І. Початок уроку. 1. Організаційний момент та привітання. 2. Фонетична зарядка на матеріалі приказок. А) пред’явлення приказок вчителем Б) Хорове повторення за вчителем. В) Хорове повторення за вчителем пошепки. Г) Індивідуальне повторення приказок. 3. Мовленнєва зарядка, бесіда за запропонованою ситуацією. 4. Постановка завдання, виклик потреби та інтересу. | 10 хв 1 хв 4 хв 3 хв 2 хв | Hello, hello! Hello and hi! How are you? I am fine. Sit down please. Let’s begin our lesson with some English proverbs. “There is no place like home”. “East or West home is best”. “An Englishman’s house is his castle”. And now repeat these proverbs after me, please. “There is no place like home”. “East or West home is best”. “An Englishman’s house is his castle”. Very good! Now repeat these proverbs in a whisper, please. “There is no place like home”. “East or West home is best”. “An Englishman’s house is his castle”. Well done! Vlad, read the first proverb, please. Excellent! Kate, read the second proverb, please. Well done, Kate! Olya, read the third proverb, please. Very good! You are really hard-workers! Now tell me, please which of these proverbs are the synonyms? What equivalent do these proverbs have in Russian? And do you agree with these proverbs? What equivalent does the proverb “An Englishman’s house is his castle” have in Russian? And do you agree with this proverb? So, how do you think, what theme will we continue to study? You are right. Besides, we’ll review Active and Passive voice and some English tenses. Do you know that Englishmen have a pet in their houses? But this pet (a dog) has lost its way to the house. That’s why today we have to help the dog to reach the house. For this purpose we have to do some tasks. Let’s start! | I am fine. Hello, hello! Hello and hi! How are you? “There is no place like home”. “East or West home is best”. “An Englishman’s house is his castle”. “There is no place like home”. “East or West home is best”. “An Englishman’s house is his castle”. “There is no place like home”. “East or West home is best”. “An Englishman’s house is his castle”. The proverbs “There is no place like home” and “East or West home is best” are the synonyms. These proverbs have the equivalent «В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше». I agree with these proverbs, because we feel better at home than in other places in the world. This proverb has the equivalent in Russian «Мой дом, моя крепость». I agree with this proverb, because at home we fell protected and comfortable. We’ll continue to study the theme “An Englisman’s house.” Yes, we do. | На дошці плакати з приказками:    На дошці зображення собаки та будинку. Між ними картки з завданнями, які є маршрутом собаки до дому.  |
ІІ. Основна частина. Задача 1. Організація повторення раніше вивчених ЛО на рівні понадфразової єдності. Постановка завдання. Повторення лексичних одиниць в формі ребусу. Читання тексту “A typical English house”. 4) Перевірка розуміння прочитаного, бесіда за запропонованою ситуацією. 5) Підбиття підсумків. Задача 2. Тренування учнів у застосуванні вивченого граматичного матеріалу. Постановка задачі. Повторення правила вживання та формування Passive Voice. Організація тренування вживання Passive Voice. Виконання мовної вправи на підстановку 3.2. Виконання мовної вправи на трансформацію. 4. Повторення правил вживання та формування Past Simple and Past Perfect. 5. Організація тренування вживання Past Simple and Past Perfect на матеріалі мовної вправи на трансформацію. 6. Повторення правил вживання та формування Present Perfect Continuous. 7. Організація тренування вживання Present Perfect Continuous на матеріалі виконання умовно-комунікативної вправи на трансформацію. 8. Підбиття підсумків. ІІ. Кінець уроку. Підбиття підсумків. Оголошення домашнього завдання. Оцінювання учнів. | 32 хв 11 хв 30 с 4 хв 3 хв 3 хв 30 с 21 хв 30 с 2 хв 6 хв 3 хв 3 хв 3 хв 3 хв 3 хв 3 хв 30 с 3 хв 2 хв 30 с 30 с | And now let’s check the words, which we have learnt at the last lesson. So, the first task is to find the words in the puzzle and to translate them. You have two minutes to do it. Let’s check the task. Read and translate the words one by one. Let’s look at the next task, which we have to do in order to help the dog. Read Ex. 5 p. 97. Well done! Excellent! Answer my questions, please. How does the typical English house look like? How does the typical Ukrainian house look like? Is there the room for guests in the typical Ukrainian house? Is there a shower near every bedroom in Ukraine? Excellent! You are hard-workers! You have learnt the words and now you know how the typical British house looks like. Today we’ll recollect what you have learnt about Passive Voice and some tenses (Past Simple, Past Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous). Let’s