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Открытый урок "Uliana Lopatkina"

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5) Основная часть

1. Прочтите, переведите без словаря: ballet, company, classical, visit, legendary, public, audience, symphony, philosophically, fact, moment, emotional, role, consult, final, finish, professional

2. Определите способ словообразования: s?elf-expression, teacher, experimental, production, withstand, everything, fleeting, unforgettable, probably, avant-gardists, based

3. Определите часть речи, используя правило словообразования: classical, selection, choreographic, leading, dancer, impression, especially, performance, forgettable, stillness

4. Определите степень сравнения прилагательного, наречия: more, old, best, older, high, easy

5. Определите часть речи -ing формы глагола:

- the closing night of the tour

- leading dancer

- the art of dancing

- everything on life is fleeting

- in the meaning

- I was doing

- she put the finishing touches

- the understanding of the theme of death

- my joining the class of

6. Определите форму причастия:

- productions done in a modernistic style

- people looking upon us

- my attitude was molded

7. Составьте словосочетание, используя слова из разных колонок:

A                                                        B

1. the purity of                                   1. viewers

2. as a fact of                                     2. hall

3. unforgettable                                 3. point

4. stillness in the                                4. life

5. up to a                                            5. line

8. Подберите эквиваленты:

1. a multitude of versions                              1. финальные прикосновения

2. final integral shape                                    2. прекрасный вкус

3. the finishing touches                                 3. совершенное искусство танца  

4. noble taste                                                 4. финальная существенная форма

5. entire art of dancing                                  5. множество версий

9. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Where was Uliana born?

2. How long did she study in Kerch?

3. What are the Uliana’s parents?

10. Составьте вопросы к подчёркнутым словам:

1. This part requires a philosophical mindset.

2. The old school was the basis of the entire art of dancing.

3. They have meaning, logic and beauty.

11. Закончите предложение:

1. The theater will take a few modern …

2. The two theater’s opera companies are to exchange …

3. The correspondent talked to the troupe’s …

12. Измените залог глагола-сказуемого:

1. I consulted several teachers.

2. The work has left a deep impression on me.

3. They watched old videos of our dancers.

13. Подберите предлог (within, to, from, of, in):

1. I value the style which is handed down … one dancer … another.

2. It is … our power to make these fleeting moments unforgettable.

3. … each … the ballets I dance there are moments that are tragic.

14. Определите время модального глагола или его эквивалента:

1. Two superb teachers will be able to declare their love for each other.

2. I might one day meet such a teacher and person.

3. I can’t say I know it thoroughly.

4. The two theatre’s opera companies are to exchange visits.

15. Выразите согласие:

1. The Bolshoi will take a few experimental productions to St. Petersburg.

2. A work on Everything in life is fleeting.

3. She sees it philosophically as a fact of life.

16. Выразите несогласие:

1. The legendary enmity between the Bolshoi and the Mariinsky seems to be over.

2. Her attitude to ballet roles was not molded by the teachers of the older generation.

3. She did not meet a teacher who combined strictness with complete freedom of self-expression.

17. Употребите смысловой глагол в соответствующем времени:

1. The style is (to hand) down from one dancer to another.

2. When I was (to do) "The Dying Swan", I (to consult) several teachers.

3. My life (to do) on as usual.

4. The award has (to make) me more conspicuous.

18. Составьте диалог по образцу:

A: Do you know any ballet dancer?

B: Certainly I do.

A: What is her name?

B: Her name is Uliana Lopatkina.

A: Where was she born?

B: She was born in the Crimea.

A: Do you know her native town?

B: Yes, I do. Her native town is Kerch.

A: Did she study in Kerch?

B: Yes, she did. She finished the primary school in Kerch.

A: What were her parents?

B: They worked as engineers at a shipbuilding plant.

A: When did Uliana finish the Vaganova Ballet school?

B: She finished it in 1991.

A: Where did she begin to work?

B: She entered the Mariinsky Theatre as a solo dancer.

A: Did she visit many countries?

B: Yes, she did. She danced before the Queen Elisabeth 5 times in different theatres of London.

A: And what about her now?

