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Открытый урок на тему " Travelling light"

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Date.27.02.2014.                            7-form.

  1.  The theme:                 Travelling light

  The main aim:             To enrich their vocabulary and knowledge. To develop writing and speaking ,    listening skills. To develop  pupils abilities in speech.

The visual aid: interactive board.

2.   Procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment

Teacher: Good morning, pupils.

Pupils: Good morning, teacher.

          Teacher: How are you?

          Pupils: We are fine thank you.

Teacher: Who is on duty, today?

          Pupils: I `m on duty, today

          Teacher: Who is absent today?

          Pupils: All are present.

                             Phonetic drill

Where, where have you been, have you been, have you been.

What and who have you seen, have you seen, have you seen.

To some places we have been, we have been, we have been.

Many faces we have seen, we have seen, we have seen.

4. Checking up home work.

               Ex: 13. Write and tick the words.

               Ex: 14. Read the following letter and



I. Camping holidays.


Camping holidays are very popular with young people. They are a cheap and easy way to see a country. But

we should remember important thing - we must take with us only the thing we can carry in a rucksack. We

should know that when the weather is rainy the rucksack may get heavier. We should start to pack earlier at

least a day or two before our holiday. Because sometimes many things are taken and when we get to the place

we see that the most important are forgotten— a match or a tin opener.

When we are travelling with friends some things can be shared and others must be taken by each traveler.


Make questions and answer them.

People popular holidays with are camping young? Why?

Pack why earlier we should?

II. Look at the memory map. Tick ( v ) the trings Ann and Tom take with them and cross ( x ) the things they don’t take with them.

III. Circle the correct answer.

1.John was surprised because:

                             a)Ann and Tom were French;

                          b)Ann and Tom were going on holiday for a month;

                          c)Ann and Tom had only 1 bag each.

2. Ann and Tom travel light because:

                        a)they have two sets of clothes;

         b)they want to have a comfortable travel;

                           c)they wash 1 set of clothes.


                          3. To travel light means.

                         a) to travel with a hand luggage only;

                         b) to travel by plane;

                         c) to travel with lots of  bags

IV. Complete the word map.



     Camping holidays





Backpack         visa                   warm jumper

T-shirt  shorts   sleeping bag     

Passport           tickets               money belt

Traveler checks  tent                  credit card

6. 1)   Much-  с?раулы ж?не болымсыз с?йлемдерде саналмайтын зат есімдермен ?олданылады.

Мысалы: How much cheese is there in the fridge?

                 I haven `t got much money.

2)  Many- с?раулы ж?не болымсыз с?йлемдерде саналатын зат есімдермен ?ана ?олданылады.

Мысалы: How many children have they got?

                There aren `t many people in the room.

                                Giving home work.           

Exercise     7.A.Read and tick the ideas you like most of all.

Exercise 8.Interview some people in your class.

Grammar stuty.

7.  Conclusion.

Today we were active.

Thank your attension.

Your marks…excellent,good,satisfactory.

Good bye pupils.

See you soon.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Открытый урок на тему " Travelling light"

Автор: Найманова Гульфайруз Багдатовна

Дата: 05.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 208399

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