Этапы урока (используемые технологии) | Деятельность учителя | Деятельность учащихся | Предполагаемая длительность |
Орг.момент. Введение в языковую среду. Речевая зарядка. | Проверяет готовность учащихся к уроку. Вводит в языковую среду. Hello, pupils! Nice to meet you! What date is it today? Who is absent? Are you ready to work today? | Учащиеся приветствуют учителя и готовятся к работе. | 2 мин |
Целеполагание и мотивация. (Технология интеллект-карта) | Guess the word and the topic of our lesson. « It is the way two or more people are connected, or the way they behave toward each other.» | Учащиеся угадывают слово и тему урока. Relationships (Family ties). | 5 мин |
| What relationships do you know? | Учащиеся составляют Mind-map | |
| What does good relationship depend on? | | |
| What influences building good relationships with people? How do people start building relationships? | | |
| | | |
Актуализация имеющихся знаний. | One of the things that deserves attention is family relations. What relationships are possible within the family? How do you get on with other members of your family? Do you have any family traditions? | Husband and wife Brother and sister Grandparents and grandchildren. We care for and help each other. We spend a lot of time together. We have lots of family celebrations. We often share Sunday lunch with our relatives. | 3 мин |
Этап восприятия нового материала. | Ex.2p.10 Whose family is closer to you? Why? Is your house often full of relatives? Is family hierarchy important in your country? Ex.3,4,5,6 p.10, | Учащиеся работают с текстом. Учащиеся работают с лексикой по тексту. | 20 мин |
Закрепление пройденного материала. Рефлексия. (Технология критического мышления. Прием «Фишбоун») | Let’s see how well you learn different types of families and relationships within the family. Голова рыбы- Family ties Верхние ребра- понятия, нижние-объяснение этих понятий (family – the place where you feel special, secure, accepted; nuclear family –consists of mother, father, sister; have no siblings-be an only child in the family; extended family- uncles, aunts, grandparents, cousins; a single family-consists of one parent and children. Хвост-объяснение понятия «семейные узы» Family is a social group of parents, children and others who are related. | | 7 мин |
Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание (Технология дифференцированного обучения). | To sum up, continue my sentence: « Family is a ……….» Объяснение домашнего задания: For those who are able to write a short text about your family Ex.8 p.11. Others who think that written task is quite difficult to cope with, do Ex.7 p.11 just answer the questions. | Family is a large social group of parents, children, grandparents, uncles, aunts and others who are related. It is the place where you feel special, secure and accepted. Family members care for, help each other and spend a lot of time together. They make the most of their time together. | 3 мин |