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My talented Family

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Lesson: My talented family                              

School: K.Baiseitova


Teacher name: Nygyzhan Nurzhausyn

Class:  8 B

Number present:                 absent:

Learninig objectives(s) that rhis lesson is contributing to

S5 produce words in response to


S1 make basic personal statements

UE7 use personal subject  wish past simple

UE9 used to differently so/ such to forms to give basic personal information

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Recognize personal subject  wish past simple  to indentify things

Understood basic wish past simple forms to give basic personsl information

Some learners will be able to:

Use basic wish past simple forms could had to to give personal information

Ask questions in wish past simple and so/such

Most learners will be able to:

use personal subject so/ such  to indentify things

Used to differently so/such  to forms to give basic personal information

Language objective

Learners can : describe, use wish past simple forms

Key words and phrases: artist, computer games, inventor, pianist, angel, cooks, writer

Useful classroom language for dialogue writing:

Who is a good artist?

What is good  at  computer games?

What  is a writer?

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Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

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«My talented Family»

Lesson: My talented family

School: K.Baiseitova


Teacher name: Nygyzhan Nurzhausyn

Class: 8 B

Number present: absent:

Learninig objectives(s) that rhis lesson is contributing to

S5 produce words in response to


S1 make basic personal statements

UE7 use personal subject wish past simple

UE9 used to differently so/ such to forms to give basic personal information

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Recognize personal subject wish past simple to indentify things

Understood basic wish past simple forms to give basic personsl information

Some learners will be able to:

Use basic wish past simple forms could had to to give personal information

Ask questions in wish past simple and so/such

Most learners will be able to:

use personal subject so/ such to indentify things

Used to differently so/such to forms to give basic personal information

Language objective

Learners can : describe, use wish past simple forms

Key words and phrases: artist, computer games, inventor, pianist, angel, cooks, writer

Useful classroom language for dialogue writing:

Who is a good artist?

What is good at computer games?

What is a writer?

Previous learning


Planned timings

Planned activities

( replace the notrs below with your planned activities)



10 Org. moment

4 min

2) Warm up

Hands on the table

Hands on the hips

Hands behind the back

Hands up and down

Hands on the shoulders fnd sit down

Hands like this

(Listen and repeat)


20-25 minutes

Brake time

End Reflection



Artist, computer games, inventor, pianist, angel, cooks,writer

  • to know the meaning of words

  • to choose the words correctly

  • to pronounce the words correctly

Task 2

Answer the questions

What is a good artist?

What is good at computer games?

What is a writer?


  • To understand the question

  • To answer the question

  • To ask the question

Task 3

Wish+past simple

I wish I could draw well

I wish I had lots of money


He ‘s so happy! (really)

He’s such a happy person!


  • To draw the picture of the table

  • The name of the table

  • To describe the table

Who knows a lot about the world?”

Children choose one of three things: the fridge if they have understood the theme, the basket if their knowledge is in the middle level, the choopper if they didn’t understand the theme.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan yo give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment- how are you planning to check learners learning?

Cross- curricular links Health and safety chtck ICT links

Music, Art, Technology


Сабақ\ оқу мақсаттары шынайы ма? Бүгін оқушылар не білді? Сыныптағы ахуал қандай болды? Мен жоспарлаған саралау шаралары тиімді болды ма?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

My talented Family

Автор: Нукешева Жибек Талгаткызы

Дата: 30.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 385740

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