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Основные праздники Республики Беларусь и Великобритании

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урок разработан на базе учебного пособия для 5-го класса Л.М. Лапицкая и др., 2014

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«Основные праздники Республики Беларусь и Великобритании»

UNIT 4 Special days

Lesson 3 Special days of the plane


Hello, my dear friends. Glad to see you. How are you? Today we continue to speak about holidays. You’ll know some new facts about holidays and especially about their celebrations.

Ok! Let’s start.

First let’s see what holidays do you know. Look at the pictures and greet your classmates on special days ( ball game )

Ok! Thank you.

And now you’ll see the symbols of different holidays you should guess what holiday is it and say some facts about it. Clear? (when / where do people celebrate it?).

Great job!

Main part

Stand up, please, come to me and take a card. Make the question

like / celebrations / do / why / people ?

Ok, and now let’s answer this question. What ideas have you got?

Checking home task

And I know that at home you’ve prepared riddles about a special day. Who wants to start?


You’re going to listen about special days. What holidays is it spoken about?

Reading (each pair has its own paragraph)

Ex. 1a p.107

After reading you should speak about your holidays to the others (I’ll give you 7 minutes)

All the others listen attentively than you should answer the questions.

Fill in the helping verbs and then answer them ( Work in pairs)

Home task

And now time is almost over. Look, at home you should do Ex.1c p.108 in writing)


“Stand – up ” game

We’ve got 3 groups. I’ll speak about 3 special days.

Group 1 stand up when you hear a fact about the Queen’s Official Birthday.

Group 2 stand up when you hear a fact about Valentine’s Day.

Group 3 stand up when you hear a fact about April Fool’s Day.

All of you stand up when you hear a fact about Easter.

  1. In the evening people decorate their houses with heart-shaped balloons, light candles and have dinner.

  2. This holiday is on the second Saturday in June

  3. The Internet, TV and radio programmes play jokes on people, too.

  4. People often hide painted eggs or chocolate eggs for little children to find

Our time is up! Thank you for your great job. Your marks are …

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Основные праздники Республики Беларусь и Великобритании

Автор: Гесть Марина Аркадьевна

Дата: 27.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 459970

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