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Modal Verbs "May,Might"

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Lesson 1
Date: 23.02.2015
Subject: English
Class: 6 «?»
Grammar theme: Modal verbs “may, might, could”
Lexical theme: Healthy food
I.To generalize and to systematize pupils’ knowledge according to them “Healthy food” and modal verbs “may, might and could”
II. To develop pupils’ skills in reading, listening, speaking
III. To bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other; to conduct Healthy life
Objectives: to develop pupils’ intere st to the subject. To teach pupils to conduct Healthy life
Literature: Family and Friends 5Materials: interactive board, class book, work book, cards, computer, pens, chalk
Method :work with illustrations, work with definitions

The procedure of the lesson:
I. Org.moment:
Teacher: Good afternoon, dear children! I`m glad to see you!
Children: Good afternoon teacher!
Teacher: How are you?
Childen 1: We are fine, thank you. And you?
Teacher: I`m fine, too. Take your seats.
Teacher: Who is on duty today?
Children 2: I`m on duty today
Teacher: Who is absent today?
Children 2: (…. are absent, all are present)

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«Modal Verbs "May,Might" »

Lesson 1

Date: 23.02.2015

Subject: English

Class: 6 «Ә»

Grammar theme: Modal verbs “may, might, could”

Lexical theme: Healthy food


I.To generalize and to systematize pupils’ knowledge according to them “Healthy food” and modal verbs “may, might and could”

II. To develop pupils’ skills in reading, listening, speaking

III. To bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other; to conduct Healthy life

Objectives: to develop pupils’ interest to the subject. To teach pupils to conduct Healthy life

Literature: Family and Friends 5

Materials: interactive board, class book, work book, cards, computer , pens, chalk

Method :work with illustrations, work with definitions

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Org.moment:

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear children! I`m glad to see you!

Children: Good afternoon teacher!

Teacher: How are you?

Childen 1: We are fine, thank you. And you?

Teacher: I`m fine, too. Take your seats.

Teacher: Who is on duty today?

Children 2: I`m on duty today

Teacher: Who is absent today?

Children 2: (….. are absent, all are present)

Teacher: What date is it today?

Children 2: Today is 23 of February

Teacher: What day is it today?

Children 2: It is Monday

Teacher: What`s the weather like today?

Children 2: (it is cold, warm, sunny, windy) today

Teacher: Thank you, sit down!

II.Warming up:

Teacher: Guys, look at the board and find the right words to definitions

Teacher: Are you ready?

Children: Yes ,we are ready.

Teacher: if you’re ready, let’s start.

  1. If food of this it taste of sugar (sweet) (тамақтың ішінде шекердің дәмі болса, тәтті)

  2. Food that we eat between meals (snack) (жүрек жағап алу, закуски)

  3. The power that your body get for food (energy) (тамақтан алынатын нәрсе, энергия)

  4. If food of this it taste of salt (salty) (тамақтың ішінде тұз көп болса, тұзды)

  5. An amount of energy (calorie) (энергиянын саны, калория)

  6. Things in food that we need to correct and be healthy (vitamins) (дені сау болу үшін тамақтан не алынады, витамин)

  7. What do dairy products contain? (milk) ( Сүт өнімдеріне не жатады,сүт )

  8. What are the most important parts of a healthy diet?(whole grains) (Дұрыс тамақтанудың негізгі бөлігі, арпа, бидай)

Teacher: Good job guys!

III. Phonetic drill: Денсаулық туралы мақал-мәтелді есте сақтау. Сөздерді бір бірден өшіру, сол арқылы есте сақтауды дамыту.

Teacher: Children, look at the board, listen to me and repeat all together. These are the English proverbs about health.

Proverbs: A sound mind in a sound body. Тәні саудың жаны сау.

Good health is above wealth. Хорошее здоровье дороже денег

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Яблоко в день держит докторов подальше

IV.Presentation of new material:

Teacher: Our theme for today’s lesson is “Healthy food” and modal verbs “may, might and could”

Модальді етістіктер-сөйлемге қатысатын негізгі емес етістіктердің тобы.Олардың қатарына can (could), could, may (might), might, must (had to), have to, ought to, should, would need to.

Step 1: Модальді етістіктерді қолдану: модальді етістіктер негізгі етістік болмағандықтан қосымша мағына беру үшін ғана қолданылады. Мысалы, бір әрекетті істеуге тыйым салынғандығы, істей алатындығыңызды (мүмкіншіліктің болуы), істегеніңіз жөн болатындығы, әрекеттің ықтималдығы жайлы қосымша мағына беру үшін модальді етістіктер қолданылады. Модальді етістіктерден кейін міндетті түрде етістік тұруы керек. Мысалы: -Can you speak English?

Аудармасы: can-істей алу, could- істей алушы еді, may- істей алады, might- істей алады, must-істеуге міндетті, had to- болу керек, have to- істеу керек , ought to- міндетті түрде істеу керек, should-керек, would need to-керек болады.

