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Let's speak English

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Open lesson

Intellectual game: «Let’s speak English»

I choose four pupils for the game. They stand opposite the interactive blackboard. The first round. Each pupil chooses one of the categories. There are four categories:

A world of wonders

Science and inventions

A world of animals

A new technology

A world of wonders:

  1. Sydney Opera House. It is in Australia. Opera House looks like a giant sailing ship. Many famous artists give their works. It was built in 1973.
  2. The Eiffel Tower. It is an enormous wonder in the world. It is very high, we can’t see it. We can see The Eiffel Tower from airplane. It is in Paris. I want to go to France and see The Eiffel Tower.
  3. Baiterek. Baiterek is in Kazakhstan, in capital city Astana. It is very enormous wonder. If we are on the top we can see whole city.
  4. China. It is The Great Wall of China. The Great Wall Is 3000 km long. China is the third biggest country in the world. It has the largest population, about one and half billion people live there. There are  25.000 towers in it. Nobody knows who, why it was built.


  1. Alfred Nobel

Alfred Nobel invented dynamite. He was born in Stockholm, on October 21, 1833. He was good at English literature as well as chemistry and physics. Alfred could speak Swedish, Russian, French, English and German. He was an inventor and very successful businessman…

  1. Great Composer

Amadeus Mozart was born in Austria, on 27th January, 1756. Mozart never went to school, but he was talented. He was violinist and composer as well as an author. He could play three musical instruments by the age of six…

  1. Rocket man

Steve Bennett is a technician. He wants to be the first man, who puts a rocket into space. His first successful rocket is Eagle, then Star chaser 1,2,3…

  1. Wild Weather

They are avalanche, tsunami, flood, tornado, hurricane, volcanic eruption…

A world of animals:

  1. Shark

Dangerous see animal- Shark. Sharks live in the ocean, in the see. Sharks kill people, they eat all the see animals…

  1.  Dolphins

Dolphins live in water, but they are not fish. They need air to breathe. They can stay under the water for many minutes. They jump out of the water again and again. They can swim very fast and speak with high sound.

  1. Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs lived hundreds years ago. Nowadays we can’t see them in the zoo. It is 24 meters long, 15 meters tall and 22.000 kilos heavy.

  1. A Camel

Camels live in deserts. They can walk for a long time without water. They have long legs, big eyes with two eyelashes and humps on its back. They can carry food. If they are thirsty, they will drink a lot of water. If they are hungry, humps will get smaller.

Robots work for a man:

  1. One of the inventions is Robot, which considers a new technology. Nowadays Robot can answer the phone, sweep the floor, iron the clothes, cook meals and clean the room. In the future, every house will have Robot slave.
  2. The Earth will be crowded. Where will people live? It will be possible to travel in space. People will take holidays in special hotels on the moon and other planets. People live and work on the moon. They will build huge cities and stations there.
  3. New technology in our life. A vacuum cleaner, a torch, a computer, a telephone, a washing machine, a microwave cooker, a clock, a calculator and a hairdryer.
  4. Who invented the telephone? The answer is Alexander Bell. He invented telephone at the beginning of the 20th century. Now we have connected easily. Every day we use it for jobs and business.

The second round:


1. Greeting: Good morning, good evening, Good afternoon.

2. Asking questions: What is your name? How old are you? Where do you live? How many sisters and brothers do you have?

The three little kittens, they washed their mittens.

And hung them out to dry.

“Oh, mother dear, do you not hear?

Our mittens we have washed.”

“What? Washed your mittens, you good, little kittens.”

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«Let's speak English »

Open lesson

Intellectual game: «Let’s speak English»

I choose four pupils for the game. They stand opposite the interactive blackboard. The first round. Each pupil chooses one of the categories. There are four categories:

A world of wonders

Science and inventions

A world of animals

A new technology

A world of wonders:

  1. Sydney Opera House. It is in Australia. Opera House looks like a giant sailing ship. Many famous artists give their works. It was built in 1973.

  2. The Eiffel Tower. It is an enormous wonder in the world. It is very high, we can’t see it. We can see The Eiffel Tower from airplane. It is in Paris. I want to go to France and see The Eiffel Tower.

  3. Baiterek. Baiterek is in Kazakhstan, in capital city Astana. It is very enormous wonder. If we are on the top we can see whole city.

  4. China. It is The Great Wall of China. The Great Wall Is 3000 km long. China is the third biggest country in the world. It has the largest population, about one and half billion people live there. There are 25.000 towers in it. Nobody knows who, why it was built.


  1. Alfred Nobel

Alfred Nobel invented dynamite. He was born in Stockholm, on October 21, 1833. He was good at English literature as well as chemistry and physics. Alfred could speak Swedish, Russian, French, English and German. He was an inventor and very successful businessman…

  1. Great Composer

Amadeus Mozart was born in Austria, on 27th January, 1756. Mozart never went to school, but he was talented. He was violinist and composer as well as an author. He could play three musical instruments by the age of six…

  1. Rocket man

Steve Bennett is a technician. He wants to be the first man, who puts a rocket into space. His first successful rocket is Eagle, then Star chaser 1,2,3…

  1. Wild Weather

They are avalanche, tsunami, flood, tornado, hurricane, volcanic eruption…

A world of animals:

  1. Shark

Dangerous see animal- Shark. Sharks live in the ocean, in the see. Sharks kill people, they eat all the see animals…

  1. Dolphins

Dolphins live in water, but they are not fish. They need air to breathe. They can stay under the water for many minutes. They jump out of the water again and again. They can swim very fast and speak with high sound.

  1. Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs lived hundreds years ago. Nowadays we can’t see them in the zoo. It is 24 meters long, 15 meters tall and 22.000 kilos heavy.

  1. A Camel

Camels live in deserts. They can walk for a long time without water. They have long legs, big eyes with two eyelashes and humps on its back. They can carry food. If they are thirsty, they will drink a lot of water. If they are hungry, humps will get smaller.

Robots work for a man:

  1. One of the inventions is Robot, which considers a new technology. Nowadays Robot can answer the phone, sweep the floor, iron the clothes, cook meals and clean the room. In the future, every house will have Robot slave.

  2. The Earth will be crowded. Where will people live? It will be possible to travel in space. People will take holidays in special hotels on the moon and other planets. People live and work on the moon. They will build huge cities and stations there.

  3. New technology in our life. A vacuum cleaner, a torch, a computer, a telephone, a washing machine, a microwave cooker, a clock, a calculator and a hairdryer.

  4. Who invented the telephone? The answer is Alexander Bell. He invented telephone at the beginning of the 20th century. Now we have connected easily. Every day we use it for jobs and business.

The second round:


1. Greeting: Good morning, good evening, Good afternoon.

2. Asking questions: What is your name? How old are you? Where do you live? How many sisters and brothers do you have?

The three little kittens, they washed their mittens.

And hung them out to dry.

“Oh, mother dear, do you not hear?

Our mittens we have washed.”

“What? Washed your mittens, you good, little kittens.”



A world of wonders





Science and inventions





A world of animals





New technology





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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Let's speak English

Автор: Жаксыбаева Кульшария

Дата: 04.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 196877

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