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Открытый урок по английскому языку 10 класс на тему " complex object "

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Открытый урок по английскому языку 10 класс 

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«Открытый урок по английскому языку 10 класс на тему " complex object "»

Talgar state school № 3 Named after Abai 10 th grade The theme of this lesson : Complex Object  English teacher : Mukhtarov A.B

Talgar state school № 3 Named after Abai

10 th grade

The theme of this lesson : Complex Object

English teacher : Mukhtarov A.B

Learning objectives

Learning objectives

  • 10.UE16 use a wide variety of complex objects on a wide range of general and curricular topics
Use When we ask, allow, force someone to do something, we use a complex object .


When we ask, allow, force someone to do something, we use a complex object .

Complex object in English: a rule  and example sentences  This structure consisting of a noun in the common case or pronouns in the objective case  and infinitive. Recall look like pronouns in the objective case:

Complex object in English: a rule and example sentences

This structure consisting of a noun in the common case or pronouns in the objective case  and infinitive. Recall look like pronouns in the objective case:

  • I — me
  • you — you
  • he — him
  • she — her
  • it — it
  • we — us
  • they — them
Look how the pronouns change : In that situation the pronoun is not the main character   I – me you - you he – him she – her they – them we – us

Look how the pronouns change :

In that situation the pronoun is not the main character  

I – me

you - you

he – him

she – her

they – them

we – us

How To Formulate Complex Object In The Sentence?  Subject + verb + object + (to) infinitive

How To Formulate Complex Object In The Sentence?

Subject + verb + object + (to) infinitive

Let us see how, in practice, implemented  complex object  in the English language by way of example sentences:   They want me to study English - Они хотят, чтобы я учила английский. She expects him to buy a present. Она ожидает, что он купит подарок. We think her to pass the exam . Мы думаем, она сдаст экзамен.

Let us see how, in practice, implemented  complex object  in the English language by way of example sentences:

They want me to study English - Они хотят, чтобы я учила английский.

She expects him to buy a present. Она ожидает, что он купит подарок.

We think her to pass the exam . Мы думаем, она сдаст экзамен.

complex addition in the English language is used with groups of verbs.  Please pay attention to the changes  1 . Verbs Expressing Desire And Need - To Want (Want To), To Wish (Desire, Dream), To Desire (Desire, Dream), Would Like (I Would Like).  E.g :   My Wife Wishes Me To Get A Promotion.- My Wife Dreams That I Was Promoted To The Post.

complex addition in the English language is used with groups of verbs. Please pay attention to the changes 1 . Verbs Expressing Desire And Need - To Want (Want To), To Wish (Desire, Dream), To Desire (Desire, Dream), Would Like (I Would Like). E.g :   My Wife Wishes Me To Get A Promotion.- My Wife Dreams That I Was Promoted To The Post.

2.Verbs Expressing Awareness, Knowledge - To Think (Meditate), To Know (Know), To Report (Report).  E.g: He Thought Me To Have Given Back This Thing.- He Thought I Brought This Thing.  - Mike Knows Me To Be A Lazy Bone.- Mike Knows I'm Lazy.   3. Verbs, Expressing Expectation - To Believe (Believe), To Expect (Assume), To Suppose (Suppose Count).  For Example:  - I Expected Her To Have Had The Better Results.- I Expect That It Will Have Better Results.

2.Verbs Expressing Awareness, Knowledge - To Think (Meditate), To Know (Know), To Report (Report). E.g: He Thought Me To Have Given Back This Thing.- He Thought I Brought This Thing. - Mike Knows Me To Be A Lazy Bone.- Mike Knows I'm Lazy. 3. Verbs, Expressing Expectation - To Believe (Believe), To Expect (Assume), To Suppose (Suppose Count). For Example: - I Expected Her To Have Had The Better Results.- I Expect That It Will Have Better Results.

Verbs That Express An Order Compelling - To Order (Ordering).  E.g:   - The Doctor Ordered Me To Take A Pill Twice A Day.- The Doctor Told Me To Take A Pill Twice A Day.

Verbs That Express An Order Compelling - To Order (Ordering). E.g: - The Doctor Ordered Me To Take A Pill Twice A Day.- The Doctor Told Me To Take A Pill Twice A Day.

Translate sentences into English using Complex Object:  Я хoчy, чтoбы ты oтвёл меня в caмый лyчший pecтopaн в Пapижe.     Answer - I want you to take me to the best restaurant in Paris .

Translate sentences into English using Complex Object: Я хoчy, чтoбы ты oтвёл меня в caмый лyчший pecтopaн в Пapижe.

Answer - I want you to take me to the best restaurant in Paris .

Answer ; 1.Father made his son go to Chicago. (Oтeц зacтaвил cынa пoeхaть в Чиkaгo). rephrase the sentences using Complex Object:  1  Father said to his son that he must go to Chicago.

Answer ;

1.Father made his son go to Chicago. (Oтeц зacтaвил cынa пoeхaть в Чиkaгo).

rephrase the sentences using Complex Object: 1 Father said to his son that he must go to Chicago.

Make sentences out of words using Complex Object:  Do not, brother, my, take, let, I, my, things;

Make sentences out of words using Complex Object: Do not, brother, my, take, let, I, my, things;

  • Correct answer : I don’t let my brother take my things.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Открытый урок по английскому языку 10 класс на тему " complex object "

Автор: Мухтаров Азимжон Бахтиерович

Дата: 02.12.2020

Номер свидетельства: 565183

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