B: In 2010 she danced at closing night of Olympic Games in Vancouver (Canada).

A: I heard that she took part in a concert in London in 2011?

B: Yes, it was a gala-concert devoted to prominent Russian dancer Galina Ulanova. And in January 2015 she took part in the Mariinsky theatre’s tour to the USA.

A: Was she awarded?

B: Yes, she was. Uliana took part in many competitions and always was the winner. She was the winner of the Dance Soul, Golden Spotlight and Golden Mask. She was awarded the title of La Divina.

A: And in 2000 she got the title of Honoured Artist  of Russia, did not she?

B: Yes, she did. She worked hard and that was the result.

A: Thank you very much.

B: That’s all right.

19. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Ульяна Лопаткина – прекрасная балерина.

2. Она участвовала во многих соревнованиях и всегда занимала первые места.

3. Её философия – это сплав старых и современных стилей.

4. Я никогда не мечтала, что можно встретить такого педагога и личность, которая бы объединяла строгость с полной свободой самовыражения.

5. Я абсолютно холодна к западной хореографии.

6. Награды сделали меня более заметной.

7. От меня ждут высоких уровней.

20.Передайте содержание текста своими словами.

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«Открытый урок "Uliana Lopatkina" »

Uliana Lopatkina

Методическая разработка занятия предназначена для изучения темы «Жанры искусства», которая планируется для обучаемых технического профиля на 1 курсе СПО.

Тема соответствует учебной программе, расширяет кругозор обучаемых по краеведению (Крым). Составленные автором дотекстовые упражнения помогают обучаемым лучше подготовиться к восприятию смысла газетного текста, а послетекстовые упражнения развивают умения и навыки разговорной практики. С помощью подобных текстов обучаемые знакомятся с биографией людей, которые прославляют Крым, осуществляются межпредметные связи (культурология, география, страноведение и т.д.), решаются некоторые воспитательные проблемы (трудолюбие, воля к победе, чувство долга, уважения к своим учителям, родителям и пр.).

Открытый урок

Тема: Жанры искусства. Работа с газетным текстом.

Подтема: Великая русская балерина Ульяна Лопаткина, рожденная в городе-герое Керчь.

Обучающая цель: познакомить студентов с биографией Ульяны Лопаткиной.

Развивающая цель: научить обучаемых использовать лексико-грамматический минимум текста в разговорной практике; совершенствовать технику чтения; развивать умения и навыки обучаемых диалогической и монологической речи.

Воспитательная цель: развивать эрудицию обучаемых.

Оборудование: видеофильм,мультипроектор,экран,раздаточный материал,географическая карта мира.

Ход урока:

1) Приветствие:

T: Good morning, students! How are you?

Ps: We are very well, thank you. And what about you?

T: I’m well, thank you.


T: I have prepared a newspaper article for you. We’ll read about а great person who was born in our native town. Her name is Uliana Lopatkina.

3) Проверка домашнего задания. Учитель собирает тетради в конце урока.

4) Введение в иноязычную атмосферу. Phonetic Drill [w]

Work while you work,

Play while you play.

This is the way

To be happy and gay.

5) Основная часть

1. Прочтите, переведите без словаря:

ballet, company, classical, visit, legendary, public, audience, symphony, philosophically, fact, moment, emotional, role, consult, final, finish, professional

2. Определите тип чтения гласной ударной буквы:

part, my, devote, art, so, her, fusion, style, well, act, girl, life, like, shape, such, person, base, but, wish

3. Определите способ словообразования:

self-expression, teacher, experimental, production, withstand, everything, fleeting, unforgettable, probably, avant-gardists, based

4. Определите часть речи, используя правило словообразования:

classical, selection, choreographic, leading, dancer, impression, especially, performance, forgettable, stillness

5. Определите степень сравнения прилагательного, наречия:

more, old, best, older, high, easy

6. Определите часть речи -ing формы глагола:

- the closing night of the tour

- leading dancer

- the art of dancing

- everything on life is fleeting

- in the meaning

- I was doing

- she put the finishing touches

- the understanding of the theme of death

- my joining the class of

7. Определите форму причастия:

