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Открытый урок по теме «Театр» 10 класс УМК Кузовлев В.П.

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Урок по теме "Театр" предполагает повторение лексики и использование её в активных формах деятельности.

Приобретаемые навыки детей: активизация познавательной и самостоятельной деятельности, обобщение знаний.

 Формы организации работы детей: работа в парах, группах.


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«Открытый урок по теме «Театр» 10 класс УМК Кузовлев В.П. »

Тема: Театр.


Образовательная – формирование лексических и грамматических навыков,

развитие умения чтения с детальным пониманием содер-

жания, развитие речевого умения.

Воспитательная – развитие интереса к культурной жизни общества, форми-

рование потребности в коллективной работе.

Развивающая – развитие способности логически излагать, обобщать, срав-

нивать, анализировать

Тип урока - комбинированный

Оснащение: картинки, раздаточный материал, СD диски.

Ход занятия:

  1. Приветствие. Тема. Цели.

  2. Повторение лексического материала по теме «Театр».

  3. Чтение текста с детальным пониманием содержания.

  4. Работа с диалогом.

  5. Детальная работа с афишами.

  6. Инсценировка известных русских сказок.

  7. Подведение итогов.

Ход занятия:

1.Приветствие. Тема. Цели.

Dear friends, today we’ll repeat the material about theatre, train the words and expressions in different situations, solve some problems.

2. Повторение лексического материала по теме “Театр».

a/ Translate words from English into Russian and from Russian into English.

Перевод слов с английского на русский и обратно.

b/Explain the words in English( объяснить слова):

a box-office – is a place where people buy tickets;

a cloak – room – is a place where people leave their coats;

a stage – is a place where actors and actresses play the performances;

a stalls – is a place with the rows of seats before the stage;

a scenery – is a suit of different things on the stage during the performance;

a curtain – is a part of material that separates the stage from the hall.

c\ Say what they do ( сказать, что делают эти люди): a dancer, an usher, an actor, a conductor, a singer, an actress, a musician, a composer, a producer, a spectator, a playwright.

A dancer dances on the stage.

A producer stages a performance.

d\ Match the following questions and answers ( сопоставить вопросы и ответы):

1/ What does a theatre begin with? 1/ The usher sells the programmes and

Shows us to our seats.

2/What do we do in the cloak-room?

3/ What can the cloak-room 2/ They do it to see the cast of the play.

attendant offer us? 3/ We can see the portraits of actors.

4/ What does the usher do? 4/ A theatre begins with the cloak-room.

5/ Why do spectators buy 5/ The cloak- room attendant can offer us

programmes? opera-glasses.

6/ Where do the spectators walk 6/ We can do it in the refreshment room.

during the interval?

7/ What can we see on the walls 7/ We leave our coats and hats with the

of the foyer? cloak room.

8/ Where can we buy a drink or a snack? 8/ They go to the foyer.

e/ Match these words with definitions ( соотнести слова и их определения):

  1. Musical a. the planning of the dance moves in a show

  2. Script b. when a show begins in a theatre

  3. Box-office c. the spoken dialogue in a show

  4. To open d. when a show lasts for a time in a theatre

  5. To run e. an afternoon performance of a show

  6. Special effects f. all the performances in a show

  7. Choreography g. the background and scenery for a show

  8. Matinee h. a show with singing and dancing

  9. Set i. technical illusions

  10. Cast j. a theatre’s ticket-selling service

f/ Show on the seating chart the parts of the hall: a stage, a stalls, a box, a pit, a dress-circle, a balcony. ( показать план расположения мест в зале )

3/ Read the text and fill in the table ( прочитайте текст, заполните таблицу ):

“My Fair Lady” is based on G.B. Show’s 1916 play “Pygmalion” and tells the story of Eliza Doolittle, the Cockney flowerseller chosen from the streets by a professor of linguistics and transformed into a lady. This current production opened in 2001 starring Martine McCutcheon from the TV soap “EastEnders”. It features well-known songs such as “ I’m getting married in the morning” and “On the street where you live”.

“Bombay Dreams” is based in the Indian film industry and features an all-Asian cast. The story centres around Akaash, a poor boy played by Raza Jaffrey, who becomes a film star and falls in love with the daughter of one of Bombay’s greatest film directors. The show features modern Indian pop music, such as “Shakalaka Baby”, and dazzling costumes and choreography. It opened in 2002 and quickly became one of the most popular shows in London.

“We Will Rock You” opened in 2002. This musical, with a script by comedian Ben Elton, takes place in the future, when rock music is illegal. The story is based on famous songs by Queen such as “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “I Want to Break Free”, the set resembles a rock concert and there are plenty of special effects. And Tony Vincent, who plays the hero Galileo Figaro, sounds very like Queen’s lead singer, Freddie Mercury.

Show My Fair Lady We will rock you Bombay Dreams

Opening year

Main character

Actor who plays him/her

Songs from the show

4. a/ Listen to the dialogue and define the time of the performances ( прослушайте диалог и определите время спектаклей):

Thank you for calling the ticket hotline for the Dominion Theatre. Ticket information for “We will rock you” is as follows:

Evening performances start at 7.30. For midweek performances from Monday to Thursday, tickets are available at the following prices; twelve pounds fifty, twenty-two pounds fifty, thirty-two pounds fifty, and forty pounds.

