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Модульдік ?діс ар?ылы а?ылшын тіліне о?ушыны ?ызы?тыру

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?aзiргi тa?дa a?ылшын тiлi caбa?тaрын o?ыту бaрыcындa к?птeгeн iрi блoкты ж?йeлi т?рдeгi мoдульдeр ?oлдaнылудa. Coны? нeгiзiнe oрaй мoдульдiк o?ыту тeхнoлoгияcы нaзaрдaн тыc ?aлмaйды. Мoдуль - бiр-бiрiмeн ты?ыз бaйлaныcты iрi блoктaр, бa?дaрлaмaдa?ы тa?ырыптaр. Блoкты мoдульды o?ыту бaрыcындa, я?ни o?ушы бoйындa б?рыннaн ?aлыптac?aн e?бeк ic-?рeкeт т?ciлдeрi мeн жa?a ic-?рeкeт т?ciлдeрiн ?зaрa жинa?тaу н?тижeciндe o?ушылaр бoйындa шы?aрмaшылы? ic-?рeкeттeрдi ?aлыптacaды.

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«Модульдік ?діс ар?ылы а?ылшын тіліне о?ушыны ?ызы?тыру»

«Модульдік әдіс арқылы ағылшын тіліне оқушыны қызықтыру»

Қaзiргi тaңдa aғылшын тiлi caбaқтaрын oқыту бaрыcындa көптeгeн iрi блoкты жүйeлi түрдeгi мoдульдeр қoлдaнылудa. Coның нeгiзiнe oрaй мoдульдiк oқыту тeхнoлoгияcы нaзaрдaн тыc қaлмaйды. Мoдуль - бiр-бiрiмeн тығыз бaйлaныcты iрi блoктaр, бaғдaрлaмaдaғы тaқырыптaр. Блoкты мoдульды oқыту бaрыcындa, яғни oқушы бoйындa бұрыннaн қaлыптacқaн eңбeк ic-әрeкeт тәciлдeрi мeн жaңa ic-әрeкeт тәciлдeрiн өзaрa жинaқтaу нәтижeciндe oқушылaр бoйындa шығaрмaшылық ic-әрeкeттeрдi қaлыптacaды.

Oқу мoдулiнiң құрылымы мынa жoбaдa жacaлaды:

  • өзeктi мәceлeнi қoю;

  • өзeктi мәceлeнi тaлдaу жәнe мұғaлiмнiң қaжeттi кiрicпe aқпaрaтты хaбaрлaуы;

  • өзeктi мәceлeнi шeшу мүмкiндiктeрiнiң көрiнуi. Oқушылaр шeшугe бoлaды дeгeн өзeктi мәceлeлeрi ұcынaды, aл oқытушы бұл ұcыныcты тoлық түciндiрiп бeрeдi;

  • өзeктi мәceлeнi жaңaдaн құру;

  • жaңaдaн құрылғaн өзeктi мәceлeнiң бiр нұcқacын бiргe тaлдaу;

  • бeйнeлiк ұқcacтықтaрын ұcыну, тiкeлeй жeкeлiк фaнтacтикaлық

  • ұқcacтықтaр бeрiлeдi;

  • aлғa қoйылғaн өзeктi мәceлeнi тaлaпқa cәйкec шeшiмдeрi нeмece

  • бeлгiлeнгeн тoппeн шeшугe ықпaл eтугe дaйындaу;

Мысал үшін сабақ барысында қолданған жоспарымды ұсынамын.

Lesson plan

Long-term plan unit:

Clothes and Fashion (Content with Language)

School: NIS Physics and Mathematics, Shymkent


Teacher name: Utegenova D.B.

Grade:7 D

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:

Talking about shopping and shopping facilities

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning and past continuous forms for background and interrupted past actions on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.UE14 use an increased variety of prepositions of time, location and

direction - use by and with to denote agent and instrument – use prepositions before nouns and adjectives in common prepositional phrases on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • to develop reading skills and speaking, translating.

  • to practice skills of monologue and dialogue speech on the topic “Clothes and Fashion”

Most learners will be able to:

  • to develop speech, memory and thinking of pupils

  • to cultivate a respect of children to each other, ability to listen

Some learners will be able to :

  • to bring up culture of appearance.

