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Методическая разработка открытого урока по английскому языку по теме "Shopping" 6 класс

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Методическая разработка открытого урока по  английскому языку. тема "Shopping" 6 класс. Урок обобщения.

  С раннего обучения учащихся английскому языку использую в работе активные методы обучения. Подвижные игры, фонозарядки, песни, сказки с элементами костюмов, маски животных, игрушки способствуют благоприятному изучению английского языка в атмосфере доброжелательности и внимания.

   В старших классах систематически использую ролевые игры как один из эффективных методов обучения. Этот метод помогает моим учащимся активизировать речемыслительную деятельность, формирует у них умение самостоятельно выражать свои мысли. не только правильность высказываний, но и увидеть, что волнует моих учащихся.

    Я внедрила в практическую деятельность своей работы на уроках – метод проектов, обучение в сотрудничестве, разноуровневое обучение, технологию стимуляции реального общения на иностранном языке.Любимым видом деятельности моих учащихся является проектная работа. 

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«Методическая разработка открытого урока по английскому языку по теме "Shopping" 6 класс »


The theme:Shopping


1.Грамматика бойынша келер шақты колданалу.лексика бойынша азық-түліқ,киімдер жайлы сөйлеу.Ойын ойнату арқылы оқушылардың есте сақтау қабілетін арттыру.

2.Оқушылардың оқу ,сөйлеу,жазу дағдыларын дамыту.

3.Ағылшын пәніне қызықтыру.

The method of the lesson: білімді тексеру

The type of the lesson:қайталау

Equipment:презентация, ,карточка

The procedure of the lesson

1.Organization moment

Greetings. Good morning, dear children! I am very glad to see you. I see that all of you are present and I’d like to start our lesson

Talk with a duty.

What is the date today?

What day is it today?

What month is it now?

Dear boys and girls at today’s lesson
– we are going to speak about shops and shopping
– you will revise the words 
– you will make up dialogues
– you will listen to an interesting text
and if we have enough time
– you will write a small grammar test at the end of the lesson

2)Phonetic drill.

All of you have some pictures on your desks (у каждого на парте находится картинка с изображением какого-либо продукта питания: апельсин, яблоко, слива, банан, помидор, лук, картофель, хлеб, колбаса, молоко). Let’s name these products. Sasha, what kind of product do you have? (учащиеся по одному озвучивают свои карточки на английском языке, остальные повторяют хором и переводят. Названия продуктов уже знакомы из прошлых

Let’s name these products.

3)Speech drill.

"If you want to buy, buy, if you don't want to buy, bye bye!"

And can you guess why we have started the lesson with these items? Quite right, today we will speak about products. Where do we buy them? Of course, in the shop.

Dear boys and girls at today’s lesson
– we are going to speak about shops and shopping
– you will revise the words 
– you will make up dialogues
– you will listen to an interesting text
and if we have enough time
– you will write a small grammar test at the end of the lesson.

I. Look at the screen, please .Can you see what is there on it?

II.Nowdays everything is packed.


Now let’s repeat all these names once again(And now I will check how well you’ve remembered the names. Listen to the song and try to remember all the shops in it.

  1. Hippoty hop to the corner’s shop
    To buy some sweets for Sunday
    Some for you,
    Some for me,
    Some for sister Sandy.

  2. Hippoty hop to the baker’s shop
    To buy some bread for Monday
    Some for you,
    Some for me,
    Some for sister Sandy.

  3. Hippoty hop to the buther’s shop
    To buy some meat for Tuesday
    Some for you,
    Some for me,
    Some for sister Sandy.

  4. Hippoty hop to the green grocery’s shop
    To buy some apples for Saturday
    Some for you,
    Some for me,
    Some for sister Sandy.

Do you like the song? Who is the main character? What products does he buy?

IV. 3. Listening (for the main idea) (writing).

Now let’s listen to the song once again and your task will be to put down the names of the shops.. Here is the text of the song but the names are absent. (аудиозапись 2-й раз)

So, what shop does Hippoty hop on Sunday (Tuesday, Monday, Saturday )?Give full answers please(And finally let’s sing it all together(аудиозапись песни 3-й раз).

V. Children, are you tired? Let’s do exercises

VI. Listening

VII.. Grammar. Writing

Ex. If I want to buy ......I shall go............

I go to the ..... to buy.........

VIII Speaking

Progect  “Shopping”

Let’s play a game “Shopping”. Choose the shop and name the things you can buy there.

IX. Role-play

Now practice these dialogues working in pairs. 
Imagine that you are in a shop .Can anybody of you be a salesperson?
At the Clothes Department

— Can I help you?
— Yes, please. I'm looking for a shirt.
— What kind of shirt would you like?
— The one like those on display in the shop window. 
— What about this one?
— It’s just what I wanted. May I try it on?
— Yes, please… How is it?
— It’s nice. How much is it?
— Three hundred rubles.
— Oh, it’s very expensive. Have you got anything cheaper?
— Certainly, look at this one, please. It costs two hundred.
— I’ll take it.
— Here you are.
— Thank you.

At the Food Shop
"I want a loaf of bread, please."
"Here you are."
"Thank you."
"Do you want anything else?".
"Yes. I'd like a bottle of milk, a packet of sugar, three pounds of apples and two cans of Cola-Cola. How much is all that?"
"Five pounds fifty, please."
"Here's six pounds."
"That's 50 pence change. Thank you very much and come again."

X. Make up your dialogues in pairs. 
Read the words and find the odd one out in each line.

1 Carrot, cabbage, apple, tomato.

2.      Cake, ham, sweet, jam.

3.      Tea, milk, coffee, egg.

4.      Nut, apple, orange, banana.

5.      Butter, bread, cake, sandwich.

XI The conclusion of the lesson.

Great! Now I am sure that you won’t be hungry in a foreign country. Thank you for your work, you were very active, it was such a pleasure to work with you. Especially I like the way… work today. You get “5s”. The rest have “4s”.

XII. Homework.

Your home task will be to put all new words in your vocabularies and to create your own dialogues Thank you once again. Have a nice day. Goodbye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Методическая разработка открытого урока по английскому языку по теме "Shopping" 6 класс

Автор: Омарбекова Ботакоз Файзалловна

Дата: 18.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 175515

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