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"Let's sing together!" караоке кеші

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??рметті ?ріптестер, с?здерді? назарлары?ыз?а "Let;s sing together" атты караоке кешіні? жоспарын ?сынып отырмын. саба?ты? ма?саты:а?ылшын тіліндегі ?ндерді караоке ар?ылы орындай отырып, о?ушыларды? шы?армашылы? ?абілетін, с?йлеу,  ты?дап т?сіну  да?дыларын ?алыптастыру; п?нге деген ?ызы?ушылы?ын арттыру болып табылады. 

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«"Let's sing together!" караоке кеші »

Theme: “Let’s sing together!”

Prepared by: Aitymova N.S.

Тақырыбы: “Let’s sing together!”

Мақсаты: ағылшын тіліндегі әндерді караоке арқылы орындай отырып, оқушылардың шығармашылық қабілетін, сөйлеу, тыңдап түсіну дағдыларын қалып тастыру; пәнге деген қызығушылығын арттыру.

Көрнекілігі: интерактивті тақта, микрофон, постерлер.

Өту барысы:

T: Hello, dear boys and girls. Good afternoon, our teachers and guests! It is a great pleasure to welcome you to our karaoke party!

As you know we are going to sing songs together!

I think you’ll find something new and interesting for yourself and we should create a friendly atmosphere. Today, the schoolchildren from 8th to 10th forms will participate in our party.

* Let’s start our party with a beautiful song “Head and shoulder”!

T: Everyone likes to play games. Now, one person comes here from every class.

Stand please in one line. This game is called “who knows more colours”? You should say one colour one by one, and make only one step forward. If someone could not say, he will leave the game. At the end we will have only one champion.

* Our next song is called “I will be” by Avril Lavigne.

T: Very good!!

Imagine that you are a builder. And pick up a hammer in your hand, and imagine that you are in front of a square desk. You should hammer a nail into each corner and count to four. Then, lean forward and say four times “hy-hy-hy-hy”, lean back and say four times “ha-ha-ha-ha”. After we count from four, we must reduce the number till one. How much times we count, so much times we say “hy-hy” and “ha-ha”.

* Let’s sing. This song is about love… Arash and Helena sing this song, which is called “Broken angel”.

T: let’s play the game. One person from each class comes here. The game is called “a man to a man”. Now we will check how well you know parts of body. Rules are very simple. Stand in pairs, and do what I’ll say. For example, I’ll say “hand to cheek”. One of you should bring your hand to the cheek of the second person. I’ll say “shoulder to leg”. One of you should bring your shoulder to the leg of the second person.

Let’s start!

- Eye to back көз - арқа

- Ear to stomach құлақ - қарын

- Forehead to nose маңдай - мұрын

- Knee to neck тізе - мойын

- Finger to nose саусақ - мұрын

- Head to wrіst бас – білек

- Back to back Арқа - арқа

- Stomach to stomach қарын – қарын

T: A very good work! Take your seats!

* Selena Gomez & The Scene - Love You Like a Love Song.

T: Look at the white board and do those movements in the song and sing the song.

“Move to the sound!!!”

* Our next song is very popular. I think that every one knows it. Dan Balan – Freedom.

T: Now I will play the game with you!

I need one volunteer. O’k,

* Fly Project –Good Bye.

* Randi ft. Michelle - Only you

* Deep side Deejays - Never Be Alone

Are you happy? If you happy do this actions with us!

  • The conclusion: rewarding

T: Thank you for your participation and your attention!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

"Let's sing together!" караоке кеші

Автор: Айтымова Назира Сагатовна

Дата: 12.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 153897

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