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New vision on literacy through SCRUM technology

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Данный урок разработан с целью познакомить обущающихся с технолгией SCRUM-планирования. SCRUM позволяет ставить задачи и вовремя из выполнять. Урок построен в игровой форме, ученики во время урока представляют, что им приходится выживать в условиях пандемии, планировать время на запас продовольствием и лекарствами.

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«New vision on literacy through SCRUM technology»

Lesson Plan Template

New vision on literacy through SCRUM technology


Glushkova E.A, Drozdova A.O.

Lesson Title:

Survival in coronavirus situation


Reading, Speaking, Planning




Laptop, blackboard, screen, paper material, several small blackboards for SCRUM, sticky notes


*The students will be able to improve speaking skills, creating conversation situations, and to complete the task using modern planning method – SCRUM.

Instructional Procedures:


The students read a task, find out all the information needed, write down notes according to the problems noticed, make up dialogue situations according to the problem noticed. At the end of the lesson the students make their own completed boards. Students make conclusion and share their ideas with each other.


After all starting usual steps of the lesson (greetings and so on) the teacher divides students into groups (3 or 4, 6 students in each group). Then the teacher gives the task about survival in coronavirus situation, the same for each group. The task consists of the text where the situation is described and the list of what should be done – to do list, people, the amount of time. This should be done with SCRUM (the students have already known this method). Then the teacher asks them to read independently for the first time. During 5 minutes the teacher explains the task, answer the questions if there are any. Then the students make small notes, transfer them into sticky notes and after this they do it only on sticky notes and attach them on their boards. After twenty-five minutes, the representatives of groups are asked to read aloud the decision one by one (to check in general and to correct pronunciation).

Then the teacher gives five minutes for groups to discuss whose decision is better and tell it aloud at the end of the lesson. The best project can be hang on the classroom wall.


The teacher checks students’ boards to be sure they can use SCRUM on practice.

Differentiations/Extensions: How will you differentiate for different levels of students?

The students with the lower level are also included with the process anyway because he/she has the role that they will have an opportunity to act because the character will be important and it will have less phrases.

Activities/Assignments: Is there something that you want the students to do after the lesson proper?

Students make up the same projects at home for students from elementary school for them to complete the task at the lesson.


Students’ boards (A3 or bigger)


To do

In the process



The task

Shopping for supplies

Tasks: (duration is written for one person)

To buy food:

Supermarket №1 – 2 hours by car and 4 hours on foot and 3 hours by bicycle

- flour – 25 kilograms

- water – 50 liters

- oil – 10 liters

- sugar – 10 kilograms

Supermarket №2 – 1 hours by car and 2 hours on foot and 1,5 hours by bicycle

- corn flakes – 5 kilograms

- tea – 1000 teabags

- paper – 7 packs

- soap – 4 kilograms

Drugstore – 0,5 hours by car and 1 hours on foot and 45 minutes by bicycle

- antibiotics - all available

- antiseptic – 3 kilograms

- suprastin – 10 packs

THE TASK: to buy all the things in the shortest time (the longer – the higher the risk to catch the virus and bring it into the shelter). How much time do you need to complete this task?


A driver

Can drive a lorry, needs a 15-minutes breaks every hour

An insta-girl

Can carry heavy things but needs to work in a pair

A sportsman

He shouldn’t be left alone in a shop – he’ll buy junk food and eat it all by himself. He can ride a bike.

A hacker

She can get lost, catch a virus and infect the others, but has a key from the shelter.

A teacher

Can’t carry heavy things, she’s very slowly (minus 15 minutes for each action), but knows all about the medicine

A doctor

H e is an allergic, and needs to inject his medicine in the shelter every 1,5 hours.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

New vision on literacy through SCRUM technology

Автор: Глушкова Елена Анатольевна

Дата: 25.04.2022

Номер свидетельства: 605679

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