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Lesson plan "Adverts. Watching TV". Grade: 8

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Данный план урока составлен по УМК «English 8», авт. Т.Д.Кузнецова, П.Г.Козлов, издательство «Мектеп», Алматы, 2012г.

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«Lesson plan "Adverts. Watching TV". Grade: 8»


Grade: 8

Theme: Adverts. Watching TV

Aim: to teach the concept of “advertisement” and to talk about the role of advertising in today’s world.


  • By the end of the lesson all learners will be able to:

  • - learn the meaning of the word “advertisement”

  • - express ideas on the topic, to argue;

  • - discuss in group;

  • - formulate and put questions in order to understand the position of the opponent.

  • Some learners will be able to (differentiated outcome for more able learners within group):

  • - make an essay on the topic:

  • - analyze ideas on the theme.

Procedure of the lesson




Teacher’s activity

Students’ activities


3 min


Новые подходы


(parts of the pictures)



Divides the class into three groups. Uses puzzles.

Greet each other as the Asian nations do.

Ss are to find the parts of the pictures.

Ss are divided into three groups.


II. Presentation


«Знаете ли вы, что…»

Active Board

Announces the theme of the lesson.

Do you know that...

From the history of the advertisement.

Do you know that...

Advertising appeared in the Ancient Rome and the Ancient Greece. Sellers introduced their products to the customers in the market.

The first Ads were printed in the USA in the newspaper “Weekly News”.

Look at the board and listen to the teacher.

III. Practice

Прием «Перекрестная дискуссия»


Управление и лидерство

(Управление процессом работы над текстом.

Работа по опорам-по плану, заранее составленному учителем)

Опоры для работы с текстом



1. Worgjn

Write the new words on the topic in the copybooks.


[ əd’vз:tismənt]

объявление, реклама

advertising [‘ᴂdvətaiziŋ]


Active Board/

cards on the table

the text “Is advertising good or bad?”

1. to read the text

2. to learn the meanings of new words. To write the words in copybooks.

3. to put the question: Is advertising good or bad?

4. to work on “T-scheme” or “Discussion map”

(«Т-схема» или «Дискуссионная карта»)

Ss individually complete the chart:

Is advertising good or bad?

Yes (Arguments)

No (Arguments)

5. to work in pairs.(discussion on arguments)

6. to write conclusions.

7. To take positions “Yes”, “No”, “Don’t know”.

8. to discuss the arguments in groups.

9. to discuss in the class. (Groups “Yes” and “No” speak out in turn.

Group “Don’t know” puts the questions .)

10. to make conclusion.

Is advertising good or bad?

Advertising is a business of making money by introducing people new products or services. Is it good or bad?

In the first place it’s good because it tells us about new products. I cannot go shopping everyday so I watch TV, read magazines and newspapers to have information about new products. In this case, advertising is helpful because both customers and sellers have benefits. Customers can have a choice to buy better products and sellers have money.

In the second place, some people are cheated buying things they really don’t need.

Is advertisement (Ad/Ads) good or bad?


Answer for question

+ 1. Ad is good because it tells us about new products.


+ 2. Ad is necessary because customers get all information about the quality, features and uses of different products.

+ 3. Ad is helpful because both customers and sellers have benefits.

+ 3. What are the benefits?

+3. Customers have a choice to buy better products and sellers have money.

+ 4. Ad is interesting.


+4. Do you find Ad attractive?

+4. It attracts not only adults but also children.

+5. Ads perform a useful service to the people.

+5. Reading Ads in the newspapers or watching TV you can find a job, buy or sell house, announce a birth or death and so on.

+5. What kind of services do you mean?

+6. Some Ads are great fun.

+6. What Ads are funny?

+6.Ads shown in the cinema.

+7. Ad is a wonderful invention.

+8. Ads promote products.

+9. Ads develop economy.

+9. In what way ?

+9. It has become a bridge between customers and sellers.

+10. Ads raise the cultural level of the society.


+11.Ads make our lives easier.


+11.We cannot go shopping every day. So we watch TV, read newspapers to have information about new products.

Answer for question

-1. Ad is a big lie.


-1. You mean to say that Ads cheat (обманывать)people, don’t you?

-1. Many Ads promise a lot more than there is to the product.

-2. Ad takes too much time .

2. When we watch TV there is a break for Ads about every 15-20 minutes.

-3. Too much Ads make it difficult to choose what product to buy.


-3. Because too much information about the product is doubtful.

-4. Ad is like a drug.


-4. Because a colourfulAd attracts people.

-5.Ads kill conversation between customers and sellers.


-5. It would be better if customers and sellers talk and make a dialogue.

-6. Ads for tobacco and alcohol should be forbidden. (запрещать)

-6. Do you mean to say that such kinds of Ads should be punished?

-6. Yes. Ads for tobacco and alcohol is harmful for children and for health of any person.

-7.Ads is harmful.

-8. Ad is doubtful.


-8. Why do you think so?

-8. Because sometimes people buy products they really don’t need.




Талант и одар.

Управ.и лидер.

(Учитель приводит свой пример)


1 строка - одно слово,описывающее тему(сущ)

2 строка - два слова, описывающие тему(прилаг)

3 строка- три слова, выражающие действия по теме(глагол)

4 строка - фраза из четырех слов, показывающая отношение к теме.

5 строка - однослово-синоним.


Interesting, colourful

Informs, tells, describes

It attracts a large audience.


Ss write and read their poems.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Lesson plan "Adverts. Watching TV". Grade: 8

Автор: Есетова Маншук Сеилхановна

Дата: 22.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 372575

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