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Лексико-грамматические упражнения на тему "Разделительный вопрос(Question tag)"

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«Лексико-грамматические упражнения на тему "Разделительный вопрос(Question tag)"»

1. They are busy, …………..?

2. You aren’t ill,……………?

3. He is at home, ……………?

4. They are in the fifth form, ……………..?

5. She isn’t responsible for the flowers, ……………?

6. Maths is difficult, …………….?

7. There is a cake on the table, ……………?

8. Bill was at home, …………….?

9. They weren’t happy there, ……………?

10. The weather wasn’t cold, ……………….?

11. The boys can speak English, ……………?

12. She can’t swim, ……………?

13. He could count well, ……………?

14. He has got a pet, ………………..?

15. Your grandparents have got a nice garden, ……………….?

16. Your sister hasn’t got a guinea pig, …………………?

17. The Browns have got a new house, ……………..?

18. Her parents have got a beautiful house, …………….?

19. The sportsman can speak French, ………………..?

20. You don’t wear jeans, ……………….?

21. They don’t go to school, …………………..?

22. You wear a school uniform, ……………..?

23. They often write dictation, ……………….?

24. Your friends go to school, …………………….?

25. The children do morning exercises, ………………………. ?

26. She speaks German, …………………………?

27. It likes bananas, ………………………?

28. He sometimes visits you, …………………?

29. The tortoise doesn’t eat fish, ……………..?

30. Mike doesn’t play tennis, ……………………?

31. Your uncle often visits Finland, …………………?

32. You know her name, …………………?

33. Kate and Jane enjoy the holidays, ………………..?

34. The boys like to play football, …………………….?

35. His son spends his holidays in the country, …………………?

36. We can go, ……………………….?

37. They aren’t in the street, …………………?

38. Tigers are cleverer than cats, ……………….?

39. They have got a computer, ……………………….?

40. The boys were at the stadium, …………………….?

Подберите правильное окончание вопроса:


It is warm today, ...?

was she?

is it?

isn't it?


Tom plays football well, ...?

don't you?

doesn't he?

does Tom?


You must learn the rule, ...?

must you?

mustn't you?

don't you ?


Your teacher isn't from Britain, ... ?

isn't she?

doesn't she?

is she?


They will go to London next week, ...?

won't they?

will they?

go they?


Students are responsible for their books, ...?

are they?

don't you?

aren't they?


Your friend translated this text yesterday, ...?

didn't you?

didn't he?

did he?


Helen won't speak at the meeting, ...?

doesn't she?

will she?

do you?


You know the answer, ...?

don't you?

do you?

does it?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Лексико-грамматические упражнения на тему "Разделительный вопрос(Question tag)"

Автор: Альбина Фирдаусовна Гаффарова

Дата: 29.08.2023

Номер свидетельства: 636073

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