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My County-My Land

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Aims: 1To intensify and consolidate what they have learned on the basis of previously acquired knowledge, repeat passed training material in an informal setting with games and contests, to introduce and expand students ' knowledge about the day of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan

2 improve communication skills in three languages. Contribute to the development of memory, imagination and thought. Proceed to form a steady interest in the language, as a means of communication.

3to acquaint with the history of the holiday - the Day of languages of people of Kazakhstan (22 September) and its significance in the life of every nation, to build a culture of team work, cultivate friendships. Bring a sense of love to the Motherland, as a person's quality of future citizens of Kazakhstan

Form of holding: the Game

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«My County-My Land»

My County-My Land (Poliglot)

Мақсаты/Aims: 1To intensify and consolidate what they have learned on the basis of previously acquired knowledge, repeat passed training material in an informal setting with games and contests, to introduce and expand students ' knowledge about the day of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan

2 improve communication skills in three languages. Contribute to the development of memory, imagination and thought. Proceed to form a steady interest in the language, as a means of communication.

3to acquaint with the history of the holiday - the Day of languages of people of Kazakhstan (22 September) and its significance in the life of every nation, to build a culture of team work, cultivate friendships. Bring a sense of love to the Motherland, as a person's quality of future citizens of Kazakhstan

Form of holding: the Game.

The course of the event.

I Good afternoon, dear boys and girls! We are glad to see you today! You know that on the 22nd of September people of our Republic celebrate the Day of Languages. It is an important day in our country. The President of our Republic N. A. Nazarbaev pays great attention to education, science and culture in his” Message to the People of Kazakhstan.” He also underlines that new generation must know 3 languages ( Kazakh, English and Russian ) and use them in communication. 

II Dear children! Today we’ ll have a game. It is an unusual game. It will be in a form of competitions. We’ ll need teams ( students in each team ). The theme is “ My Land – My country”. We know that the property of our country is a nation. But all people must be educated and purposeful. Our future is a modern educated society. 

III Здравствуйте, дорогие ребята! Сегодня мы собрались здесь, чтобы поговорить о том, как важна роль языков в нашем государстве. Республика Казахстан – многонациональное государство с богатой историей, культурой и традициями народов, проживающих на её территории и поэтому 22 сентября Указом Президента Республики Казахстан Н. А. Назарбаевым, был объявлен днем языков народов Республики Казахстан. 

IV: Язык – это общественное явление, которое действует на протяжении всего существования человечества. История не знает ни одного человеческого коллектива, который бы не пользовался языком. И это понятно. Человек живет в обществе. Он постоянно связан с другими людьми. Средством общения служит язык. При помощи языка люди передают свои мысли, желания, чувства. 

I Our language is connected with our thought and sense. It appeared in antiquity. It’s close to the society’s life. All languages developed under influence of economic, political and geographical conditions. 

V Президент нашего государства Нурсултан Назарбаев выступает за знание нескольких языков. И сегодня мы, нынешнее поколение, изучаем английский язык, так как это язык международного уровня. 

II English is a world language. It’s the language of progressive science and technology, trade and Cultural relations, commerce and business. English is spoken by more than 350 million people. Geographically, it’s the most widespread language on earth. 

I- We are glad to great you at our game! 

- First of all let me introduce our teams and jury. There are two teams here today. The first one is called _______, and its captain is _______. The second team is called ________, and its captain is _______. The members of our jury are: ____________. 

- Now listen to the rules of our game. It consists of several stages. They are deal with English, Russian and Kazakh languages. 
II So, I hope that today you will show good knowledge of your country using Kazakh, English and Russian. Try to be active. You know that every country has it’s Flag, State Emblem and Anthem. So, let’s start our game with an Anthem

Аn Anthem

Poem about Kazakhstan (hear the song « Елім – ай».) 
This land is your land, 
This land is my land. 
From Petropavlovsk to Almaty, 
From the white sand deserts 
To the big green valley. 
This land is made for you and me. 
This land is your land, 
This land is my land. 
From the Southern mountains 
To the Central steppe lands. 
From the Caspian Sea 
To the Lake Balkhash 
This land was made for you and me. 

