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Коспект урока"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".

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9класс УМК "Hahhe English"В.П.Кузовлев “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”

Цель: научить учащихся обобщать и использовать на практике в устной и              письменной речи полученную на уроке информацию по теме.


  1. Практика монологической речи;
  2. развитие учебно-познавательной деятельности;
  3. ознакомление учащихся с культурой другой страны;
  4. развивать умение работать в коллективе.

Оборудование: «слепая карта» UK, флаги 4-х стран UK, эмблемы, карточки с географическими названиями.

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«Коспект урока"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".»


  1. TEST “Geography of Great Britain”

  1. The capital of Scotland is:

    1. Liverpool

    2. Glasgow

    3. Cardiff

    4. Edinburgh

  1. The British Isles are separated from the European continent by:

    1. The North Sea

    2. The English Channel

    3. The Atlantic Ocean

    4. The Irish Sea

  1. People who leave in England are:

    1. The English

    2. The Scottish

    3. The Welsh

    4. The British

  1. The Loch-Ness is situated in:

    1. England

    2. Scotland

    3. Wales

    4. Northern Ireland

  1. People who live in Scotland speak:

    1. English and Irish

    2. English and Scots

    3. English and Welsh

    4. Only English

  1. The capital of Britain is:

    1. Maidstone

    2. London

    3. Manchester

    4. Scotland

  1. The highest point in the UK is:

    1. Kinder Scout, England

    2. Snowdon, Wales

    3. Ben Nevis, Scotland

    4. Helvellyn, England

  1. The capital of Northern Ireland is:

    1. Dublin

    2. Cardiff

    3. Belfast

    4. Blackpool

  1. Ben Nevis is:

    1. a famous footballer

    2. a sort of juice

    3. a mountain

    4. a sort of cheese

  1. Scotland’s largest city is:

    1. Dundee

    2. Inverness

    3. Glasgow

    4. Edinburgh


  1. d

  2. b

  3. a

  4. b

  5. b

  6. b

  7. c

  8. c

  9. c

  10. c

2. LESSON: “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”

Цель: научить учащихся обобщать и использовать на практике в устной и письменной речи полученную на уроке информацию по теме.


  1. Практика монологической речи;

  2. развитие учебно-познавательной деятельности;

  3. ознакомление учащихся с культурой другой страны;

  4. развивать умение работать в коллективе.

Оборудование: «слепая карта» UK, флаги 4-х стран UK, эмблемы, карточки с географическими названиями.

Part Teacher’s action Pupil’s action


Good morning, boys and girls!

I asked you to go to the library or to use Internet to find out some interesting facts about the UK. You were divided into some groups to do this work. I know that you have worked very hard and learnt a lot about the UK. But before I want you to look at the blackboard to learn some difficult words.

Read some difficult words.


Look at the blackboard .You can see blind map on it.You must write geographical names.

During the pupils' presentations I want the other pupils to take notes about the UK, especially facts you didn't know before.

The First Group: We shall speak about England. It's the largest country in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The capital of England is London. Its land is 130,000 sq. km. The population of England is 48 mln people. The largest cities are Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and Nottingham, Sheffield and others. People who live in England are called the English. They speak only English. The famous River Thames runs through London. The national emblem of England is the red rose. The national flag of England represents a red cross on a white field. It's Saint George's Cross of England. England is the heart of Great Britain.

The Second Group: We shall speak about Scotland. It is smaller than England but larger than Wales. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. Scotland is the second part of the UK. Its land is 78,000 sq. km. The population of Scotland is 5,3 mln. people. The largest cities are Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Dundee. People who live in Scotland are called the Scottish or Scots. They speak Scots and English. The biggest rivers are the Clyde and Spey. There are a lot of beautiful lakes in Scotland. But the most famous of them are Loch Lomond and Loch Ness. The lake "Loch Ness" is famous all over the world because of its monster. The greatest mountains are Ben Nevis and Grampian Hills. The national emblem of Scotland is a thistle. The national flag is a blue field with white diagonal crossed stripes. It's Saint Andrew's Cross. In the north west Scotland is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, but in the north east it is washed by the North Sea.

The Third Group: We shall speak about Wales. It's the smallest country in the UK. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. Its land is 20,800 sq. km. Its population is about 2,8 mln people. The largest cities are Swansea and New Port. The biggest river is Usk and the biggest lake is Wirnwel. One of the biggest mountains is Snowdon. The national symbol is a yellow daffo­dil. The national flag is white and green with a red dragon on it.

The Fourth Group: We shall speak about Northern Ireland. It's the fourth country in the UK. Its land is about 14,000 sq. km. The population is about 1,5 mln.people. The capital of the Northern Ireland is Belfast. The largest cities are Ulster and Dublin. The biggest rivers are the Shannon and Bun. Northern Ireland is a land of lakes and rivers. The biggest lakes are Lock Neagh and Loch Ney. People who live in Ireland are the Irish. They speak Irish and English. The national flag of Ireland represents a diagonal red cross on a white field. It's Saint Patrick's Cross. The national symbol is a green shamrock.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the state which is situated on the British Isles. So Great Britain is often called "Britain" or "the United Kingdom", or "The UK". It consists of four countries which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each of them has a capital, but London is the capital of England, of Great Britain and of the United Kingdom. The U.K. consists of two main islands: Great Brit­ain and Ireland. But only Northern Ireland is the part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Ireland is an independent re­public.

The land of the UK is 244,000 sq. km. The popula­tion is about 58 million people. Great Britain con­sists of three parts. They are: England, Scotland and Wales. The UK is separated from France by the English Channel and Strait of Dover. The UK is also washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the North and the North Sea in the east. Everyone who was born in the UK is considered British.


Let's compare these two maps, your own blind map with the original. What difference can you name? We see that they are the same.

IV. Conclusion

Today at the lesson we have learnt a lot of inter­esting information about the UK. Sum up the information you've learned at our lesson and fill in the factfile in the notes about United Kingdom.






Northern Ireland

Land, sq. km


Population, mln



Largest cities




National Emblems


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Коспект урока"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".

Автор: Данилова Евгения Витальевна

Дата: 14.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 266068

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