Эквивалент: Can- to be able (to), May- to be allowed (to), Must- have to, has to.

Teacher: Қай кезде have to қолданылады?

Children: Бастауыш I , we, they, you есімдіктеріне ауысады.

Teacher: Сhildren, modal verb “may” in

Infinitive: May

Past Simple: Might

Past Participle: Might

May” аудармасы істей алады

Мысалы: You may order a ticket by telephone.-Билетті қоңырау шалу арқылы алуыңызға болады.

Fashion may be changing, but style remains.-Сән өзгеруі мүмкін, бірақ стиль өзгермейді.

Fortune may smile upon you one day.-Біркүні сәттілік сіздің қолыңызға түсер.

Might for example: Steve said he might help me.-Cтив сказал, что, возможно мне поможет.-Стив маған мүмкін көмектесетінін айтты.

I told him that he might go home.- Мен оған үйге баратын уақыт келгенін айттым.

The sky overcast.It might rain this evening. –Кешке таман, жаңбыр жаууы мүмкін.

Can for example: Can I keep your book till Sunday?-You can’t, it is not mine.-Мен сенің кітабіңды ертенге дейін алсам бола ма?-Жоқ, болмайды.Менің кітабім емес.

Can you drive?- Сен автокөлік жүргізе аласын ба?

She can speak Japanese.- Ол жапонша сөйлей алады.

Could for example: Could do now.- Істей алар еді.

Could have done.- Сол кезде істей алар еді.

V. Жаңа тақырыпты бекіту:

Step 1: Speaking activity

Teacher: Children, look at the board and listen to me. Please, continue this sentence

For example: I wish I could be a teacher.

Children: I wish I could be a scientist.[s a i n t i s t]

I wish I could be a rockstar.

I wish I could be a veterinarian.

I wish I could be a pasty chef = cook-аспасшы

I wish I could be an artist.

I wish a florist.

I wish a dentist =doctor who treats teeth

I wish a hairdresser = шаштараз

Step 2: Writing activity

Әр оқушыға карточкалар таратылып беріледі, соның ішіндегі көп нүктенің орнына тиісті модаль етістігін жазу қажет.

Teacher: Children, look at me, listen to me. You should put in modal verbs the following sentences. Your time is 4 minutes

Card №1

Put the modal verbs in the sentences

I. I can play football.

II. Nobody can buy health and happiness.

III. Could you drink tea with butter?

Card №2

Put the modal verbs in the sentences

I. Cannot Jack sleep on the sofa?

II. Can it be cold in the morning?

III. He can attentively.

Card № 3

Put the modal verbs in the sentences

I. She couldn’t eat anything.

II. He can drink apple juice.

III. My son can cook meat.

Card №4

Put the modal verbs in the sentences

I. You can order pizza.

II. Could I have some salad?

III. Could you give me sugar, please?

Card №5

Put the modal verbs in the sentences

I. Can you tell me something about fastfood?

II. May I ask you some juice,sir?

III. You may have dinner at school.

Card №6

Put the modal verbs in the sentences

I. May I have another sweet?

II. My group may eat in the canteen .

III. Kelly may have mashed potatoes for supper.

Card №7

Put the modal verbs in the sentences

I. The manager may have lost his dinner.

II. I told him that he might go to pub.

III. I might/may as well go to the restaurant now.

Card №8

Put the modal verbs in the sentences

I. He can’t drink coca-cola.

II. You can find any kind of sweet.

III. Can I taste this dish?

Card №9

Put the modal verbs in the sentences

I. You may come to my cafe.

II. Can I have a glass of water?

III. Can you wait for me in the pub?

Card №10

Put the modal verbs in the sentences

I. I could cook well.

II. It might be cooked by my mum.

III. You might drink water.

Card №11

Put the modal verbs in the sentences

I. We may not eat unhealthy food.

II. Everybody can buy healthy food.

III. Could you buy some tomatoes?

Step 3: Reading activity

Оқушыларға дұрыс тамақтану туралы видео көрсетіледі. Сол видео бойынша сұрақтар қою қажет.

Teacher: Watch this video.

1. Do you like this video?-Yes, I like this video

Children, write out words connected to food from this video

Chocolate, ice cream,chips,cake,hot dogs,hamburgers,fruts,vegestables, banana’s,bread,grapes,pasta,apples

Did you hear chocolate?-Yes, we heard chocolate.

VI. Рефлексия.

1. Teacher: Children, write in card and give me.




1.Did you like this lesson?

2.Was this lesson interesting?

3.Do you now any proverbs?

Write them:

2. Giving marks:

…… you mark is ….

VII. Home task:

Teacher: Guys, please, open your dairy books and write down your task. Your home task is make up 5 sentence with modal verbs “may, might and could”

Мұғалім (бағасы):______________

Мұғалім қолы:________________

Әдіскер қолы:________________


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Modal Verbs "May,Might"

Автор: Башенова Дарина Жанбырбаевна

Дата: 11.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 210140

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