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Методическая разработка. Комплекс упражнений к урокам домашнего чтения по книге “Winnie-The-Pooh” автор Алан Александр Мил.

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Комплекс упражнений к урокам домашнего чтения по книге “Winnie-The-Pooh” автор Алан Александр Милн издательства “Айрис-Пресс” предназначен для учащихся 5-6 классов школ, где обучение английскому языку ведется со второго класса. Они направлены на обеспечение возможностей изучения английского языка, одновременно расширяя словарный запас учащихся, развитию устной речи, знакомит с культурой и литературой страны изучаемого языка, развивает аналитическое мышление.

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«Методическая разработка. Комплекс упражнений к урокам домашнего чтения по книге “Winnie-The-Pooh” автор Алан Александр Мил.»

Методическая разработка.

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Комплекс упражнений к урокам домашнего чтения по книге “Winnie-The-Pooh” автор Алан Александр Милн издательства “Айрис-Пресс” предназначен для учащихся 5-6 классов школ, где обучение английскому языку ведется со второго класса. Они направлены на обеспечение возможностей изучения английского языка, одновременно расширяя словарный запас учащихся, развитию устной речи, знакомит с культурой и литературой страны изучаемого языка, развивает аналитическое мышление.

Цель: научить учащихся извлекать информацию из текста, высказывать свое мнение и дать оценку произведению, героям и ситуациям. Создание условий для системного развития и комплексной интеграции всех видов речевой деятельности.

Задачи курса:

1) Создать условия для понимания учащимися о прочитанном тексте.

2) Способствовать формированию готовности учащихся, вступать в иноязычное общение.

3) Создавать условия для развития у обучающихся умение выражать своё отношение, оппонировать и защищать свою позицию при беседе по темам.

Принцип построения повторительно-обобщающих заданий: интеграция, опора, запоминания, развитие языковых навыков.

Принцип отбора материалов:

1) Доступность. Степень сложности заданий определяется уровнем владения учащимися основами английской грамматики и лексики, и способностью использовать английский язык как средство общения.

2) Преемственность. Задания логично вырастают из всех глав прочитанного рассказа.

3) Социальная значимость. Материал является необходимым для расширения объема языкового материала, возможностью столкновения точек зрения и суждений для дискуссий. Реализация современного метода и коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения иностранным языкам.

Основные дидактические принципы работы с курсом “Лексико-грамматические задания к тексту”.

1) Данные задания должны повысить интерес детей к чтению.

2) Необходимо применять эти задания на уроках для поддержания интереса ее предупреждения усталости учащихся.

3) Главное - глубина понимания, развить индивидуальность каждого ребёнка во время внеурочной деятельности.

4) Труд учащихся должен быть оценен доброжелательно. Грамматические ошибки, не нарушающие смысла высказывания на иностранном языке, вполне допустимы.

5) Главные критерии успешности усвоения:

‒ удовольствие от чтения, желание расширить свой словарный запас;

‒ умение и навыки грамотно строить свои высказывания;

‒ адекватное включение в дискуссию;

‒ показать способности к саморазвитию, самосовершенствованию и самоопределению.

Все лексико-грамматические задания включают в себя разные виды работ: ответы на вопросы, выполнение задания “True”, “False” and “Correct”, логическое построение рассказа, знание трёх форм неправильного глагола, дополнить предложение словами и т.д.

Предлагаемая программа разработана для использования во внеурочное время и предназначена для учащихся 5-6 классов общеобразовательных школ и увлечением чтением зарубежной литературы.

Учебно-методическое обеспечение:

1) Книга для домашнего чтения учащихся. Английский клуб Alan Alexander Milne. “Winnie-The-Pooh”. Издательство “Айрис Пресс” 2006 г.

2) Список неправильных глаголов.

3) Грамматические таблицы.

Список литературы:

1) Книга для домашнего чтения. Английский клуб. Издательство “Айрис Пресс” 2006 г.

2) Упражнения Е.В. Кошмановой.


Chapter 1-2.

I. Useful words.

Climb, cloud song, helpful, friendly, rather silly, honey-loving, silly, muddy, bush, float, aim, trunk, root, silence, full, pull, everybody, oak-tree, top.

