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Конспект урока на тему:”What were you doing at 10 p.m. yesterday?”

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The aims of the lesson:

  1. educational aim:  introduce pupils with the new grammatical material give

                               more information about it;

  1. developing aim:  developing pupils’ skills and habits in listening,reading,

                              writing and speaking comprehension with doing different

                              exercises.And develop to use  their knowledge in practice;

  1. cultural aim:        to train children be active and honest all their life,to arise 

                              the pupils’ interest to the subject. 

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«конспект урока на тему:”What were you doing at 10 p.m. yesterday?”»

Бекітемін 13.12.2012 year

_________ Form: 6 ”G”

«___» __________2012ж. Place:# 307

Time: 14.50(2nd lesson)

Teacher: Abzhapparova F.T.

The theme of the lesson:”What were you doing at 10 p.m. yesterday?”

The aims of the lesson:

  1. educational aim: introduce pupils with the new grammatical material give

more information about it;

  1. developing aim: developing pupils’ skills and habits in listening,reading,

writing and speaking comprehension with doing different

exercises.And develop to use their knowledge in practice;

  1. cultural aim: to train children be active and honest all their life,to arise

the pupils’ interest to the subject.

The type of the lesson: demonstrative lesson

The method of the lesson: explain,question-response,individual work.

Visual aids: interactive board,pictures,placards,tape-recorder.

The outline of the lesson

1.Organization moment:

a) Greeting;

b) Checking up attendance.

2.Phonetic drill exercise.

3.Checking up hometask.

4.Introduction of the new material.

a)Explain grammatical theme compare Present Continuous

and Past Continuous Tenses,how to make their question form.

5.Doing exercises using the interactive board:

a) Put sentences in the questional form;

b) Work with picture;

7.Resting time(sing a song “Hippety Hope to the corner shop”)

8.Giving hometask ex 1p.55(AB)

9.Putting marks.

10.Conclusion of the lesson “Test”.

11.The end of the lesson.

The procedure of lesson

I.Organizanion moment

a) Greeting:

- Good afternoon, pupils!

-Good afternoon, teacher!

-How do you do? How are you?

-We`re fine, thanks. And you?

-I`m ok. Thank you, sit down.

b) Checking up attendance:

-Who is on duty today?

-I`m on duty today.

-Who is absent?

-All are present.

-What date is it today?

-Today is the 13th of December.

-What day of the week?

-It`s Thursday.

c) Phonetic drill:

Were you walking your funny cat?

Were you using the internet?

Were you watching a film with friends?

Were you at school?

I don`t understand?

I wasn`t walking my funny cat.

And I wasn`t using the Internet.

And I wasn`t watching a boring film.

I was doing a very exciting thing.

II.Checking up hometask

-I`ll check up your hometask. Ex.2 p.132

Open your copybooks

III.Introduction of the new material

-Our today`s theme “grammatical theme”

As Present Continuous and Past Continuous Tenses and

How to make their questional form.

Present Continuous Tense Past Continuons Tense

I am

You are

We are

They are

+ Ving

He is

She is

It is

I am reading a book now.

You (we, they ) are reading a

Book now.

I was

You are

We are

They are

+ Ving

He was

She was

It was

I was reading a book at 2 o`clock yesterday.

You ( we, they ) were reading a book at

2 o`clock yesterday.

Present Continuous Tense Past Continuons Tense

Am I

Are you reading a book

Are we now ?

Are they

Is he

Is she reading a book

Is it now?

Was I

Was he writing a letter

Was she when he came home?

Was it

Were we writing letters

Were you when he came home?

Were they

I am not

You are not/ aren`t reading

We are not/ aren`t a book

They are not/ aren`t now

He isn`t

She isn`t reading a book

It isn`t now

I was not/ wasn`t

He writing a letter

She when he came home


You were not/ weren`t

We writing letters

They when he came home

Present Continuous Tense Past Continuons Tense



a) 1. Janet and her parents were shopping.

Were Janet and her parents shopping?

2. Betsy was calling Janet.

3. Janet`s parents were watching TV.

4. Charlie was playing with the dog.

5. Neil and Nelly were washing.

b) Work with picture

Look at this pictures and describe them in Past Continuous.

V. Reshing time

-Now, children, let`s sing a song

“Hippety hope to the corner shop”.

VI. Giving hometask

Ex.1 p.55 (AB)

Make up sentences using Past Continuous Tense

VII. Putting marks

-I`ll put mark who were activ today at the lesson.

VIII. Conclusion of the lesson.


Choose the correct form of the verb

  1. They _______TV from five till seven o`clock.

  1. Was watching

  2. Were watching

  3. Were watched

2.What_______they________when you saw them.

a) are … doing

b) was … doing

c) were … doing

3. The boys ____________football yesterday.

a) were playing

b) was playing

c) played

4.I______a picture when he did his homework.

a) was drawing

b) drew

c) were drawing

5.__________you________when that happened?

a) did … sleeping

b) was … sleeping

c) were … sleeping

IX. The end of the lesson. The lesson is over! Good bye!

  • Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over!

  • Good bye!

P: Good bye, teacher!

T: You are free.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

конспект урока на тему:”What were you doing at 10 p.m. yesterday?”

Автор: ?бжаппарова Фариза Тілеген?ызы

Дата: 27.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 283892

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