For the Friday evening performance, tickets are priced at; twelve pounds fifty, twenty-seven pounds fifty, forty-two pounds fifty, and forty-five pounds.

For the Saturday evening performance, tickets are priced at; twelve pounds fifty, twenty-seven pounds fifty, thirty-five pounds and fifty pounds.

There is also a Saturday matinee performance starting at 2.30 pm. Ticket prices are the same as for Saturday evening.



Sat eve.

Sat mat.

b/ Read the dialogue and learn it by heart ( прочитайте диалог и расскажите в паре ):

  • The Opera house. Can I help you?

  • Yes, What is on at the theatre tonight?

  • We are giving “Swan Lake”.

  • Could I get any tickets?

  • Matinee or evening performance?

  • Evening, please.

  • I can offer you tickets in the dress circle and in the stalls. Which do you prefer?

  • Three stalls, please. How much are they?

  • 900 roubles.

  • Here you are. When does the performance begin?

  • At seven sharp. Have a good time.

5. Read and find the following information in the theatre guide ( работа с афишами);

  1. The names of the theatres.

  2. How many performances of “Chicago” there are on Friday.

  3. When you can get cheap tickets to see “Fame”.

  4. When you can see “Bombay Dreams” at the weekend.

  5. When “Our House” will leave the Cambridge Theatre.

  6. What the “Daily Telegraph” newspaper thought about “My Fair Lady”

  7. On which days there are matinees of “ My Fair Lady”.

ADELPHI Cambridge Theatre

08704030303 08708901102

Ruthie Henshall returns Final performances – must end 16 Aug

“Chicago” “ Our House”

The hit show based on the hit band

Mon-Thu 8, “Madness”

Fri 5 & 8.30 Mon-Sat 7.45,

Sat 3 & 8 Fri 5&8.30,

Sat 3

All tix half-price Fri 5pm

Aldwych Dominion

08704000805 08701690116

“Fame” “ We will rock you”

“Breathtaking” Independent by Queen and Ben Elton

“Infectious energy” Indie London “ Magnifico” The Sun

Mon-Thu 7.30, Mon-Sat 7.30,

Fri 5.30&8.30, Mat Sat 2.30

Sat 3&7.30

Half-price tickets Fri 5.30!!

Apollo Victoria Drury Lane Theatre Royal

Bo 0870400650 08708901109

“London hottest, most exotic “My Fair Lady”

new musical” Express “Probably the greatest musical

“Bombay Dreams” of all time” Daily Telegraph

“A great night out” Eves 7.30pm,

News of the World Mats Wed & Sat 2.30

Tues-Sat 7.45,

Mats Wed, Sat, Sun 3

6. Now let’s imagine that you are the actors of The Drama Theatre. I’ll give you the texts of your roles, you must choose your costumes, learn the roles and play:

( инсценировка )

“Red Cap”

  • Hello, little girl! What’s your name?

  • Hell, Mister! My Mummy doesn’t allow me to speak with strangers.

  • Oh, I am not a stranger. I’m Mr. Wolf and I am very kind. Don’t be afraid.

Where are you going?

  • To my Granny. She lives far in the forest. She is ill and my Mum sent me to visit


  • Oh, really? I know your Granny, a very nice woman. Is she ill?

  • Yes, seriously.

  • Can I join you?

  • No, I can do it myself.

  • Then see you, bye.

  • Bye.

“ Teremok”

  • Oh, a house! Is anybody at home? Nobody. I’ll live here. It’s my house.

  • Oh, a house! Is anybody at home?

  • Yes, It’s me, a mouse. Who are you?

  • I’m a frog. Can I live with you together?

  • May be but what can you do in the house?

  • What should I?

  • Can you cook?

  • Yes, I can cook and if you have milk at home I can do it cold.

  • Oh, really? Come in.

  • Oh, a house! Is anybody at home?

  • Yes, I am a mouse.

  • And I am a frog. Who are you?

  • I am a hare. Can I live with you together?

  • What can you do?

  • I can jump.

  • Only? Then jump over here.

“Gold Fish”

  • Gold Fish! Gold Fish! Come to me. Help me , please.

  • What’s up? What can I do for you, an old man?

  • You see, my wife sent me to ask a palace for her. If I don’t do it she will beat me.

  • Don’t worry, go home. Everything will be all right! Your wife will have a palace!

But remember, it’s the second wish. Ask something for yourself.

  • How can I? O. K. I want to divorce. I am tired.

  • I’ll do it with great pleasure.

7. Подведение итогов. Well, I see that you remember the material. Now translate the sentences in order to sum up the information and prepare a story about your visit to the theatre;

Я театрал. В нашем городе много различных театров. Мне нравится наш оперный театр. Оперные певцы и танцоры нашего оперного театра известны во всем мире. Я смотрел несколько представлений в оперном театре. Мой любимый спектакль – балет « Лебединое Озеро». Декорации, костюмы, танцы

просто великолепны. Я предпочитаю сидеть в партере. Билетер показывает места в зрительном зале. Композитор – Чайковский. Мой любимый балетный танцор в главной роли. Иногда мы берем бинокль. Я всегда читаю программку перед представлением.

Thank you for your work, your task will be to prepare a story “ My visit to the theatre”

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Открытый урок по теме «Театр» 10 класс УМК Кузовлев В.П.

Автор: Хисматуллина Ирина Павловна

Дата: 05.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 167550

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