- productions done in a modernistic style

- people looking upon us

- my attitude was molded

8. Употребите форму неопределенного артикля:

- … modern classics

- … experimental productions

- … deep impression

- as … fact of life

- … fusion of style

9. Определите форму чтения определенного артикля:

- the ballet companies

- the strength of the old walls

- emotional response of the audience

- the empathy and emotional response

10. Определите способ чтения окончания множественного числа имени существительного:

teachers, classics, productions, visits, touches, professionals, dances

11 Определите способ чтения окончания глагола в Present Simple:

- it seems to me

- when one watches old videos

- my life goes on

- one finds easy

12. Прочтите однокоренные слова:

teach – teacher – teaching

work – worker – working

dance – dancer – dancing

impress – impression – impressing

predominate – predominance – predominant

pure – purity – purely

view – viewer – viewless

touch – touchable – touched

conform – conformation – conformable

value – valuer – valueless

13. Запишите в словарь:

rendering – исполнение

withstand – противостоять, выдерживать

fleet – быстро протекать, миновать

predominantly – преимущественное

rare – редкий, необычный

treat – удовольствие

mindset – мировоззрение

purity – чистота

viewer – зритель

multitude – множество

touch – прикосновение

noble – прекрасный, замечательный

entire – полный, совершенный

conspicuous – заметный

value – ценность

conform – соответствовать

infinitely – бесконечность, безграничность

trifle – пустяк, безделица

superb – великолепный, прекрасный

enmity – неприязнь, вражда

Uliana Lopatkina: St. Petersburg Style

Uliana Lopatkina was born in Kerch, in 1973; educated at the Vaganova Ballet School which she finished in 1991; signed up with the Mariinsky Theater in the same year as a solo dancer; since then has danced the main parts in "Scheherazade," "Swan Lake," "Giselle," "La Bayadere," "Raimonde," "Paquita," "Symphony in C Major," "In the Night" and "Goya," besides dancing "The Dying Swan." She was the winner of the Dance Soul, Golden Spotlight, and Golden Mask awards and holds the 1997 title of La Divina.

"The day has come, and none too soon, when two superb theaters will be able to declare their love for each oth­er," Vladimir Vasilyev announced on the eve of the exchange tours by the ballet companies of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters.

The Bolshoi will take a few modern classics and experimental productions to St. Petersburg. The Mariinsky's tour bill is predominantly classical: "Swan Lake," "Giselle," "Don Quixote," "La Bayadere," "Paquita" and "Chopiniana." But the closing night of the tour will again test the strength of the old walls of the Bolshoi Theater to with­stand the applause of the eager fans. A selection of American choreographic pieces - "Symphony in C Major" and "The Scottish Suite" by George Balanchine, as well as "In the Night" by Jerome Robbins, are a rare treat for bal­let aficionados.

The two theaters' opera companies are to exchange visits in April. So the legendary enmity between the Bolshoi and the Mariinsky seems to be over.

Before the Mariinsky's Moscow tour MN correspondent talked to the troupe's leading dancer, Uliana Lopat­kina.

MN: What would you like especially to show to the Moscow public?

U.L.: Everything, I guess. I wouldn't want to single out any of my parts, but I would like to introduce my Moscow audience to Balanchine's "Symphony in C Major;" work on it has left a deep impression on me, even more so because the rendition of the "Symphony" by our company seems to me especially inter-

MN: What do you value in the St. Petersburg ballet school?

U.L.: Style, which is handed down from one dancer to another. The some­what austere, precise postures, the puri­ty of line and performance. When one watches old videos of our dancers, one is never able to admire the beauty of their work enough.

MN: Don't you find the illusory nature of the art of dancing upsetting?

U.L.: Everything in life is fleeting. And so is our art. It can't be helped, can it? I see it philosophically as a fact of life. It is within our power to make these fleeting moments unforgettable for viewers and so, probably, immortal. In each of the ballets I dance there are mo­ments that are tense, tragic even. My best reward is the stillness in the hall in moments like those, the empathy and emotional response of the audience.

MN: Does the dance suggest a kind of philosophy?