II. Answer the questions.

1) What did Winnie-the-Pooh like to do?

2) What noise came from the top of the tree?

3) What did Winnie-the-Pooh want the balloon for?

4) Why did Winnie-the-Pooh ask Christopher Robin to bring his umbrella?

5) What did Pooh like to have at eleven o’clock in the morning?

6) What happened to Winnie-the-Pooh when he tried to climb out of the hole?

7) What book did Christopher Robin read to Winnie-the-Pooh?

8) Who helped Christopher Robin to pull Winnie-the-Pooh out of the hole?

III. Say true, false or correct the false sentences.

1) Winnie-the-Pooh and Christopher Robin were not friends.

2) Winnie-the-Pooh liked stories about himself.

3) Winnie-the-Pooh didn’t like honey at all.

4) Christopher Robin had a balloon at home.

5) There were a lot of bees flying around the tree.

6) Christopher Robin helped to pull Winnie-the-Pooh out of the hole.

7) Christopher Robin had to fire at the balloon for the second time.

8) Winnie-the-Pooh was rather silly but fun.

IV. Complete the sentences. The words can help you.

(make, muddy, reach, foot, climb, floated, aimed, wonder, called out, loud, hole, noise, first, silence, humming)

1) I know that the bees _________________________ honey.

2) So he began to _________________________ the tree.

3) Christopher Robin ______________________ very carefully at the balloon, and tired.

4) Then he began to _______________________ what everybody else was doing.

5) Suddenly he came to a sandy bank and in the bank was a large __________________ .

6) So he put his head into the hole and ________________ : “Is anybody at home?”

V. Match the words in two columns.






















Chapter 3-4.

I. Useful words.

Middle, sweep, circle, hunting, teaching something, catch, squeak, excitement, paw-marks, suddenly, wizzle, brain, company, safe, anxious, hostile animals.

II. Answer the questions.

1) What was Piglet doing one fine winter’s day?

2) Did Pooh know whom he was tracking?

3) What kind of animals did they think Woozles to be?

4) Was Piglet afraid of the hostile animals?

5) What did Winnie-the-Pooh say to Eeyore?

6) Where did Owl’s residence?

7) Was Eeyore happy? And what bout Winnie-the-Pooh?

III. Put the sentences in the right order.

1) They saw Christopher Robin who was sitting in a tree.

2) One fine winter’s day Piglet was sweeping away the snow in front of his house.

3) Piglet watched him for a minute or two, and then ran after him.

4) He looked up, and there was Winnie-the-Pooh.

5) Pooh said that he wanted to catch somebody, maybe a Woozles.

6) After a talk with Christopher Robin Pooh understood that he had been foolish and made a silly mistake.

IV. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the sentences.

(circle, company, safe, joined, helpful, gloomy, tail)

1) Pooh decided to do something _______________________.

2) “What’s happened to your ____________?” asked Winnie-the-Pooh.

3) “Christopher Robin nailed the tail on its right _________________ again”.

4) There seem to be two animals now, and the two of them are now walking in ________.

5) Pooh was walking round and round in a ___________________.

6) “A third animal has __________________ the other two”

7) Piglet scratched his ________________ and agreed.

V. Give the second and the third forms of the verbs below:

to make —

to do —

to begin —

to know —

to put—

to take —

to give —

to hear —

to come —

to be —


Chapter 5-6.

I. Useful words.

Jar, headache, pit, bottom, acorns, ashamed, reach, excite, cupboard, useful, returns, pot, silence, stream.

II. Put the words in the right order.

1) Going, is, it, rain, to.

2) Could, Pooh, sleep, not.

3) Came, the, to, they, stream.

4) Must, I, him, something, give.

5) Is, it, pot, a, nice.

6) Eeyore, balloon, the, placed, the, in, pot.

III. How do you know the rules of reading?

[t]; [d]; [id]

talked, looked, walked, rubbed, seemed, helped, supposed, smelled, climbed, decided, suspected, waited, added, stumped.

IV. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the sentences.

(jar, joke, headache, bottom, useful, reach, turned, cupboard)

1) Piglet was jumping up and down trying to _____________________ the knocker.

