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Открытый урок в 5 классе по теме "Сувениры из Великобритании"

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открытый урок в 5 классе по теме "Сувениры"

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«Открытый урок в 5 классе по теме "Сувениры из Великобритании"»

Открытый урок по английскому языку

«Путешествие в Великобританию. Национальные сувениры»

в 5 классе


учитель английского языка

Хатинеевич Елена Владимировна

Цель: освоение новых знаний и развитие умений устной и письменной речи по теме.

1.Основные цели урока:

Обучающие: - вводить, тренировать и учить применять лексику по теме;

- контролировать навыки устной и письменной речи.

Развивающие: - развивать навыки и умения во всех видах речевой деятельности; умения систематизировать новые знания и на их основе составлять собственное монологическое высказывание; расширять страноведческие знания;

- развивать внимание и познавательную активность.

Воспитательные: - воспитывать интерес к предмету английского языка, уважение к одноклассникам, чувство гордости за свою страну, республику.

Задачи урока: формировать универсальные учебные действия и навыки:

  • личностные УУД: - формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками; - формирование и развитие интереса к иностранному языку. способность к самооценке на основе критерия успешности учебной деятельности;

  • регулятивные УУД: оценивать результаты своей деятельности, анализировать собственную работу, планировать свое действие в соответствии с поставленной задачей, умение взаимодействовать со взрослым и со сверстниками в учебной деятельности; - уметь работать индивидуально, парно и в группе. коммуникативные УУД: умение договариваться, находить общее решение практической задачи; - умение организовывать учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность с учителем и сверстниками;- тренировать коммуникативные умения слушать друг друга, строить речевые высказывания, выражать свою точку зрения, аргументировать ее;

  • познавательные УУД: развитие познавательных интересов и любознательности; -умение задавать вопросы, участвовать в учебном сотрудничестве; -умение адекватно, осознанно и произвольно строить речевое высказывание в устной речи; ( логические) - умение логически рассуждать; выбирать, сопоставлять и обосновывать свои ответь, систематизировать материал,.

Межпредметные связи: английский язык, география, КБ.

Формы работы: ролевая игра, работа в парах, индивидуальная работа, работа в группе.

Оборудование урока: интерактивная доска, компьютер, раздаточный материал,

демонстрационный материал, презентация Power Point.

Применяемые технологии: личностно-ориентированное обучение,

обучение в сотрудничестве, проблемно – поисковые,здоровье сберегающего обучения, информационно-коммуникационные;

Тип урока: комбинированный урок, сочетающий в себе элементы систематизации знаний и усвоения и использования новых лексических единиц по теме «Сувениры».

Ход урока.

Начало урока. Приветствие.

Good morning! I’m glad to see you. It`s time to start our lesson. I hope you are well.

Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения.

What date is it today?

– What day of the week is it today?

– What season is it now?

– What is the weather like today?

– Is it rainy?

– Thank you.

T: You have stars on your desks. Show me your star if you feel like a star.

And show me the star if you want to be a star at the lesson.

OK. Thanks.

Речевая разминка.

T: Children, look I have a lot of useful things in my bag. Let’s see, what’s there inside. (ученика вытаскивают предметы и называют)

T: What is it, Ann?

P: This is a map ( a passport, a book about Britain, a digital camera, a ticket )

T: Why do we need all these things? What do you think?

P: We need all these things to make a trip.

T: You are right. As you know people all over the world like travelling. Do you like travelling? (ученики отвечают)

T: As for me I like travelling too.

Введение в тему. Целеполагание.

T: Look at the map. What country is this?

P: It’s the UK.

T: Take your seats, please. We shall go by plane.

We are going to visit Great Britain, we should pronounce properly. Let’s train our tongues. Listen and repeat after me.

Up, down, up, down

Which is the way to the UK?

Where? Where?

Up in the air-

Close your eyes and you are there!

T: What do people do when they are on holidays in another country?

  • Do they go to the museums?

  • Do they visit their friends?

  • Do they buy anything?

T: Please, look at the screen and try to guess what we are going to talk about. (видео «В британском магазине сувениров)

T: Have you ever been to the shop like this? – No, we haven’t.

(видео “В башкирском магазине сувениров”) Have you ever been to the shop like this? – Yes, of course we have.

T: What can we buy in these shops?

P: We can buy different souvenirs.

T: What’s the topic of our lesson? What will we learn today?

P: We will learn to tell about souvenirs from the UK and Bashkortostan.

T: Now, look at our activities map and try to guess what we are going to do today.

P: We are going to ….

  • learn new words;

  • speak about souvenirs;

  • write about souvenirs;

  • listen to the speaker;

  • make a poster, etc.

Основной этап.

T: Our flight to the UK is very long. Let’s revise some facts from Geography.

-How many parts does the UK consist of?

-What are they? Please, come to the board and show us these countries on the map.

T: Let’s revise the names of the countries. All together, please.

the United Kingdom




Northern Ireland

T: Do you know how we call people who live there. What are their nationalities?

