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Open lesson.Sports

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«Open lesson.Sports»

Long term plan

Unit 8 Sports

School: Secondary school named after T.Konyr


Teacher: Mukhamedzhanova Elmira


Number present:


Theme of the lesson:


Learning objective that this lesson is contributing Understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics Provide basic information about themselves and others at sentences level on an increasing range of general topic.

Objective level of thinking skills

Remembering, Understanding, comprehension, evaluation

Lesson objective

All learners will be able to:

read the text and understand specific information and detail in short text with support, use new words in speech with support

Most learners will be able to:

Understand with little support specific information and detail in a text. Ask the questions and give short answer yes\no

Some learners will be able to: provide basic information about themselves and others at sentences level. Ask questions and give full answers. Speak about favourite sports

Assessment criteria

Understand specific information and detail in short text

Ask questions and give short \full answer

Speak about favourite sports

Value links

Health, friendship and caring. Respect

Cross curricular links

Physical education

Previous lesson

Students will know a range of sports from previous form


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



2 min


2 min


3 min

Organization moment

Greeting , ask about daily routine.

Students in a circle wish their wishes each other

Regrouping students using “Puzzles peaces”

Puzzles of sports. According to puzzle learners divide into three groups

Team “Football”

Team “Volleyball”

Team “Basketball”

After doing puzzle students will guess the theme

Students will answer the questions

Which sports ….

  1. are water sports?

  2. are sports with a ball?

  3. need something with wheels?

  4. need a board?

  5. are team sports?

  6. are individual sport?

Formative assessment

Teacher gives golden medal, silver medals bronze medals for each right answer

Ask and answer the questions

What sport do you do?

Where do you do?

When do you do them?

Who do you do them with?


Eyes open grade 5



5 min

5 min



12 min

5 min

Vocabulary work

Label the pictures with sport words in the box. Support with pictures

Do judo

go bowling

go cycling

go skateboarding

go skiing

go snowboarding

go surfing

go windsurfing

play baseball

play basketball

play volleyball

T eacher introduces new words. Do choral and individual drilling of words

Reading task

Text “ Sonja’s First skates”

While reading students work in group and find specific information

For less able students task with support

Task 1. Circle the correct answer.

  1. Sonja Henie knew what she wanted for (Easter/Christmas).

  2. There were many (ponds/lakes and rivers/ seas) near her home.

  3. In the winter they froze, and all the older children went (skiing/ice – skating).

  4. Sonja wanted to (sledge/ ice – skate) too.

For more able students task without support

  1. Sonja went skating every_______.

  2. Her _________ had to buy her another pair.

  3. ___________ is almost like dancing.

  4. She _____ many skating contests.

  5. Sonja was the best figure skater in all __________.

Self Assessment sheets

I have done

I need help

I couldn`t do

Find specific information

Group work


Less able students answer the general questions

  1. Did Sonia Henie live in Norway? Yes\No

  2. Did Sonia`s father buy the skis? Yes\No

  3. Did she like Figure skating? Yes\No

  4. Did Sonia`s father think that she need any skates? Yes\No

  5. Is figure skating almost like dancing? Yes\No

More able students answer the specific questions

  1. What did Sonja want to get for Christmas and why?

  2. Where did she live?

  3. Where did all the older children go in winter?

  4. What did her father think of ice skating?

  5. Who bought her ice skates for Christmas?

Group Assessment

Learners give stars for each right answer

Physical minute “Follow me, everybody”

Learners do physical exercises

Comprehension checking

Pair work

Students will make a dialogue about favourite sports.

Less able students will be given questions (support)

  1. What`s your favourite sport?

  2. Is sport with a ball?

  3. Do need something with wheels?

  4. Is it team sports?

  5. Is it individual sport?

More able student will ask own questions

Formative assessment

Teacher will give them golden medal, silver medal, bronze medal


  • Use new vocabulary

  • Correctly using of word order

  • Give an own opinion


Strategy “Draw your brain”

Student will draw their brain

Learners should fill the brаin with words what they have learnt during the lesson.

Home work : Write an essay about “My favourite sport”

Eyes open grade 5

Text “ Sonja’s First skates”









Assessment sheets


Picture of brain


Sonja’s First skates

After Rosalie Koskimaki

Sonja Henie knew what she wanted for Christmas.  Sonja lived in Norway. There were many lakes and rivers near her home. In the winter they froze, and all the older children went ice – skating.  Sonja wanted to ice – skate too, but she didn’t have skates. Her father thought that she didn’t need any skates as she was only six years old.

“I do! I do!” said Sonja. “Please let me have a pair of ice skates!”

So Sonja’s father brought her ice skates for Christmas. Sonja went skating every day. She skated and skated and skated. In one week they were all worn out. Her father had to buy her another pair. So Sonja kept on skating for hours and hours. She skated for days and days. She became a very good ice skater. She liked figure skating best.

Figure skating is almost like dancing. The skaters go around in circles, they jump in the air, they kick their legs, they skate on the foot, they skate on their toes, and they spin around.

Sonja was better figure skater than anyone else. She won many skating contests. Then she won a very important contest. It was the figure skating contest of Norway. Sonja was the best figure skater in all Norway. And she was only ten years old!

Later, Sonja became the best figure skater in the world. No one could skate better than she. For many years she won all figure skating contests.

Sonja Henie wore out many pairs of ice skates. But she never forgot her very first pair!


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Open lesson.Sports

Автор: Мухамеджанова Эльмира Хасеновна

Дата: 04.12.2020

Номер свидетельства: 565386

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