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My favorite writer’ biography

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My favorite writer’ biography

write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information;

- link without support sentences using basic coordinating conne;

write about a favourite writer, read an extract from your favourite book and talk about it;

-to bring up patriotism and civil responsibility;

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«My favorite writer’ biography»


Teacher: Mekenova N.A


Theme: My favorite writer’ biography

Aims: - write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information;

- link without support sentences using basic coordinating conne;

write about a favourite writer, read an extract from your favourite book and talk about it;

-to bring up patriotism and civil responsibility;


Орг момент, мотивация

Мотивация учащихся как класс- команды

Good day, boys and girls! I’m so glad to see you today. We have guests today. They are teachers and parents.Welcome to our lesson. Dear boys and girls
-if you like English raise your right arm

- if you like your school raise left arm

- if you like your motherland clap your hands

-if you are ready to work nod your head

Leader: -We are lucky

We are happy

Forward Forward Forward

We will never stop!

II Warm-up

II.Фонетическая зарядка.Чтение слов на доске.

Novels , poems, detective stories, plays, thrillers, horror stories, poems, science fiction,

What do these words mean?-different kinds of books

What are we going to speak about today? What do you think about it? –Yes, you are right. And the theme of our lesson today is “ My favourite writer”.

Дается слово лидеру





Перекрестный опрос по теме /Home work

  1. When was Doyle born? (1859.)

  2. Where was Doyle born? (Edinburgh.)

  3. Where did he study ?( at university)

  4. What did he study at university? (Medicine – he wanted to be a doctor.

  5. ) When did he write his first story about Holmes and Watson? (1886.)

  6. How many stories did he write about these characters? (56.)

  7. When did Doyle die? (1930.)

  8. Where did Holmes and Watson appeare?( in novels/ tv programs)

  9. What is one of the most famous stories? (The Hound of Baskervilles)

  10. What kind of story is it? (a mystery story)

  11. What is it “moor”?(болото)

  12. What is it “tin”?(консервная банка)

  13. What is it “stranger”?(незнакомец)

  14. What is it “enemy”?(враг)

Первая отметка


Организация восприятия слов

Преподаватель объясняет значение слов по теме. Опорные слова закрываются. Учащиеся должны запомнить все слова по порядку. После окончания времени на запоминание (30 секунд)слова закрываются и ученики воспроизводят слова за то же время, за которое запомнили. Учитель проводит опрос.

First of all let`s work with new words of the lesson. I`ll read them,

you`ll listen to me and repeat:

  1. Village-деревня

  2. Publish-публиковать

  3. Translate-преводить

  4. Movie-кино

  5. Win-побеждать

  6. Adults-взрослые

  7. Widespread- широко распространенный

Вторая отметка. Норматив времени на запоминание. 7 слов- 30 секунд


Организация осмысления

Учащиeся работают с текстом . Berdibek Sokpakbayev’s biography


Первичная проверка понимания

Перекрестный опрос. Учитель задает вопросы по тексту.

1.When was Berdibek Sokpakbayev born?

2.Where was he born?

3.Where did he study ?

4. What did he study at university?

5.Where did he work?

6.Whom did he write different stories, scenarios?

7. When did his first book publish?

8.Name one of the best stories ?

9Where was ,, My name is Kozha,, publish?

10. In which languages was translated ,, My name is Kozha,,?

11.When did “Kazakhfilm” studio write the scenario on this story?

12.Who was the producer of this film?

13.Where did this film win the special prize?

14.Do like children this film?

Третья отметка. Ставится всем учащимся плюс или минус по результатам


Организация первичного закрепления

Критический опрос. Вопросы сознательно искажаются для того, чтобы проверить качество усвоения. Не допускается вопрос предполагающий ответ «да» или «нет»

  1. Berdibek Sokpakbayev was born in Actobe oblast.F

  2. He began to write poms from the age of14-15.T

  3. He graduated from the Kazakh Abai pedagodical Institute in 1949.T

  4. He worked as a translater.F

  5. His first book was published in1950.T

  6. Berdibek Sokpakbayev is adults’ favourite writer.F

  7. One of the best stories is “Ayazhan”.F

  8. ,, My name is Kozha,, was published for the first time in Moscow.T

  9. In1963 In 1963 «Kazakhfilm» studio wrote the scenario on this story and produced a film.

  10. The film producer isShaken Aimanov .F

  11. The film «Мy name is Kozha» won the special prize in the International Cannes Film Ferstival.T

  12. He worked in magazines titled «Zhuldyz», «Baldyrgan». T

  13. For the second time it was translated in German. F

14.«Мy name is Kozha» was translated then into 30 languages and so it was widespread all over the world. T

Четвертая отметка. Ставится все учащимся плюс ли минус по результатам




Анализ Время 5

Минут Проводится тематический словарный запас по изучаемой теме.

Написать 26 слов по тексту

22-26 ==+


Пятая отметка. Ставится всем учащимся плюс ли минус по результатам.


Рефлексия 1. Определяется уровень усвоения материала классом.

Определяется уровень усвоения материала классом

Very good! You have a very professional discussion. Well, our lesson is over. You have worked very well today and all of you get excellent marks! Thank you for the lesson! See you next time. Good-bye!


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Домашнее задание задается всем учащимся, которые получили менее 4 отметок

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

My favorite writer’ biography

Автор: Мекенова Нуржамал Амирхановна

Дата: 11.06.2019

Номер свидетельства: 514389

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