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Online dictionaries - means of learning a language.docx

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Мы хотим помочь вам получить от самостоятельного изучения языка не только необходимые результаты, но и удовольствие. И хотя данный раздел предназначен, в первую очередь, именно тем, кто учит язык самостоятельно, без посторонней помощи, тем не менее мы уверены, что и остальным  это будет крайне полезно.  Когда мы говорим о самостоятельной учебе, мы имеем в виду не только изучение языка "с нуля". Это может быть работа над отдельными аспектами языка, например грамматикой, лексикой, произношением или правописанием с помощью словарей. 

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«Online dictionaries - means of learning a language.docx »

Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind. Редьярд Киплинг

Online dictionaries - means of learning a language

Volkova Alexandra

Lyceum179, St.-Petersburg

Teacher: Budnickaia R.S.,

Какими бывают словари английского языка

The topicality of the theme:

Dictionaries are essential for those who study languages. Due to the internal system search electronic dictionaries, unlike paper counterparts, serve you faster get the right information. This article is discussed the online version of electronic dictionaries, i.e. those that are represented by the Internet. Benefits include zero cost and no need to install on your computer (do not occupy space on the disk). The only requirement - internet access.


Find out the quality and effectiveness of online translators in learning foreign languages.


1. Study the work of systems of various online dictionaries.

2. The possibility of using various online dictionaries and benefits they bring to learning and improvement of knowledge and skills in foreign language.

3. Identify priority forms of learning languages using various online dictionaries among schoolchildren, students and adults in Russia.

Materials and methods:

As the material of the study there were used the following online resources: Lingualeo, Longman English Dictionary Online, Dictionarist, Duolingo. We used the following methods: a method of linguistic observation (collection and analysis of the material) and social survey.


1. Dictionarist

Register on the site is not required. Simply enter the words to be translated, and then you get an answer at least five languages. In addition to English, you will get translated into languages such as French, Spanish, German and Turkish, which can also be very helpful. Also, you can select your preferred glossaries to translate and learn how to pronounce words correctly.

2. Longman English Dictionary Online

You should enter any word in the English language and you will immediately receive an explanation of the word in English. This translator can be very useful if you want to deepen and broaden your vocabulary and learn how to give a definition of a word in a foreign language. In addition, this source allows you to learn how to pronounce words correctly. The translator includes

-a special section "How to use", containing detailed instructions for using this source;

-more stable combinations for individual words;


-several possibilities to search for words (including the pronunciation);

-you do not have to type the word to the end, often after entering a few letters it can be selected from the open up list (which prevents Oxford Advanced Genie).

- but some definitions of words are not perfect; you can "drown" in the material.

By the way, "Longman English Dictionary Online" has no Russian words at all, so it can be rather difficult to use it, if you do not know elementary English.

Additionally, you can use the analogy of these dictionaries other popular sites: Merriam-Webster, Cambridge Dictionaries, Oxford Learner's Dictionary.

4. Mobile applications

These programs are installed on the tablet or smartphone. This dictionary should definitely have every English language learner. Phone is constantly with you, and it means that at any moment you can take advantage of the installed dictionaries, the presence of an Internet connection is not required. Virtually all applications-English Dictionary are the same: there is British and American voiced pronunciation, word definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and examples of phrases. We recommend to install one of the following dictionaries:

Free Dictionary: Merriamwebster for Android and Merriamwebster for IPhone.

English-Russian free dictionaries: English-Russian Dictionary for Android and English-Russian Dictionary for IPhone.

We provide you a complete guide to action, you just have to choose the most convenient for you. We hope our tips on how to select a dictionary of the English language, will help you find the best reference assistant.

3. Lingualeo

Before you use this source, you must register. Next, the program develops for you a special method of studying of English, based on already acquired your knowledge. Some of options are not free, so if you want to deepen your vocabulary, you have to pay. The resource has a library of training materials (audio, video, text in English). The content is added by users, it is systematized according to level of complexity and topics.

4. Duolingo

Duolingo is a free resource. The program teaches the basics of the language and offers to translate simple words and phrases in the learning process. It develops a special method of studying of English, based on already acquired your knowledge. Each level of program consists of 16 tasks. Firstly, the user has to translate text or sentence, to learn its pronunciation, to place the words in the right order, etc. the definition of new words user can learn on each level.

Table 1.

Classification dictionaries for main content.



Longman English Dictionary Online



Determination of the words










Usage examples





Synonyms/ antonyms words





Idioms and phrasal verbs, slang





Proper names





Special vocabulary










Table 2.

Classification dictionaries for additional content.




Educational games

Mobile Apps


not required

not too much

not available

not available

Longman English Dictionary Online

not required

not too much

not available

available, but it`s not free for usage



no advertisement


available (free)


not necessary,

but it's desirable

no advertisement





Conducting a survey in our lyceum, we have concluded that the majority of students from 8 to 11 classes improve their knowledge in the study of foreign languages with the help of hearing songs 82%. Using audio is formed pronouncing memory; you compare your pronunciation with the pronunciation of native speakers. Students do not apply (or do it rarely) for newspapers, journals and books, because they think it takes a lot of time for them. Only 27% of the students of the lyceum access to media materials. It was in 2006. Nowadays….your choice


Having studied the theory, we conducted a study, classified the opportunities of online – translators, had them tested, found out relevant to the investigated phenomena with pupils. In this study we have an application, which includes recommendations on how to improve the quality of translation, using an online translator.

Practical significance of the research:

If you regularly have to deal with foreign languages, you probably use online dictionaries. I have personal list of several dictionaries, which I use regularly. Each of them is suited better for different tasks as each has its own strengths. Of course, the functions are not limited to checking dictionary meaning of words. You may need to specify the transcription or pick a better synonym, etc.

In general, online dictionaries have been turned into an instrument of work on vocabulary in a broader sense.

Understanding opportunities of online translators will accelerate the process of learning a foreign language and help each user to choose the most comfortable and proven source of information.

The goals and objectives are achieved.

The list of used literature and sites:






Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Online dictionaries - means of learning a language.docx

Автор: Будницкая Регина Семеновна

Дата: 23.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 221172

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