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Level: 10th grade Theme: Unit 1. Travelling. Step 1. Central Asia trips.

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The aims:

Learning to talk about trips. To develop students’ critical thinking, their abilities to work in groups, self assessment.

Parts of the lesson 



Teacher’s action of management

Cognitive action of students

Visual aids, resources


7 мин

І part

1. Organization moment: greeting the students.              

2.Dividing the class into groups.

3. Checking-up homework

1.Good morning! How are you?

2. Divides students.

3. Use the method “Snowball”

-Morning! We are fine!

Group: 1 and 2

Ex 10, 11;

book, stick papers

Presentation of the lesson

5 мин

ІІ part.


Guessing game

- Write base forms of verbs.

- You are going to read a joke “Landing on Time”. Read these words and check the ones you think you will meet in the joke.

Do tasks.


Main part

13 мин

ІІІ part


“Jigsaw reading”

Explains the method

1. Read and translate.

2. a student made notes on this story, but he has made some mistakes.

3.What tenses are mainly used when we tell stories.


2 мин

Physical minute

10 мин

ІУ part

Pair works.

Group work

-Decide which is the correct tense. Past Simple or Past Continuous?

Ask and answer the questions.

 Ex 16

Group A and Group B



5 мин

У part

Concluding the lesson.

-Correct the mistakes in sentences.

Correct the information.

English book


1 мин

УІ part

Evaluating by criteria of assessment.

Puts summative assessment. 

-Give each other smiles and say their opinions. -The leader student evaluates the group.

Home assignment 

1 мин

УІІ part

ex 19-20

Explains homework.

Write on a diary.


Reflection of the lesson

1 мин

2 stars, 1 offer.

I like ……………
It seems ……………

During a lesson ……
My mood was ………
Methods of the lesson....


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«Level: 10th grade Theme: Unit 1. Travelling. Step 1. Central Asia trips.»

«Checked up»

Deputy of study: A. Zhadi «____»_____________

Date: 02.09.2014

Level: 10th grade

Theme: Unit 1. Travelling. Step 1. Central Asia trips.

The aims:

Learning to talk about trips. To develop students’ critical thinking, their abilities to work in groups, self assessment.

Parts of the lesson



Teacher’s action of management

Cognitive action of students

Visual aids, resources


7 мин

І part

1. Organization moment: greeting the students.

2.Dividing the class into groups.

3. Checking-up homework

1.Good morning! How are you?

2. Divides students.

3. Use the method “Snowball”

-Morning! We are fine!

Group: 1 and 2

Ex 10, 11;

book, stick papers

Presentation of the lesson

5 мин

ІІ part.


Guessing game

- Write base forms of verbs.

- You are going to read a joke “Landing on Time”. Read these words and check the ones you think you will meet in the joke.

Do tasks.


Main part

13 мин

ІІІ part


“Jigsaw reading”

Explains the method

1. Read and translate.

2. a student made notes on this story, but he has made some mistakes.

3.What tenses are mainly used when we tell stories.


2 мин

Physical minute

10 мин

ІУ part

Pair works.

Group work

-Decide which is the correct tense. Past Simple or Past Continuous?

Ask and answer the questions.

Ex 16

Group A and Group B



5 мин

У part

Concluding the lesson.

-Correct the mistakes in sentences.

Correct the information.

English book


1 мин

УІ part

Evaluating by criteria of assessment.

Puts summative assessment.

-Give each other smiles and say their opinions. -The leader student evaluates the group.

Home assignment

1 мин

УІІ part

ex 19-20

Explains homework.

Write on a diary.


Reflection of the lesson

1 мин

2 stars, 1 offer.

I like ……………
It seems ……………

During a lesson ……
My mood was ………
Methods of the lesson....................


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Level: 10th grade Theme: Unit 1. Travelling. Step 1. Central Asia trips.

Автор: Нурахметова Толкын Жуматаевна

Дата: 28.10.2016

Номер свидетельства: 352918

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