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Конспект урока" Защита окружающей среды" с примененим технологии критического мышления

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Цели: 1. Формировать лексико-грамматические навыки по теме “Environmental Problems”; введение и первичное закрепление нового грамматического материала Simple Present Passive. 2. Развивать критическое мышление у учащихся. 3. Формировать уважительное и ответственное отношение к природе. Оборудование: компьютерная презентация в POWER POINT, видеофильм «Очарование природы».Ход урока1.Организация урока.2. Активизация раннее изученного материала. 2.1 Заполнение кластера. 3. Объяснение нового материала.4. Первичное закрепление изученного материала.3 Relaxation 6. Подведение итогов урока.
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«Конспект урока" Защита окружающей среды" с примененим технологии критического мышления»

Тема: What Happens in Your Home Town?


  1. Формировать лексико-грамматические навыки по теме “Environmental Problems”; введение и первичное закрепление нового грамматического материала Simple Present Passive.

  2. Развивать критическое мышление у учащихся.

  3. Формировать уважительное и ответственное отношение к природе.

Оборудование: компьютерная презентация в POWER POINT, видеофильм «Очарование природы».

Ход урока

1.Организация урока.

Good-morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. How are you? Take your seats, please, and get ready for our lesson.

    1. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

At the last lesson we spoke about environmental problems. Today we’ll continue to speak about them and you`ll know about the environmental problems of our home town. The topic of our lesson is “What Happens in Your Home Town?” (слайд 1)

  1. Активизация раннее изученного материала.

    1. Заполнение кластера.

Today the problems of environment are very important. You know that people all over the world are worried about our environment, especially they worried about pollutions. Let’s revise the kinds of pollutions. Open your exercise books and write down the date. Write down what kinds of pollutions you know. (слайд 2)

Now, read your phrases. Sasha, read the names of pollutions. Masha, read your words.

Let`s check yourself. Open your books page 77 exercise 2. Find the names of the main environment problems. You see you are right.

    1. Фонетическая работа.

Before reading this exercise, let’s repeat the words you have learned at home. Let’s pronounce correctly the words. Listen and repeat them after me all together. (слайд 3)

Read on a chain and translate the words. (слайд 4).

Perfect, let’s continue.

    1. Лексическая работа.

Match the words in these columns to make sentences. Let’s make the sentence with “cut down”.(слайд 5) Good for you.

  1. Объяснение нового материала.

Let’s look at the page 77. Find the sentences with these words. Read them. Let’s compare them and know about new grammar. Look at the screen. (слайд 6)

Find the difference between these sentences. You may speak into Russian language. (Слова поменялись местами. А какие это члены предложения? Подлежащее и дополнение поменялись местами. В первом столбике говорится о том, что люди совершают действие на чем-либо. Во втором столбике реки, мусор сами не совершают действие, а испытывают его на себе. Во втором столбике добавился глагол to be и прибавилось окончание –ed.)

Данные предложения отличаются тем, что употребляются в разных залогах. По-английски – VOICE. Залог показывает различные отношения между субъектом (подлежащим) и объектом (дополнением). Залоги делятся на две группы: действительный ACTIVE и страдательный PASSIVE залоги. Действительный залог выражает действие, производимое самим подлежащим, а страдательный – выражает действие, совершаемое над подлежащим.

Read the sentences in Active Voice, translate them. (Некоторые люди загрязняют pеки. Некоторые люди разбрасывают мусор.)

В каком времени употребляются эти предложения? (Present Simple) Во втором столбике предложения тоже в Present Simple.

Как образуются глаголы в Present Simple Passive.(to be + Ved/3)

Let’s translate these sentences.(Реки загрязняются людьми. Мусор разбрасывается людьми.)

Rewrite this grammar rule in your exercise books.

  1. Первичное закрепление изученного материала.

1.Чтение и перевод предложений в Present Simple Passive.

Let’s practice the grammar and do the exercise 2 at page 77. Let’s try to translate the sentences in Present Simple Passive. Sasha, read the first sentence, translate it… (Леса вырубаются. Многие животные обеспокоены. Многие деревья вырубаются для строительства. Сельская местность испорчена. Многие реки и озера загрязнены. Морские животные обижены. Загрязнение воздуха не уменьшается.)

Excellent work. You have just learned to translate the sentences in Present Simple Passive.


Now, let’s improve your grammar. Look at the exercise 5 at page 79. The task is to transform the sentences using Present Simple Passive. Read the first sentence.(We leave a fire.)

Let’s make the necessary changes to transform the sentences from Active to Passive. (слайд 7)

What word do you write in the first place (at first)? (A fire)

In the next place let’s write the verb in Present Simple Passive. В какой форме будет глагол to be? Глагол leave правильный или неправильный? Какова третья форма этого глагола? (is left)

Read our sentence, translate it. (Костер оставлен непотушенным.)