2) First of all Pooh came to the ___________________ to see if he had a jar of honey.

3) When Eeyore saw the pot, he became quite _______________________.

4) Pooh took down a very large _______________________ of honey from the shelf.

5) Somebody could put cheese in at the bottom of the jar just for a __________________.

6) Piglet wanted to pretend that he had a ______________________.

7) Piglet put the jar at the ___________________ of the pit.

V. Read and draw.

1) Draw a picture of Eeyore.

2) Draw a picture of Piglet running with the balloon.

3) Draw a picture of Winnie-the-Pooh.

4) Draw a picture of the very deep pit with a jar of honey in it.


Chapter 7-8.

I. Useful words.

Capture, promise, imitate, harm, adventure, truth, verse, pleased, handkerchief, discover, peacefully, dangerous.

II. Who said it?

1) “I like poetry, I made up a little poem as I was coming along”.

2) “I am not Roo!”.

3) “Without Pooh the adventure will be impossible”.

4) “Look at me swimming!”.

5) “Hallo, Pooh Bear. I can’t get this boot on”.

III. Say who:

1) Jumped into Kanga’s pocket.

2) Washed Piglet.

3) Hung his tail over the pool.

4) Discovered the North Pole.

5) Had no provisions about himself.

IV. Answer the questions.

1) Did anybody know where Kanga’s and Baby Roo had come from.

2) What were Kanga and Baby Roo doing this afternoon?

3) What did Rabbit Piglet and Pooh speak about with Kanga?

4) Did Piglet like the bath? What did Kanga do with Piglet?

5) Did Kanga and Baby Roo stay in the forest?

6) Did Pooh know what the word “expedition” meant?

7) What does an expedition mean in Christopher Robin’s opinion?

8) Did they know anything about the North Pole?

9) What made Christopher Robin proud and happy that day?

V. Fill in the missing prepositions.

(to, with, up, into, at, of, for, against, on)

1) One day Pooh went _______________ to the forest to see his friend Christopher Robin.

2) ___________________ breakfast that morning he thought______________ a new song.

3) Christopher Robin was putting ___________________________ his big boots.

4) They came ___________________________ a dangerous place.

5) The stream ran _________________________ high rocky banks.

6) They sat _______________ _______________ the grass and nested.


Chapter 9-10.

I. Useful words.

Cocked, ditches, rescue, desert, message, wise, whistle, pieces, together, friendly.

II. Say true, false or correct the false sentences.

1) Piglet could swim but he didn’t want to.

2) Pooh went out to discover the East Pole alone.

3) Piglet didn’t like the fact that he was a small animal.

4) Christopher Robin’s umbrella was green.

5) Eeyore was not invited to the party.

6) It didn’t rain dumping the party.

7) Pooh liked the present Christopher Robin gave him very much.

8) There were blue, red and green pencils in the pencil case.

III. Put the words in the right order.

1) It, a, of, because, was, party, Pooh’s, ships, special, wonderful.

2) The Pooh, not, did, string, cut.

3) Flew, about, owl, off, the, to, party, the, tell, offers.

4) Can, by, Rabbit, a digging, hole, escape.

5) Asleep, was, the, when, began, Pooh, rain.

6) Last, at, was, Pooh, of, to, able, jar, the, on, top, sit, the.

IV. Write the missing forms of the verbs below:

1) —————— thought ——————

2) ———— ———— said

3) to tell ———— ————

4) ———— became ————

5) ———— ———— learnt

6) to leave ———— ————

7) —————— slept ——————

8) ———— ———— woken

9) to read ———— ————

10) ———— flew ————

11) to bring ————— —————

V. Match the words in two columns to make word combinations.

to give

to save

to walk

to sink

to invite

to make

to drink

to open


a present


all of them

a song

a party


a table


Final discussing.

1) Did you like the stories about Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends?

2) What character did you like most of all? Describe him. Do you want to be like him?

3) What character you didn’t like? Why?

4) What do you think about friendship?

5) Find and read the episode which shows that the friends loved one another and were ready to help.

6) What part of the stories do you like most of all?

7) Act it out with your friends.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Марупова Майрам Хабибовна

Дата: 17.06.2017

Номер свидетельства: 422241

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