I.Warming up: Ввести в атмосферу иноязычной речи. II. Основной этап: Автоматизировать лексику по теме: “My Future Profession”. III.Заключительный этап (Reflection). Подведение итог уроку. | - Good- afternoon. I’m glad to see you. The first aim of our lesson is to teach you to formulate your point of view and find arguments to support it. The next aim is to watch your projects. I want to begin our lesson from the words of a famous British writer John Steinbeck. You can see his words on the blackboard. Let’s read them aloud. Thank you! - How will you translate the words? Thank you, take your seat. -So you see our lesson is devoted to your future profession. We shall speak about teaching and teachers. The topic is very important for you and for us. It is important for you because you are intending teachers, it is important for us because we are in profession. There is a number of proverbs and sayings about teachers and pupils. Three of them are on the blackboard. Read, please. Choose the proverb you like more and comment upon it. Thank you! -The topic of our lesson is wide. It’s difficult to take all aspects. I’ve divided it into three parts That is “teaching” “teachers” and “teacher training”. - At the end of the lesson we come back to the words of Steinbeck and see if share his opinion or not. The first point of our discussion is “teaching”. How can you define this word? What is “teaching for you”? Thank you! - I agree with all these definitions. I want to play your attention to one of them. You’ve said that “teaching” is a rewarding job and it’s terribly stimulating. What does it mean? Let’s see where a reward is? Listen to the poem. I shall recite it in Russia and you are to express the main idea in English. Thank you! - Why is “teaching” is a rewarding job? Thank you! - There are many problems connected with teaching. Let’s discuss some of them Our discussion will be in a form of a dialogue. Thank you! - Lets make a conclusion what “teaching” is. Thank you! -The next point of our lesson is “Teachers”. Let’s see what a good teacher should be. What must a teacher know about pupils? Thank you! - A good teacher is one who learns all the time, from life, from colleagues, from children; a professional teacher integrates theory and practice. There are many skills necessary for good teaching. Look through the list of words and choose the skills important for a foreign language teacher. -During our life we come across with many teachers. I’m sure you know the names of Great Teachers. I know that you remember your school teachers. I hope you will remember us, the teachers of our Pedagogical Collage. We come to the next part of our lesson and watch the project. -Good of you! -Where can Russian people get the profession? Where is teacher training realized in Russia? -You are students of a Pedagogical Collage and you want to speak about it. The project. Thank you for your projects! -Good of you! -Now let’s come back to the words of John Steinbeck. Tell me, please, if you share his opinion or not and explain why. Thank you for your opinion! -Our lesson is coming to the end. We have discussed everything. I’m glad that you’ve made up you mind to be a teacher. I wish you all the luck in the world. Let’s finish our lesson with a poem “Teachers Prayer”. Read it one by one. -Thank you for your work! Your will marks…. -What do you know at our lesson? The lesson is over. | - Good- afternoon. “I’ve come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist…Teaching might ever be the greatest of the arts since its medium is the human mind and the human spirit”. John Steinbeck. Knowledge helps a person to choose a trade or profession; - teaches how to be active, useful citizens of our country; -develops the national economy - helps to learn how to work together with other people. - You can learn all the school subjects; -can take an optional course; - can read books or magazines with special information; -a difficult profession: only those who are in it can appreciate it. -at the same time it’s not easy and a real challenge to the character, abilities and talent. - a career. - A teacher must know that children aren’t just boys and girls; everyone is a unique individual who has never been before and will never again exist. They have their own mind and spirit; they are too wondrous to destroy. - Teacher is the most important person in children’s life after parents. -A teaching career isn’t suitable for man. - Education is the responsibility of teachers and parents shouldn’t interfere. -In the near future teachers will be replaced by computers. -Teaching a foreign language in a school is pointless. -the most vital job of all because teachers serve humanity. -a constant stream of decisions. - the greatest of the arts. - A good teacher catalyzes in the pupils the burning desire to know and love for the truth and beauty. -organizing -dealing with people -listening to people -persuading -working accurately -teaching qualifications -nursing qualifications -good exam results in “core” subjects -working hard -working irregular hours -working at weekends -getting up early. -Universities, collages, institutes, pedagogical collages. - We know that teacher is the most important person in children’s life after parents. | -T P -T P -T P -T P -T P -T P -T P -T Р -T P -T P -T P -T P -T Р  -T P | 2 мин 3 мин 5 мин 10 мин 5 мин 2 мин 3 мин 2 мин 5 мин 3 мин 5 мин 2 мин 5 мин 3 мин | На доске записана дата, тема. Студент читает слова вслух. “I’ve come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist…Teaching might ever be the greatest of the arts since its medium is the human mind and the human spirit”. John Steinbeck. Студент переводит слова. 1. Better unborn than untaught. 2. Like teacher, like pupil. 3. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Схема на доске. teachers teaching teacher training Я люблю даже вас, слабаки и лентяя, Хоть немало признаюсь от вас перенес. Даже вас, шалуны, даже самых отчаянных, Доводящих до скрытых мучительных слез. Вы сейчас не поймете, как ночью бессонною, Не успев отдохнуть за отведенный срок, Я сижу над тетрадью усталый, влюбленный В свой и ваш неизвестный урок. Все уроки, как люди, похожи и разные, А бывают они, как радостный праздник, А бывают они, как мучительный срок. Но когда расцветут ваши милые лица, И живым любопытством глаза озарит. И в десятках сердец мое сердце горит Счастлив я, я готов в повседневности буден И мечтать и творить, и работать горя. The problem A: It says here… B.: I’m not sure I quite agree. I would say… A.: Why do you think that? B.: Well……. -organizing -dealing with people -listening to people -persuading -working accurately -teaching qualifications -nursing qualifications -good exam results in “core” subjects -working hard -working irregular hours -working at weekends -getting up early. Проект о преподавателях МППК. Проект о колледже. Студенты читают стихотворение по две строчки, затем перевод.  |