), история

Класс 8:

Тема: Сызрань – мой родной город.

Цель: Ознакомление учащихся с историей Сызрани, с ее достопримечательностями, традициями.





Самоорганизация учащихся.

Умение работать в группе.

Патриотизм, уважение к русской культуре и толерантность к иностранному языку.

Развитие информационно-коммуникативных компетенций.

Изучение истории родного города, его традиций и достопримечательностей.

Развитие логического мышления, памяти, навыков устной речи на русском и иностранном языке (английский).


  • Карточки с информацией о легенде Сызрани, (раздаточный материал на английском языке).

  • Мультимедиа проектор

  • Ноутбук

Программное обеспечение

  • Компьютерная презентация о Сызрани

  • Видеоклип о Сызрани.

Ход урока:

1-й этап: Организационный.

Урок начинается с рапорта дежурного на английском языке.

Дежурный: Let me introduce myself. My name is Ann. I’m on duty today.

It’s the seventh of May today. All are present at the lesson. The students are ready for the class, devoted to our native town Syzran.

Позвольте мне представиться. Меня зовут Анна. Я дежурная. Сегодня 7 мая. Присутствуют все. Учащиеся готовы к уроку, посвященному нашему родному городу Сызрани.

Вступительное слово преподавателя:

Лемешок Н.А.:

Good morning, children! We have gathered here to have a talk about one of the beautiful towns of Samara region, Syzran. As we live here, we must know the culture, the traditions and the history of our town. Syzran has its own traditions such as the music festival “Silver pipes of the Volga region”. Everybody knows an exclusive holiday of a Syzran tomato, which gathers visitors from the whole region. We must proud of our town, its people, its culture, its history and its traditions».

Приложение 1.

Звучит видеоклип «Гимн городу Сызрани», учащиеся делятся впечатлениями и задают проблемные вопросы об истории Сызрани:

Возможные вопросы:

1) Откуда появилось название «Сызрань», что оно означает? (легенда)

What did the name “Syzran” come from, and what does it mean?

2) Как появился город Сызрань?

How did Syzran come into existence?

3) Как достопримечательности города Сызрани связаны с ее историей?

How are the sights of Syzran connected with its history?

2-й этап: Информационно-познавательный. Рассказ учителя.

Аудирование текста на английском языке:

There is a legend, explaining the river name of our town. “There lived once a girl whose name was Syza, and she loved a young man called Kashpour. One day Kashpour had to fight with nomads. That fight was very long and hard. Kashpour, wounded and blooded, fell down on the ground. And then, Syza, his love, took out the sword from his dying hands, got on the hot horse and continued the battle. That battle was also hard for Syza. Wounded Syza didn’t want to be captured by the nomads and threw herself down from the rock into the river. The river, that took wounded Syza, got the name Syzranka.

2) Затем учащиеся составляют предложения на английском языке о Сызрани.

Сonnect the first and the second halves of the sentences to get a legend.Приложение 2.

1. There is a legend a) got the name “Syzranka”.

2. There once lived a girl b) explaining the river name of our town.

3. She loved a young man c) threw down from the rock into the river.

4. Kashpour had to fight d) whose name was Syza.

5. Kashpour wounded and blooded e) got on the hot horse and continued the battle.

6. Syza took out the sword from his f) fell down on the ground.

dying hands

7. Wounded Syza didn’t want to be captured g) against nomads.

by the nomads

8. The river, that took wounded Syza h) called Kashpour.

3) Учащиеся знакомятся с историей города и его достопримечательностями.

Показ презентации о городе Сызрани и комментарии студентов. Экскурсия по городу.

3-й этап: Рефлексия.

1-й экскурсовод:

Syzran is an old Volga town. It was founded in 1683. This year our native town has celebrated its 330th anniversary. At the beginning it was a fortress promoting trading security between northern and southern regions of Russia. We usually say and hear that Syzran is situated on the right bank of the river Volga. It is true, but we should mention four more rivers. The territory of the town is crossed by four small rivers, making part of the basin of the Great Russian River Volga. They are the Syzranka, the Krymza, the Kubra and the Kashpirka.The town of Syzran is a part of Samara region of the Russian Federation. It is 137 km downstream from Samara. You can get it by car, by train and by river, the most pleasant way of traveling in summer in our climate. We can say for sure our town occupies a favorable transport-geographical position. Railway crosses it in six directions. It means that you can easily go to the north, south, east or west, if your starting point is Syzran. Isn’t it great! Syzran is the center of Syzran district. Its territory is rather big, 117 sq. km. About 200 000 people live here. Situated on the territory of Syzran Luka, having the unique natural landscape, washed by 5 rivers and having preserved its architectural and historical shape, the town of Syzran is a real pearl of Samara region and the whole Volga region. The visiting card of the town is the Kremlin.