begin with the Passive Voice. Tell me, please, what is the Passive Voice? And how is it formed? What tenses of the Passive Voice do you know? How is the Present Passive formed? How is the Past Passive formed? Very good. I see that you know these rules, that’s why you are ready to do the next task. Open your books at page 99 Ex. 1 Choose the word and write the sentence in the passive form. Let’s do this exercise orally one by one. How clever you are! You may look at the next task. Open your books at page 99 Ex 2. Put the verbs into the Present Passive form as in the example. Do the first three sentences. Write down the first sentence on the blackboard and in your copybooks. Well done! I think you managed to do the task and you’re ready to do the next one. Let’s recollect what do you know about the Past Simple tense. How the Past Simple is tense formed? What time expressions does it have? How the Past Perfect tense is formed? What time expressions does it have? Very good! I think you are ready for the next task. Open your books at page 99 Ex. 4 Make sentences. Use the Past Perfect or the Past simple and the words in the brackets. Do the first three sentences. How clever you are. Now tell me, please, how is the Present Perfect Continuous formed. What time expressions does it have? You are right! Now look at the next task, please, and read it. You are right! You are ready to do the next task Ex. 6 p. 100. Do the first three sentences. Excellent! You have recollected Passive Voice, Past Simple, Past Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous. I think, you know the materiel very well! How clever you are! You have reached the house and have helped the dog. Now tell me, please, what tenses have we reviewed today? Now put up your hands all the pupils who think that today’s lesson was interesting. Now put up your hands all the pupils who think that today’s lesson was useful for you. At home do Ex. 2 p. 99 (5-7), Ex. 4 (4-5), Ex. 6 p. 100 (4-6) You are really hard-workers. Luda, Maria your marks are 10. Roma, your mark is 8. Thank you for the lesson. Good bye. | Specious-правдоподобный Fashionable-модный Attic-чердак Cozy-уютный Convenient-удобный The typical English house is cozy, convenient and fashionable. The typical Ukrainian house is cozy and convenient. There is no the room for guests in the typical Ukrainian house. There is no shower near every bedroom in Ukraine. It is formed with the help of the verb to be and the verb in the third form. Present Passive and Past Passive Is, are+Ved (3) Was. Were + Ved (3) The flour, eggs and water are mixed together. The mixture is called dough. The dough is kneaded by baker. The dough is made into loaves. The loaves are put into a worm place to rise. The loaves are baked in the oven. Bread is eaten all over the world. V ery strong English tea with milk is called an “English tea” Yorkshire pudding is made of eggs, flour and milk. Fruit pudding is usually served for dessert. The Past Simple tense is formed with the help of the ending –ed to the verb. Time expressions: yesterday, ago, last week, when The Past Perfect tense is formed with the help of had plus the verb in the third form. Time expressions: by, after, before, until After Lisa’s mother had cooked breakfast she worked in the garden. Before he had entered home, he took off his shoes. After Tom had spent two weeks in London he came back home. Have/ has been + Ved Time expressions: For, since Ann has been working in London for two years. My mum has been gardening for two hours. We have been living in this house for ten years. We have reviewed Passive Voice, Past Simple and Past Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous. | На кожну парту роздається кросворд для перевірки вивчення нової лексики на минулому уроці. ABLELANCASTOPDALNC CSPECIOUSTABCLMINDH OHMVDKLHOBLEKTKLN AOUGBNCOZYBIOPSMIIL TBKJVDTBGFIKJHHHJHN THINFASHIONABLEILJSS INKLLNOAHKLDFLUONK CNLFHLSCONVENIENTNI Діти читають та перекладають текст про типовий будинок британців. На дошці: Passive voice To be + Ved (3) Present Passive Is, are + Ved (3) Past Passive Was. Were + Ved (3) Діти виконують вправу усно (7 речень). Діти виконують вправу усно. Перше речення записують на дошці та в зошитах. They call very strong English tea with milk—an “English tea” V ery strong English tea with milk is called an “English tea” Past Simple Ved (3) Past Perfect had + Ved (3) Діти виконують вправу усно. Перше речення записують на дошці і в зошитах: After Lisa’s mother had cooked breakfast she worked in the garden. На дошці: Present Perfect Continuous Have/ has been + Ved У чні виконують вправу усно. Записують перше речення. Ann is working in London. She started working two years ago. Ann has been working in London for two years. |