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«Открытый урок в 6-ом классе "Road Safety"»
Открытый урок в 6-ом классе МОУ «Школа № 5 города Дебальцево» 2018 год
Учитель английского языка
Бородина Т.В.
Тема урока: « Road Safety»
Цели урока:
- автоматизация использования ЛЕ и РМ по данной теме во всех видах речевой деятельности;
- учить учащихся умению эмоционально реагировать на реплики собеседника;
- побуждать учащихся без страха преодолевать языковый барьер;
- развивать умение работать в парах;
- развивать внимание, быструю реакцию;
- закрепить знания о правилах дорожного движения.
Teacher: Good morning everybody.
Pupils: Good morning, dear teacher! We are happy to say “Hello” to you!
T.: Сегодня мы с вами построим English Town, повторим правила уличного движения, поведения на дороге и в транспорте. И, конечно же, совершим прогулку по нашему городу.
2. So, let’s start!( Появляются ребята с большими кубиками в руках) A вот и building blocks.Что они собираются делать? Let's ask.
Pupils: Building blocks, building blocks,
What can you do?
B.B: We can build an English Town!
Come and help us ,please!
T.: No doubt. We can help you!
3. Let’s build the English Town!
(Ребята с макетами городских зданий подходят к плану города, прикрепляют их и комментируют).
P.1.: I can build a school. It’s big and light. Children need school. Welcome to our school!
P.2.: I can build a theatre. It’s so beautiful! I like it. Welcome to our theatre!
P.3.: I can build a museum. It’s beautiful too. You can see a lot of interesting things in it. Welcome to our museum!
P.4.: I can build a hotel. It’s big. Very big. And very comfortable. Welcome to our hotel!
P.5.: I can build a post office. Our town needs it. Welcome to our post office!
P.6.: I can build a cinema. It’s so big and modern! I like going to the cinema. And you? Then welcome to our cinema!
P.7.: And of course we need a café. I can build a café. Welcome to the café for a cup of hot coffee!
P.8.: And a library! We need a library too. There are so many interesting books. Welcome to our library!
T.: What else do we need in our town?
P.9.: Hospital, of course hospital. I can build a hospital. It’s big. It’s modern. It helps sick people.
T.: And what do we need to make our town green and beautiful? Who knows?
P.10.: (c места) I know! Trees! Our town must be green. Dima, let’s go and plant trees!(Выходят к доске и «сажают» деревья).
P.11.: We’re planting trees.
P.10.: Many beautiful green trees!
T.: Fantastic! What else would you like to see in our town?
P.12.: We need a park and a Zoo. Children like to go to the Zoo. Welcome to our Zoo to see a kangaroo, a monkey, a lion and many other animals! (Прикрепляет макеты парка и зоопарка)
T.: Well done! We’ve built a wonderful town. But where are cars, buses, trams? No traffic! It’s not good. Who can help?
P.13, P14.: We can.(Выходят, называют виды транспортных средств и размещают на улицах города).
T.: Good for you. Many cars, buses, trams. But what do we need for safety road?
P.13.: Oh, sorry Of course traffic lights!
T.: That’s right. There are a lot of cars and buses on the road. We must know traffic rules. Tell us how to cross the road safety.
P. 15.:Cars and buses
In our town
Run up and down,
Up and down.
P. 16.Stop, look, listen when you cross the street!
Use your eyes. Use your ears, then use your feet!
T.: Well done! Who wants to add?
P. 13.: I want! When you cross the road, look to the left, then look to the right. Look at the traffic lights. The green says:”Go”, now go slow, the red says: “Stop”. Now do so!
T.: And now tell me what dangerous is when you travel around the town.
P.1: To run onto the road.
P.2: To lean out of the window of the bus.
P.3: To talk to a driver.
P.4: To cross the road between parked cars.
T.: And what is safe?
P.5: To walk on the pavement.
P.6: To wear a seat belt.
P.7: To wear a bicycle helmet.
T. Good for you. And do you want to learn to drive a car? I’m sure you do! Then you must know traffic signs. Our guest,a traffic warden, will check how you know them.
T.W.: Hello! Glad to see you. Let’s start our exam.(Показывает
дорожные знаки, задаёт вопросы, комментирует). Well done. You can get a driving licence. Good bye. Good luck.
T.: Now I think you are ready to travel. Let’s choose the way of travelling.( Ребята на доске пишут названия средств передвижения. Затем две ученицы беседуют о том, каким способом они любят путешествовать, показывая картинки и используя фразы “as for me”, “I think”, “and you?”.
T.: It’s time to have a trip around the town. There is a plan of the town. It helps you to travel.(Учитель задаёт маршрут и ученики составляют диалоги “Asking the Way” используя план города).
T.: Well, our trip is over. Well done! Good for you! I’m pleased with your work. You’ve done your best. I wish you good luck.