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«Методическая разработка открытого урока по теме "Образование и употребление глаголов в Present Continuous\Progressive" »
Умение различать Present Continuous\Progressive от других времен
Мотивация познавательной активности учащихся и рост компетенции иностранного языка учащихся как личностного качества
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
Good morning, boys and girls. (Good morning)
I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too.)
How are you? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you?)
Who is absent today? (All students are present.)
OK. Let's start our work.
We shall learn the Present Continuous Tense.
- Students, let's remember some English sounds which are very important for us today.
Преподаватель показывает студентам транскрипционные значки, они по очереди их называют
[a] (jump, run, loving);
[i:] (feed, eat, easy);
[w] (want, one, walk);
[ai] (kind, my, nine);
[a:] (dancing, farmer, park).
- Very good!
III. Речевая разминка
Now I want you to play with me. I will say the sentences in the present and you will change the sentences to describe your friend. Be careful, please.
Игра «Расскажи о своем друге»
I go to the park every day. (My friend goes to the park every day.)
I see Jake and his mother. (She sees Jake and his mother.)
We take a beautiful picture. (He takes a beautiful picture.)
They give me a cup of tea. (He gives me a cup of tea.)
I get up at seven o'clock. (Jake gets up at seven o 'clock.)
Children play hockey in the evening. (My friend plays hockey in the evening.)
I like this lamb very much. (She likes this lamb very much.)
I don't do my homework in the morning. (My friend doesn 't do her homework in the morning.)
They help their Granny. (He helps his Granny.)
IV. Проверка ранее изученного материала. Тренировка навыков диалогической речи
You have filled in blanks at home. Now you will work in pairs and ask your partner some questions. The blanks will help you to ask the questions and answer them.
Учащиеся в парах задают вопросы и отвечают на вопросы партнера, используя информацию из анкеты упр. 29 стр. 50 (Д.З.). После работы в парах преподаватель просит прослушать несколько диалогов или попросить учащихся рассказать о своем партнере.
Примерный диалог
What is your name?
My name is Kate.
Have you got a sister? ~ Yes, I have got a sister.
What foreign languages do you speak?
I speak English.
What are your hobbies?
I like reading and dancing.
Do you play a musical instrument?
No, 1 don't.
V. Активизация навыков грамматики
- I want you to open your books, page 51, exercise 30. Will you read the task, Nina? Let's read and translate the sentences. What English tenses do you know? (Past Indefinite, Present Indefinite, Future Indefinite.) Can you give your own examples of these English tenses? (I go to school every day. We played tennis yesterday. Dick will visit his aunt next week. Etc.) Look at the cards now. They are on your desks. Read the sentences one by one and name the tense.
Учащиеся выполняют упр.30 стр. 51 из учебника. Преподаватель предлагает учащимся вспомнить изученные английские времена и составить предложения в разных временах. Затем студенты получают карточки с грамматическим заданием: прочитать предложение, назвать время и обосновать свой выбор.
1. Mike doesn't get up at six o'clock.
2. They read this book yesterday evening.
3. We usually play football at the stadium.
4. Do you have breakfast at seven o'clock?
5. He didn't help his mother last week.
6. When will children do their homework tomorrow?
7. What did your friend do at seven o'clock yesterday?
8. She visits her Granny every week.
VI. Объяснение нового материала
Today we shall learn the new English tense. Look at the pictures from exercise 31, page 51, read the sentences and compare them. Let's read the examples of Present Simple and Present Continuous Tenses.
Учитель знакомит учащихся с новым английским временем и организует чтение правила из учебника на стр. 51 и стр. 52 (Прилагается презентация “Present Continuous Tenses”)
VII. Закреплениеновогоматериала
- It's time to read and translate some sentences from English into Russian. Will you open your books, page 52, exercise 32? Who is ready to start? Look at the blackboard now. Can you open the brackets in these sentences?
После выполнения упр. 32 стр.52 из учебника преподаватель привлекает внимание учащихся к предложениям на карточках и доске. Задание: употребить настоящее продолженное время и раскрыть скобки в предложениях.
1.1 (to play) football with my friends now. (I am playing football with my friends now.)
Where is Bill? He (to work) in the garden. (He is working in the garden.)
Look! She (to sing) a song. (She is singing a song.)
It is seven o'clock now. Children (to clean) their teeth. (Children are cleaning their teeth.)
We (not to sit) now, we (to stand). (We are not sitting now, we are standing.)
6.1 (not to watch) TV at the moment. (I am not watching TV at the moment.)
VIII. Домашнее задание: yпpажнение 25, cтр. 133.
IX. Выставление оценок: «3»- удовлетворительно, «4»- хорошо, «5»- отлично
X. Итогурока: The lesson is over. See you soon. Good-bye!