A Game – Competition «My Country- My Land»
Competition №1 Pronounce these words in Kazakh and English. 
I. Страна – country- үлыс. . 
Столица – capital-Астана 
Жить - live - өмір сүру. 
Герб – State Emblem – Елтанба. 
Красивый- beautiful - әдемі. 
Центральный – central – орталық. 
Мир – Peace - әлем. 
Национальность – nationality – үлт. 
Гордый – proud - төқаппар. 
II. Народ – people – халық. 
Флаг- flag – тү. 
Стоять- stand –түру. 
Город – city – қала. 
Знаменитый – famous -әйгілі. 
Большой – large ( Big) –үлкен. 
Дружба –friendship – достық. 
Республика – republic – Республика. 
Много – many ( much) – көп

Competition№2 Guess the riddles! 
- Guess the riddles and try to translate the answer to three languages. 
Конкурс №2 «Загадки»-«Жұмбақтар»
- Отгадайте загадку и переведите отгадку на три языка – казахский, русский и английский. 
1) It is running night and day but it never runs away. (A clock, часы, сағат) 

2) Лежал, лежал, да и в речку побежал. (Снег, snow, қар) 

3) Қар сияқты аппақ, өзі сондай тәтті - ақ . (Қант, сахар, sugar) 

4) What has legs but cannot run? (a chair, стул, орындық) 

5) Длинное хвостище, рыжее волосище, сама хитрище. (лиса, a fox, түлкі) 

6) Ол жұмса көзін ұйықтаймыз өзім. (шырағы, лампа, a lamp) 

7) The little old man who has 12 children. (a year, год, жыл) 

8) I have cities but no houses; forests but no trees; rivers without water; what am I? (a map, карта) 

9) What is it that looks like a cat, eats like a cat, walks like a cat, but still it is not a cat? (a kitten, котенок, мысық) 

10) What has no head, no arms, no legs, and still has a tongue? (a shoe, аяқ киім, обувь) 

2. Конкурс №3. «Пословицы»-«Мақал- мәтелдер»

“Proverbs” Complete these proverbs into English and Kazakh:

 - Вам нужно - Вам нужно закончить пословицу на казахском, русском или английском языке.  пословицу на казахском, русском или английском языке. 

1) Не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей

2) East or west home is best. 

3) Отансыз адам, ормансыз бұлбұл. 

4) Имя мастера остается в его творениях, имя ученного остается в его книгах

5) Custom is a second nature. 

6) Тұған жердей жер болмас, тұған елдей ел болмас. 

7) Appearances are deceitful. 
8) Отанды сүю, отбасынан басталады. 
9) Всякому овощу свое время. 
10) All is not gold that glitters. 

Конкурс № 4. «Байга» Командам необходимо быстро ответить на вопросы. 

1) What’s the capital of Russia? (Moscow) 

2) Қазақстанның астанасын атандар. (Астана) 

3) What’s the capital of Great Britain? (London) 

4) Қазақстанда 30 (отызыншы) тамызда қандай мейрам откізіледі? (Конституциясы күні) 

5) What holiday do people of Great Britain celebrate on the 25th of December? (Christmas Day) 

6) Қазақ ұлы ақыны, ойшысы, философы кім? (Абай Кунанбаев) 

7) When do people celebrate the Day of languages in Kazakhstan? (on the 22nd of September) 

8) Қазақстанның мемлекеттік рәм»здерін атандар? (ту, елтанба, әнұран) 

9) Who is the president of our Republic? (Nursultan Nazarbayev) 

10) Қазақстанда Наурыз мейрамы қашан тойланады? (22 Наурызда) 

1)Pushkin was a great Kazakh poet. 
2)Pavlodar is a capital of Kazakhstan 
3)Kazakhstan is not an independent Republic. 
II) 1) Tokhtar Aubakirov is a President of Kazakhstan. 
2) Ili is the largest river in Kazakhstan. 
3) Abai is a first cosmonaut of Kazakhstan

Translate this text in Kazakh and Russian

We live in Kazakhstan. Our Republic is very large. It is located in Central Asia. Kazakhstan has its own flag and national emblem. The capital of our country - Astana. It is located on the Ishim river. The city is very beautiful. But Astana in our Republic a lot of other big cities. It: Almaty, Shymkent, Aktau, Families, Atyrau and other. The ancient city of Taraz. He is more than 2000 years. Taraz is located in the South of Kazakhstan. Our country is known for its people, who live in peace and friendship. Kazakhstan is a multinational country. The official language is Kazakh. The President of our Republic, - Nursultan Nazarbaev said. We are proud of our country
Make the words with the help of letters given on the screen: Kazakhstan, president, Astana, dombyra, baursak. 

Competition № 5. «Captains competition»- Each team captain must tell about yourself on Kazakh or English language in an interesting form
-. Конкурс № 5. «Конкурс капитанов»-«Капитандар сайысы»
Каждый капитан команды должен рассказать о себе на казахском или английском языке в интересной форме. 

  • Әр капитан өзі туралы айтып беруі керек
    Қорытындылау.Подведение итогов

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

My County-My Land

Автор: Мустанова Марал Булатовна

Дата: 14.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 253148

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