Transform the second sentence using Present Simple Passive. (We destroy the forest.)Who wants to transform? Read our sentence, translate it. (The forest is destroyed. Лес разрушается)

Now, let’s work in small groups of 4.

The first group will transform the first and the second lines.

The second group – the third and the fourth lines.

And, at last, the third group will transform the fourth and the fifth lines.

Don’t forget the rules of transforming the sentences from Active to Passive.

Your time is up. But I’ll change the task. You will complete the fishbone.(слайд 8)

In the head of our fishbone is a problem. Find the main question of this exercise.(What are the results of our influence on the environment?)

On the lower bones we’ll write the facts.

On the upper bones – reasons of environmental problems.

In the tail we should make a conclusion.

Now, the first group, please, read your first sentence. How do you think what is it: a fact or a reason of environmental problems? It is a fact. (The air is polluted.)

Find the reason… (The climate is changed.)

Look at our fishbone. Let’s make a conclusion. Choose the right variant. (Our environment is in danger. Our environment is not polluted.)

It is true. Our planet is in danger today. Would you like to live in such place?

We want to live in a beautiful and clean place. We want to breathe clean air and to drink clean water.

  1. Relaxation

Are you tired? Let’s relax. Now, we are watching a short film and you are relaxing.

Well, boys and girls, what are your impressions on this film? Do you like it? (I like it. The nature is beautiful/wonderful.) Would you like to live there?

  1. KNOWLEDGE CHART” (listening)

We live in Buzuluk. We live in a wonderful town near one of the beautiful pine forests in the world. Certainly, we proud of our region. However, there are many environmental problems in our town. I want you to make a list of these problems. Tell me please, what environmental problems of our town do you know? Work by yourself and complete the first column of the chart. (слайд 9)

(Cars polluted air. Litter is thrown away. Trees are cut down. Animals and birds are hurt.) Who wants to add? (Who has got any additions?)

Now, you’ll listen to the text about our town. During the listening you should complete the second column of our chart. Write down the information you have known. (Plants, electric power station pollute our town. Air is polluted with railways. Water is polluted with litter and poison. Fish are polluted. People burn litter and autumn leaves. People are in danger.) (учитель делает записи на доске)


The Environmental Problems of Our Home Town

I live in Buzuluk. We live in a small town but there are so many cars in the streets of our town. Air is polluted and I really think that our health is affected. Wastes from plants, electric power stations are very dangerous.

The railways (железная дорога) are also one of the sources (источник) of pollution. One locomotive pollute air more than 40 cars.

Many years ago our rivers Samara, Tok, Buzuluk were deeper and wider. Many people swam there and there were small fish there. But now litter is thrown by people, and water is polluted. Rivers are full with poison, industrial wastes, chemical. Fish are polluted in our rivers. People hurt animals, birds. Trees are cut down. Many people burn litter or autumn leaves. It pollutes the air, too.

Empty plastic bottles and cans are everywhere; on the banks of the rivers, under the trees, near the houses and on the roads.

The life of people is in danger too. We are only a part of environment. That’s why we should understand the ecological problems and help and protect our home town.

Waste- отходы, отбросы

Railway- железная дорога

Poison- яд

Plant- завод

Source- источник

Threat - угроза

Tell me, please, what kinds of pollutions are there in Buzuluk? (слайд 10) You are right. There are 3 kinds of pollution (water, air and land) in our home town.

Look at the third part of our chart. What do you want to know about the environmental situation of our home town? (Protect our town)

Good for you. It is very important to protect our nature our home town. Only people could help it. At the next lesson we’ll speak about protection of our environment and you’ll try to offer your own ecological program. (слайд 11)

  1. Постановка домашнего задания.

Write down your home task. Ex. 4 p. 78. Look at the exercise. At home you’ll learn the grammar rule and make the sentences in Present Simple Passive. Who can make the first sentence? At home try to answer the second question if you like.

  1. Подведение итогов урока.

Katya has a surprise for you. She read a poem. Listen to Katya.

Only when all the rivers have run dry And all the fish in the sea have died

Only when all the rainforests have been burnt down And there is no food for the animals

Only when all the blue skies have been filled with smoke And the cities of the world have choked

Will the white man understand That it’s too late to save the Earth.

(Native American poem )

What is the poem about?

Our lesson is over. What have you known? What impressed you most?

It was interesting for me to know about …

Today I have known about…

I like your active work at the lesson.

Everyone has a mark for your good work. I am glad to hear your full answers, how clever you are! Thanks for your good work at the lesson.

Thank you. Good-bye.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока" Защита окружающей среды" с примененим технологии критического мышления

Автор: Амирагов Гарри Константинович

Дата: 30.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 271282

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