U.L.: Up to a point. The philosophy is in the meaning you read into your parts. It seems to me that the part of Nikia in "La Bayadere" requires a philo­sophical mindset. My attitude to ballet roles was molded by the teachers of the older generation, Nina Stukolkina and Alexei Andreyev. They are infinitely de­voted to art, and nothing is a trifle to them. When I was doing "The Dying Swan," I consulted several teachers. The number was "assembled" from a multi­tude of versions, and its final integral shape was the product of Nina Stukolki­na. She put the finishing touches to the piece with her characteristic exquisite and noble taste and so confirmed the theory that the old school was the basis of the entire art of dancing. Her philos­ophy is a fusion of styles, old and mod-era. The viewers appreciated our "Swan" well enough, the professionals did not.

MN: What is your understanding of the theme of death, an inevitable motif in art, which dominates your parts in "Giselle," "La Bayadere," and "Goya?"

U.L.: In "La Bayadere" the heroine's death is followed by a very beautiful act, "The Shadows;" in "Giselle" there are the dances of girls who died before mar­riage, so one can say that there death is a kind of sequel to life. Now, "Goya" is a very different matter. In it death is one of the principal characters, something like a symbol.

MN: Do you believe in fate?

U.L.: The thing which shaped my own was my joining the class of Ninel Kurgapkina. I never dreamed that I might one day meet such a teacher and per­son who combined strictness with com­plete freedom of self-expression.

MN: How do you feel about western choreography?

U.L.: I can't say I know it thorough­ly. I only know that there are trends in it that I cannot accept for myself: way-out avant-garde productions done in a markedly modernistic style leave me absolutely cold. I find more after my own heart those avant-gardists of the past who based their work on classics. I am fond of Balanchine, and I like Jer­ome Robbins, but I wouldn't mind try­ing my hand at some other modern bal­lets, either. My only wish is that they have meaning, logic and beauty.

MN: Was your life changed any way after you were awarded the title of La Divina last season, in the wake of Diana Vishneva?

U.L.: My life goes on as usual. But of course the award has made me more conspicuous and I am now expected to conform to exceptionally high stan­dards. Many excellent dancers of the past never received awards like that, not even at the peak of their career. As for us, we are mere beginners. And people immediately start looking upon us as masters and demand that we be impec­cable. Not something one finds easy when young.

(From the “Moscow News”)

14. Переведите словосочетание на английский язык:

друг для друга, крепость старых стен, выбор хореографических музыкальных произведений, также как, любые из моих, глубокое впечатление, от одного танцора другому, мне кажется, отношение к балету, старшее поколение

15. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык:

predominantly classical, the closing night, the eager fans, a rare treat, to admire the beauty of their work, the illusory nature, fleeting moments, a philosophical mindset, infinitely devoted to art, fusion of styles

16. Составьте словосочетание, используя слова из разных колонок:


1. the purity of 1. viewers

2. as a fact of 2. hall

3. unforgettable 3. point

4. stillness in the 4. life

5. up to a 5. line

17. Подберите эквиваленты:

1. a multitude of versions 1. финальные прикосновения

2. final integral shape 2. прекрасный вкус

3. the finishing touches 3. совершенное искусство танца

4. noble taste 4. финальная существенная форма

5. entire art of dancing 5. множество версий

18. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Where was Uliana born?

2. How long did she study in Kerch?

3. What are the Uliana’s parents?

19. Составьте вопросы к подчёркнутым словам:

1. This part requires a philosophical mindset.

2. The old school was the basis of the entire art of dancing.

3. They have meaning, logic and beauty.

20. Закончите предложение:

1. The theater will take a few modern …

2. The two theater’s opera companies are to exchange …

3. The correspondent talked to the troupe’s …

21. Определите время и залог глагола-сказуемого:

1. The award has made me more conspicuous.

2. Many excellent dancers of the past never received awards.

3. Everything in life is fleeting.

22. Измените залог глагола-сказуемого:

1. I consulted several teachers.

2. The work has left a deep impression on me.

3. They watched old videos of our dancers.

23. Подберите предлог (within, to, from, of, in):

1. I value the style which is handed down … one dancer … another.

2. It is … our power to make these fleeting moments unforgettable.

3. … each … the ballets I dance there are moments that are tragic.

