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Lesson:Uzbek tourism

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Unit 4 Uzbek tourism. The aim of the lesson: Educational:to improve pupils personal qualities

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«Lesson:Uzbek tourism»

Lesson plan for grade 11

Unit 4. Lesson 2.B- Uzbek Tourism

The aim of the lesson:

Educational:-to improve pupils` personal qualities like behavior,education etc.to improve pupils`ideal- political knowledge,to form their developing skills and abilities.

Developing:-to develop pupils` personal skills English learning, motivational skills,develop pupils` self-educational skills,analyzing and systematizing skills of knowledge,develop to report own ideas,communicative skills.

Linguistic competence:-At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speak about Uzbekistan and its sightsing places.

Sociolinguistic competence:-to enable pupils to choose needed lexical units in an appropriate form.

Pragmatic competence:_to enable pupils to find and use learned materials in different situations.

Type and method of the lesson:- non-standard,frontal,pairwork

Equipments:-``English``pupils book 11,handouts,DVD,Technical aids, a map of the Uzbekistan,a blackboard and a piece of chalk.

Procedure of the lesson:

1.organising moment: Greeting

2.Asking pupils to say any information about Uzbek tourism system.

Main part of the lesson:

Activity 1.Use the adjectives, -ed or –ing.Choose the best option to complete each sentences. Use the verbs in the brackets to form adjectives.

-ed or –ing adjectives

-ed; describes an effect

I am interested in visiting historical buildings.

-ing; describes the cause

Visiting ancient buildings is always interesting

We always use -ed or –ing adjectives after folloving verbs:

Be,become, feel,grow,look,seem and turn.

1.(to exite)

My most---- experience as a teenager was travelling to Samarkand.

I remember I was so-----that couldn`t sleep the night before my flight.

Activity.2complete the questions with the correct form of the adjectives.Interview a friend using the questions.Record the answers.Tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.

--What`s the most-----trip you have ever done?(exciting\excited)

--Where is the most--------- plase in the world?(fascinated\facsinating)

--Whe eas the most ---------trip in your life?(tiring\tired)


Campsite village stream valley ocean seaside forest island port mountain

ctivity.3Group work.Complete each definition with the correct words from the box. Match the pictures(1-10)with the definitions (A-J)



Type of plase

Words that helped you decide



Village,countryside,fresh air,local produse







Skyscrapers,shopping malls,cosmopolitan,traffic jams,polluted



Above sea,level,overlook,valley

Activity. 4 Group work.Read the information about Uzbekistan and do the exercise below.


1.fresh air 7.shopping malls

2.locsal producer 8.oversea visitors

3.white sand 9.public transport

4.cristal clear 10.sea level

5.scuba diving 11.traditional house

6deep-sea fishing 12.escape the heat

Activity .5Read the text and find if the folloving sentences are true or false correct the false sentences.


1.true 6.true

2.false 7.false

3.false 8.true

4.false 9.true

5.true 10.false


Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.

Project—based task(mini groups)

-do the research and find the definition to the word ``Ecotourism``
-what should be done in order to develop Ecotourism inUzbekistan

-what parts of Uzbekistan can be Ecotoursm destinations

Make a report using your research,make a poster and present your poster in front of the class.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Lesson:Uzbek tourism

Автор: Otabayeva Zahro Mamadjanovna

Дата: 12.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 546283

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