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Методическая разработка. Открытый урок ``We love our planet``для 6 класса и технологическая карта урока.

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Методическая разработка представляет открытый урок для 6 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Цель урока-  урок обобщения  и систематизации а также составление устного монологического высказывания по теме. Планируемые результаты- формирование личностной позиции по проблеме экологии, воспотание ответственного отношения к природе и окружающему миру.

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«Методическая разработка. Открытый урок ``We love our planet``для 6 класса и технологическая карта урока.»

Конспект урока по английскому языку

6 класс

Тема урока: We love our planet

Цель урока: активизация речевой и мыслительной деятельности, формирование целостного представления о проблемах экологии, создание мини-проекта о возможных путях её решения.

Ход урока.

-- Good afternoon, boys and girls! I`m glad to see you! Say good afternoon to our guests!

--Good afternoon, teacher! Good afternoon!

--Sit down, please and let`s begin our lesson.

--What date is it today? Who is absent today? Are you ready to start?(ответы учащихся)

--Look at the screen! Do you agree that our planet is beautiful? What do you see in these pictures? Yes, there are a lot of beautiful places in our world. But look at these slides! Look at our planet! Is it happy? What`s wrong? What problems does our planet have? (ответы учащихся)

--So what do you think we are going to speak about? (ответы учащихся) Yes, some people destroy our environment, the climate on our planet is changing, many animals and plants are in danger and they may even disappear. But what do you think? Can we change this situation? Can we help our planet? (ответы учащихся) A lot of people think that we must change this situation. So we are going to find out what we –pupils of the 6-th form can do to save our planet.

--And let`s sing our song ``Kids for saving Earth: Promise song``. Thank you. I`m sure you`ll become the defenders of our planet united with friends.

--So we live in a wonderful world full of life, full of colour and beauty, full of animals. But in recent years a man has done a lot of harm to nature. Not only people but animals are in danger. Look at these slides! What has happened to these animals? (ответы учащихся) Some of you have prepared reports about endangered animals. We will listen to your short reports about blue whales, dolphins, Arctic foxes, elephants.(сообщения учащихся)

--Thank you for your interesting reports.

--Let`s train our ecological vocabulary and revise passive structures. I`ll give you cards with exercises (Учащиеся выполняют упражнения на карточках):

I. Change the sentences to use Passive structures.

1. People pollute water in rivers, seas and oceans.

2. People should protect our planet.

3. We mustn`t destroy animals` habitats.

4. Scientists predicted flood.

5. The polluted air damaged the statue.

6. We mustn`t cut down trees.

II. Complete the sentences with the given words. There is one extra word.

Extinct, habitat, polluted, forecast, destroy, excite, scenery.

1. Weathermen ……………..weather every day.

2. The water is ………. fish in the river die.

3. A place where a certain animal is usually found is called …………… .

4 Dodoes are …………… birds.

6. Climate change can …………the world we live in.

7. When you speak about the ………… of the place you mean its hills, rivers, meadows and so on.

III. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words. Now read the text aloud and check your ideas!

The Earth is our _____________. We must take care of it. The importance of this is _______________ by the ecologists, scientists, who study the relations between living things and the_______________ . Each of us must do everything possible to _____________ the land, air and water clean. Of course, people undertake some measures to ____________ the environment, but this activity is complicated by the economic difficulties.

(protect, home, keep, pointed out, environment)

--Now we are going to watch a video film ``Save our world``.

(Учащиеся смотрят видео-фильм и выполняют задание True—False)

Task to the video ``Save our world``.

Say if these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Hurricanes, earthquakes and floods destroy our planet.

2. The climate on our planet doesn`t change.

3. Scientists predict that many parts of our world will be under 50 cm of water within 20 years.

4. There is no time to save our world.

5. Your family can reduce the amount of waste.

6. 100 000 kilograms of carrier bags are thrown away every year.

7. Cans, bottles, paper can be recycled.

8. Your used glass bottles can`t be made into new windows in your home.

--I`m sure you have learnt a lot after watching this film. Let`s remember how you and your family can reduce the amount of waste you produce. What items in your home can you recycle? Can electrical goods be recycled? What things can you reuse? (ответы учащихся)

--I`m sure everybody understands the importance of keeping the environment clean. Pollution in many regions is getting worse, but there is always hope. Let`s make a conclusion of our lesson. You will be divided into groups. Here are some things you can do in your school. (Учитель раздаёт карточки для выполнения задания). What do you think you can do to keep our planet clean and safe? Make statements and design your own poster telling people to keep the earth clean. (Учащиеся выполняют задание учителя, работая над мини-проектом и рисуют свой плакат).

--Are you ready to share your ideas? Let` listen to the first (second) team and see their posters. (Учащиеся защищают свои мини-проекты)

--Thank you for being active. Your marks are ……. .The task for the next lesson will be to write a letter to people who destroy our planet. In your letter try to explain them how beautiful our planet is and why they mustn`t do harm to nature.

Our lesson has come to an end. I think you will remember that we have a chance to save our planet! Don`t forget the words ``If you don`t think about future, you won`t have it.``

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Гладышева Наталья Сергеевна

Дата: 27.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 270572

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