24. Употребите форму глагола to be в Present:

1. What … your understanding of the theme of death?

2. I … now expected to conform high standards.

3. They … infinitely devoted to art, and nothing … a trifle to them.

4. Her philosophy … a fusion of styles, old and modern.

25. Определите время модального глагола или его эквивалента:

1. Two superb teachers will be able to declare their love for each other.

2. I might one day meet such a teacher and person.

3. I can’t say I know it thoroughly.

4. The two theatre’s opera companies are to exchange visits.

26. Выразите согласие:

1. The Bolshoi will take a few experimental productions to St. Petersburg.

2. A work on Everything in life is fleeting.

3. She sees it philosophically as a fact of life.

27. Выразите несогласие:

1. The legendary enmity between the Bolshoi and the Mariinsky seems to be over.

2. Her attitude to ballet roles was not molded by the teachers of the older generation.

3. She did not meet a teacher who combined strictness with complete freedom of self-expression.

28. Употребите однокоренное слово:

1. I would like to introduce you work which has … a deep impression on me (leave, left, leaving).

2. The … of the "Symphony" by our company seems to me especially interesting (rendition, rendering, render).

3. My best reward is the … in the hall in some moments (still, stillness, stilly).

29. Употребите смысловой глагол в соответствующем времени:

1. The style is (to hand) down from one dancer to another.

2. When I was (to do) "The Dying Swan", I (to consult) several teachers.

3. My life (to do) on as usual.

4. The award has (to make) me more conspicuous.

30. Составьте диалог по образцу:

A: Do you know any ballet dancer?

B: Certainly I do.

A: What is her name?

B: Her name is Uliana Lopatkina.

A: Where was she born?

B: She was born in the Crimea.

A: Do you know her native town?

B: Yes, I do. Her native town is Kerch.

A: Did she study in Kerch?

B: Yes, she did. She finished the primary school in Kerch.

A: What were her parents?

B: They worked as engineers at a shipbuilding plant.

A: When did Uliana finish the Vaganova Ballet school?

B: She finished it in 1991.

A: Where did she begin to work?

B: She entered the Mariinsky Theatre as a solo dancer.

A: Did she visit many countries?

B: Yes, she did. She danced before the Queen Elisabeth 5 times in different theatres of London.

A: And what about her now?

B: In 2010 she danced at closing night of Olympic Games in Vancouver (Canada).

A: I heard that she took part in a concert in London in 2011?

B: Yes, it was a gala-concert devoted to prominent Russian dancer Galina Ulanova. And in January 2015 she took part in the Mariinsky theatre’s tour to the USA.

A: Was she awarded?

B: Yes, she was. Uliana took part in many competitions and always was the winner. She was the winner of the Dance Soul, Golden Spotlight and Golden Mask. She was awarded the title of La Divina.

A: And in 2000 she got the title of Honoured Artist of Russia, did not she?

B: Yes, she did. She worked hard and that was the result.

A: Thank you very much.

B: That’s all right.

31. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Ульяна Лопаткина – прекрасная балерина.

2. Она участвовала во многих соревнованиях и всегда занимала первые места.

3. Её философия – это сплав старых и современных стилей.

4. Я никогда не мечтала, что можно встретить такого педагога и личность, которая бы объединяла строгость с полной свободой самовыражения.

5. Я абсолютно холодна к западной хореографии.

6. Награды сделали меня более заметной.

7. От меня ждут высоких уровней.

32.Передайте содержание текста своими словами.

6) Заключительная часть занятия

Homework: Подготовить презентацию о любимом жанре искусства, который прославлял бы Крым, Россиюнятия. Беседа в режиме Т → Р1 → Р2 → Р3

1. What have you found out at the lesson today?

2. What new words have you learned?

Summering: Подведение итогов за

3. What task was the most interesting?

Teacher: The lesson is over. Goodbye, students.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Открытый урок "Uliana Lopatkina"

Автор: Вильшун Лариса Павловна

Дата: 28.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 234537

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