2-й экскурсовод:

The Kremlin

The Kremlin of Syzran is one of the main sights of the town. It is situated at the beginning of Sovetskaya Street (former Bolshaya Street). It was built in 1688. In the XIX-XX centuries. There was a church store where icons, candles and other church objects were sold. After the October Revolution it was closed to the public. It was the Kremlin and on its place the only Spasskaya Tower remained and now it is a monument of architecture and an ancient construction. It is a historical monument of state significance. There is a museum of the Kremlin. The height of the tower is 27 meters. Inside the tower there is a bell. In front of the Tower you can see a small alley with flowers. Not far from the Kremlin there is a memorial in honour of the warriors died in the wars.

3-й экскурсовод:

Syzran Museum of Local Lore

Syzran Museum of Local Lore was built from 1923 up to 1925.The idea of foundation of the museum belongs to N.V. Guryev, a local amateur-explorer. In 1922 an agricultural exhibition was held in Syzran. From that time the museum began its searching, expositional, cultural and researching activity. Today it is the modern cultural center of Samara region. Here you can see a lot of tourists and local people, who come to see historical past of the town. In the museum there are different things of people’s dwellings of that time, flora and fauna of Syzran and here tourists can buy different souvenirs in memory of Syzran. In 1990 the exhibition Hall was given to the museum. It is located in the mansion of the former merchant Martinian Vasiljevich Chernoukhin. It is a monument of Russian wooden architecture, which has federal meaning. In this building there is a drawing-room of noble families, an exhibition hall where you can see paintings of Syzran artists and other ones, who come to Syzran from other towns and cities of Russia.

приезжают в Сызрань из других городов России.

4-й экскурсовод:.

Sterlyadkin Mansion

Sterlyadkin Mansion is one of the most beautiful and historical building, a great monument of Russian architecture, maintained in Syzran up to present time. Its mistery begins from the history of its foundation. The designer was а famous architect Feodor Shehtel. The two-storeyed building was founded in 1908-1914 by the order of Sergei Sterlyadkin – one of the merchant’s son who was very rich Alexander Sterlyadkin. That time the mansion was considered to be a palace, it was very rich as there was a great library, and a big safe with jewelry. After the October Revolution the mansion was nationalized and given to the State and became the building of State significance. At first it was a children’s hospital, then in 30-s it became a policlinic.

Now it is the building where young couples are married and put their signature in the book of state acts. You can see many weddings here. Some people say that it is a very mysterious house as there are a lot of ghosts. May be it is the master himself walks from time to time in his ownership.

5-й экскурсовод:

Syzran branch of Samara Technological University.

Syzran branch of Samara Technological University is situated in the centre of the town in Sovetskaya Street; it was founded in 1951 as learning and consulting centre of all the Union Machine-Building Institute. At first it was Kuibyshev Polytechnic Institute and then it was renamed into Samara State Technological University. During the years of its work 9000 of specialists graduated from it. They work in different spheres of our economy. Many of the graduates became teachers of the University, scientists, leaders of enterprises, highly qualified specialists.

6 экскурсовод:

Syzran Alexei Tolstoy Drama Theatre was founded in 1870 — was opened by the local

merchant as the summer theatre named “Hermitage». Many famous actors of that time came to the theatre, that made local authorities speak about the building a stationary theatre. But the opening of the theatre took place only in October, 24 1918. The first art producer of the theatre was an actor Gleb Rostov. The plays after Leo Tolstoy were greeted by the public. They had a great popularity among the local population.

4-й этап: Практический (в игровой форме)

Проводится викторина «Знаешь ли ты Сызрань?» (Проводит один из учащихся).

Quizz. Викторина о Сызрани на английском и русском языках.

1. When was Syzran founded?

1. Когда была основана Сызрань? (It was founded in 1683)

2. Who was the founder of the town? (G.Kozlovsky)

2. Кто был основателем города?

3. How many rivers are there in Syzran? (There are five rivers in Syzran)

3. Сколько рек в городе Сызрани?

4. How was the central Street of Syzran called? (The central street was called Bolshaya).

4. Как называлась центральная улица Сызрани?

5. How old is Syzran? (Syzran is 331 years old).

5. Сколько лет Сызрани?

6. What traditions are there in Syzran? (The holiday of a Syzran tomato)

6. Какие традиции есть в Сызрани?

7. What was the first name of SamaraTechnical University?

7. Как раньше назывался Самарский технический университет?

(Kuibyshev Polytechnic Institute)

5-й этап: Заключительный.

Подведение итогов.


Роль преподавателя – роль ведущего наблюдателя. В начале занятия преподаватель отмечает учащихся в учебном журнале. В процессе проведения занятия – преподаватель наблюдает и поддерживает учащихся и ведущих (экскурсоводов).

На заключительном этапе – преподаватель выставляет оценки в журнал, комментирует их, объявляет их вслух, поощряет активных учеников.

New words:

Fight – сражаться;

Wounded – раненый;

Blooded – окровавленный;

Sword – меч;

To be captured – быть захваченным;


1. Соловова Е.Н. Методика обучения иностранным языкам, 2005 год. Издательство: Просвещение.

2. Пассов Е.И., Кузовлева Н.Е.. Издательство: Просвещение, 2010 год

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

План-конспект урока английского языка "Мой город"

Автор: Лемешок Наталия Ахнафовна

Дата: 13.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 154673

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