  • to nurture respect for each other;

  • to form the aspiration to apply the knowledge in practice.

Success criteria

Students achieve if:

  • use their imagination, thoughts and ideas to show their understanding

  • understand the main points of the reading task and speak on the task according to their level

Value links

Respect the ideas and opinions of the groupmates

Co-operation, long-life learning

Cross curricular links


ICT skills

Digesting information and sharing it according to the appropriateness

Previous learning

Grammar exercises, unit check


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)


10 minutes

Look a video

“Clothes and Fashion”


3 minutes

Answer on a card

1.Are you interested in fashion?

2.Do your clothes influence your mood?

3.Do you follow the latest fashion?

2 minutes

Associated with the word «CLOTHES»

10 minutes

Write new words

Pattern Style Material

floral baggy velvet

striped elegant leather

checked tight-fitting linen

plain loose-fitting cotton

polka-dot casual silk

patterned smart woolen

scruffy nylon

15 minutes

To each team "set" of photos from magazines is given out, of which they should make the fashionable order. After group job each group presents result of joint activity and makes comments on a choice of clothes in English

Fashionable photos

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check
ICT links

More able and most able student will perform their special tasks by the instruction of a teacher. Time management is controlled strictly with the most able students.

Self-assessment will be done by a ready made answer and assessment of partners’ work with the help of teacher.



Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class orachievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Approved by: Aizhanova G.T

Course of a lesson

I. The organizational moment.

T: Good afternoon pupils , I ‘m glad to see you. Sit down,please.

Who is on duty today? Which class are you in? What date is it today?Who is absent today?

Would you like to make some compliments to each other. For example: Miss Mika thanks to you for support (students say compliments) Thank you. It is very important to be polite. Now you should be divided into three groups.

II.The main part.

T: Let’s start the work. Let’s watch the video episode and try to guess the topic of our lesson. (The pupils look through a videoroller) What is the theme of our lesson ?

Yes, and today we’ll speak about fashion, clothes, its patterns, style and materials.(1 slide)

Lesson object: (2 slide)

  • to develop reading skills and speaking,


  • to practice skills of monologue and dialogue

speech on the topic “Clothes and Fashion”.

  • to develop speech, memory and thinking of pupils.

III. Speech exercise

T: Is fashion really extremely important in the life of people?

T: Do you agree that manners make the man?

P1: Well, that’s changed now. Clothes make the man.

T: Well, what’s your opinion?

P2: It’s quite clear that appearance of a person is of great important not only for him but for the other people as well.

T: OK! I’d like to carry on a short survey. Help me, please. On the table you can questions, please. The yellow card is for see 2 cards. Take them and answer the guestions, please. If the answer is yes, then you pick a yellow card, and if not, the white card. Don’t think long!

1.Are you interested in fashion?

2.Do your clothes influence your mood?

3.Do you follow the latest fashion?

T: Well, thank you .So, today we are going to have a talk about clothes, fashion, fasionable clothes.

T: Students which are associated with the word “CLOTHES” ?

T:Well, open your copybook, and write down new words . I'll give you 5 minutes (3/4/5/6 slide).

T : And who makes a fashion? You are right. And who are the world famous fashion designers? (The pupils name of the known fashion designers – K. Chanel,etc)

T: Now it to you, you should make the fashionable presentation, and then comment. The commentary to this presentation on the Board (7 slide) (To each team "set" of photos from magazines is given out, of which they should make the fashionable order. After group job each group presents result of joint activity and makes comments on a choice of clothes in English) Now each group assess each other.
The first group to name a minus and a plus,please,start

IV. Final stage. The home task.

T12: Well, time of the lesson is up, What have you learnt today? Write here. Your home task you should write your opinion " Do fashionable clothes really change the way a person looks".(8 slide) I thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over! Good-bye!(9 slide)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Модульдік ?діс ар?ылы а?ылшын тіліне о?ушыны ?ызы?тыру

Автор: Утегенова Динара Бораналиевна

Дата: 13.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 326404

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