So, listen and repeat after me:

Welsh (Whish suffixes do we use to form the nationalities? – ish, -sh)


Northern Irish



T: Now, get your pencils and match the countries to the nationalities. Answer according to the model: The Welsh are from Wales.

T: Millions of people from different countries visit Great Britain every year. They usually buy souvenirs to remember the visit. Let’s say together: Souvenir, a souvenir, lot’s of souvenirs.

Работа в группе.

-What associations have you got with the word “Souvenir”? What is a souvenir for you?


I want you to make a diagram. Draw a circle, and in the middle of it write the word “Souvenir” and add words associated with this topic around it. Do it in groups of 4.

Развитие монологической речи. Проверка дом. задания.

T: At the previous lesson we discussed different types of collections. Can people collect souvenirs?

P: Yes, of course, people often have souvenirs in their collections.

T: Your homework was to tell us about your collections. Let’s listen to your stories. Who wants to be the first? ( несколько ребят рассказывают о своих коллекциях)

Введение и закрепление новой лексики.

I have surprise for you. I’d like to show some souvenirs you can buy in the UK.

Remember their names:

a hat with a shamrock

a mug with a dragon

a tartan scarf

a stuffed toy

a double-decker bus


T: Would you like to know what countries they are from? Listen to the information and match the souvenirs to the countries. (You have the map of the UK and the pictures on your desks.)

P: I think, the hat with a shamrock is Northern Irish. Etc.

T: Exchange your worksheets. Open your books look at the pictures and the title and check your partner’s answers. P.41 Ex.1. ( взаимопроверка).

Развитие навыков чтения.

T: Let’s read the paragraphs in groups. (групповая работа).

Choose the paragraph you like the best and read it to your partners. P.41 Ex.1.

Look at the screen and find this exercise in your worksheets. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. Work in your pairs.

Scotland, Union Jack, double-decker, tartan, Ireland, dragon

1. You can buy a …………… scarf in Scotland.

2. There are many cows in …………….. .

3. You can see ……….. buses in London.

4. The ……………………. is the flag of the UK.

5. The Welsh …………….. is on the flag of Wales.

6. The shamrock is the national symbol of………….. .

Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

T: Let’s make up short dialogues “What souvenir can I buy in …?” You have to work in your pairs.

Imagine, that you are from different countries. The name of the country you are from is written on your cards. Each of you takes a card. Read the name of the country. Don’t forget to greet your partner, say your name, your country, your nationality and ask what souvenir you can buy in your partner’s country. Thank each other and say goodbye.

For example:

  • Hi, My name is Lyn. What’s your name?

  • My name is Markus. I am from Wales. Where are you from?

  • I’m from Northern Ireland. I’m Northern Irish. What nationality are you?

  • I am Welsh.

  • What souvenir can I buy in your country?

  • You can buy a mug. It has got a Welsh dragon on it. The dragon is on the flag of Wales.

What about Northern Irish souvenirs?

  • You can buy a hat with a shamrock on it. It is very nice.

  • Thank you. Goodbye.

  • Bye. See you later.

T: Act out your dialogues ant stick the souvenirs to its place on the map.

T: Great! I’m glad that you remember all the information about souvenirs from the UK.

Проектная работа ”Souvenirs from Bashkortostan” (в группе)

T: But we are from Russia, from Bashkortostan. Let’s tell our British friends about our national souvenirs.

Can you name the souvenirs from Bashkortostan? What is it? (с опорой на рисунок)

Can you describe the souvenirs from Bashkortostan according to the model:

This is a hat. P: This is a mug

It has got a shamrock on it. It has got Lala-Tulpan

The shamrock is the national on it.

Symbol of Ireland. Lala-Tulpan is the symbol of Ufa.

T: Are you ready to make a poster? Let’s work in groups.

You can make a map like in your books or you can make a poster as a model for an online souvenir shop. You have some pictures. Don’t forget about descriptions.

(ребята выполняют проект о сувенирах Башкортостана в группе и защищают проект)

T: Present your posters, please.


T: Now let’s talk about our lesson. What have we learnt to tell about?

P: We have learnt to tell about souvenirs from the UK and Bashkortostan.

T: If you like our lesson raise your stars.

-What was the most interesting activity for you? What did you like the best?

P: I liked to read about souvenirs (make a poster, listen to the speaker, learn new words)

Put your stars on our activities map. What was your favourite activity?

Подведение итогов. Оценивание. Домашнее задание.

Your homework is to find or draw a map of Russia and label it with some souvenirs and where you can find them. It’s Ex. 4 P. 41

Самооценивание. Заполнить бланк.

T: Take your Students check forms and asses your work.

You were very clever and active today, your marks are ….

Thank you for your work. Our trip to the UK is over. Goodbye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Открытый урок в 5 классе по теме "Сувениры из Великобритании"

Автор: Хатинеевич Елена Владимировна

Дата: 29.10.2019

Номер свидетельства: 524650

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