Teacher: At the beginning of the lesson I want to ask your attention to these rules, you should follow them. | Take their seats. Distribute rules (распределяют роли): leader, timekeeper, appraiser (оценщик), and speaker. The golden rules: - Be active - Be attentive - Be emotional - Don’t interrupt each other - Don’t say “I don’t” - First think then speak |
СТАДИЯ ВЫЗОВА «ЗНАЮ» 2.Актуализация знаний учащихся | Today we are going to speak about health. This theme is very important to disscuss, I think. Are you agree with me? And why? You are absolutely right. And today we shall talk how to keep our health for healthy future. Let’s begin our lesson. | Pupils’ answer. P1:Yes. I agree. Because our health is our wealth. P2: Yes, I agree. If we want healthy future we should keep fit.  |
СТАДИЯ ОСМЫСЛЕНИЯ «ХОЧУ ЗНАТЬ» 3.Изучение нового материала Proverb Reading the text Healthy and unhealthy food Vocabulary work (после чтения слов раздаются карточки со словами) Proverbs about health (каждому ученику в группе раздаются карточки с цитатами о здоровье) Приём «Хорошо - Плохо» | I want to begin our lesson with great words «Wealth is nothing without health» Мозговая атака What main, important thing in our life make us healthy? Yes. You are right. Well, and now read this text please. And now let’s learn new words which help us to translate the text Can you tell me what about your texts?  Well done. Thank you very much. And now you see some proverb about health. Read them and give me interpretation of them. 1.Health is better than wealth 2.A sound mind in a sound body 3.An apple a day keeps a doctor away 4. Early to bed and early to rise-makes healthy, wealthy and wise. 5.A merry heart is a good medicine 6.We are what We eat 7. Eat to live, not live to eat. Well done. Thank you. And now let’s read these words and find +/- in it. | Pupils read the the proverb and give analog in Russian.  «Богатство ничто без здоровья» Pupils’ answers Healthy Food 1 group – fruit and vegetables. 2 group – meat and proteins Pupils read new words and translate the text Healthy -здоровый Serving - блюдо Give us – даёт нам Help us to grow – помогает расти Stay healthy – оставаться здоровым We need – нам необходимо We should –мы должны 1 Здоровье дороже богатства 2 В здоровом теле здоровый дух 3 Одно яблоко в день спасает от доктора 4 Кто рано встаёт тому бог подаёт 5 Доброе сердце-крепкое здоровье 6 Мы есть то, что мы едим 7 Мы едим , чтобы жить, а не живем чтобы есть   1 group – fruits and vegetables 2 group - meat and milk. |
СТАДИЯ РЕФЛЕКСИИ «УЗНАЛ» Complete the table. Слайд с картинками Приём «Горячий стул» Приём «Корзина идей» | Well done. Thank you very much. Take your sits? Please. What should we do to stay healthy? What shouldn’t do to stay healthy? Please complete your tables choosing these agreements. And now my dearest students let’s play a game. A game called “A hot chair». Оne pupil will sit on this chair and answer your questions. On the screen you see a basket. You should put in it your ideas about the lesson. Is it clear?  | Complete the table 1.get up early and go to bed early 2.smoke 3.eat too much or too little 4.wash your hands before you eat 5.take regular exerceses 6.wach TV too long 7.keep to a diet 8.spend much time outdoor 9. work on your computer too long Pupils write and read the advices.  Pupils give questions. 1 Translate words 2 Name fruits, vegetables, healthy food 3 how to stay healthy   |
Подведение итогов. Оценивание по критериям Самооценка Взаимооценка | Критерии оценивания «5» -reading the text, work with proverbs, work with cluster, work with table “4” – reading the text, work with proverbs, “3” – reading the text, reading the words. Дескрипторы оценивания (оценочный лист ) Имя | Чтение текста | Чтение новых слов | Работа с послови цами | Прием «Хорошо Плохо» | Прием Кластер | Работа со слайдом | Прием Горячий стул | Итоговая оценка | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |  |