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Конспект урока по теме: “Суеверия в России и Британии”

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     Воспитание толерантного отношения учащихся к реалиям повседневной жизни британцев, сравнивать их с реалиями нашей страны.

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«Конспект урока по теме: “Суеверия в России и Британии”»

Урок разработан учителем МБОУ СОШ №4 ст. Зольской Небоговой Т.М.

Цель: Развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся по теме “Суеверия в России и Британии”

Задачи урока:

  1. Способствовать развитию умений высказываться, обмениваться знаниями и личным опытом в процессе группового общения.

  2. Способствовать обогащению лексического запаса учащихся за счёт привлечения дополнительного материала.

  3. Способствовать развитию творческой деятельности (инсценировать диалоги,).

  4. Воспитывать толерантное отношение учащихся к реалиям повседневной жизни британцев, сравнивать их с реалиями нашей страны.

Оснащение урока:

  1. учебник “Enjoy English-7” (Биболетова М.З. Обнинск: Титул, 2006.);

  2. рабочая тетрадь “Enjoy English” (Биболетова М.З. Обнинск: Титул, 2006.);

  3. презентация к уроку “Superstitions in Britain and Russia”;

  4. компьютер, проектор, экран;

  5. интернет-ресурс (фрагмент видео урока с мистером Дунканом) http://www.profguide.ru/article/art-id-419.html;

  6. раздаточный материал (карточки для выполнения задания по аудированию);

  7. журнал “Speak out” 6 (82) /201 стр. 11 (тест). 

1. Начало урока.

Приветствие. Прогнозирование цели урока и его содержание по картинкам.

T.: Good morning! Sit down, please! Look at the pictures and try to guess what are we going to talk about today?

S.: About superstitions, British superstitions, Russian superstitions, our family superstitions, school superstitions and our own ones. Are you ready to begin our lesson? (Yes, we are).

2. Активизация употребления лексических единиц по теме “Суеверия” в речи уч-ся.

Мозговой штурм.

T.: What is superstition? What is it associated with? (на доске написано слово “superstition”, учащиеся называют слова – ассоциации, выходят к доске и записывают их: fear, belief, culture, prediction, lucky, unlucky, hokum, jinx, curse, omen…)

3. Работа в парах.

Учащимся выдаются разрезанные пары словосочетаний и ученики должны найти свою пару и объединиться для дальнейшей работы.

Make up word combinations.






















 a charm



 a spider


 the number 13

 a ladder



They are mixed. Can you match the words from to make up the word combinations?

(Black cat, hate number 13, fourleaf clover, cross fingers, good luck ,have horseshoe, kill a spider, two magpies, wear a charm, under a ladder).

4. Беседа о русских суевериях.

T.: Let’s talk about the Russian superstitions. You can use these pictures. What’s lucky or unlucky in our culture?

5. Интервьюируем друг друга в образовавшихся парах.

T.: What do you do to avoid bad luck? Have you got any remedy of your own to avoid bad luck?

Use this sentence:

What will you do if (Present Simple)…

  1. if you are going for a long journey (I will sit for some minutes to have good luck);

  2. if a black cat crosses your path, (I will cross fingers and go on);

  3. if you left your house and have forgotten something (I will come back and look in a mirror);

  4. if you feel that something bad may happen (I will knock three times on a on a piece of wood);

  5. if you break a mirror;

  6. if you spill salt;

  7. if you need to pass somebody on the stairs;

  8. if you need to walk under the ladder;

  9. if you meet a woman with an empty pail;

  10. if you have a test;

  11. if you say a bad word, (I will whisper “Forgive me, Goodness”);

  12. if you drop scissors (I will pick up them and touch wood);

  13. if you get a lucky bus ticket.

6. Аудирование

(просмотр видеофильма)

T.: It’s time to talk about British Superstitions. Let’s listen to Mr Duncan about them. Read the tasks. Listen to Mr Duncan. (приложение 1) http://www.profguide.ru/article/art-id-419.html;

(учащиеся самостоятельно выполняют задания на карточках по содержанию прослушанного, после чего идёт обсуждение ответов)


1. Read the tasks.

2. Listen to Mr Duncan .

3. Find the true information and circle the letter.

1. What language does the word “superstition” come from?

a) Greek b) Latin c) French

2. What does the word “superstition” mean?

a) stand near b) stand behind c) stand over

3. What is the word “superstition” connected with?

a) hokum e) holiday

b) omen f) jinx

c) joy g) curse

d) belief h) folklore

4. What good superstitions is he telling about?

a) touching wood

b) throwing salt over your left shoulder

c) seeing two magpies

d) pulling your eyelash blowing it away

e) hanging horseshoe on the wall

f) crossing fingers

g) seeing a four-leaf clover

h) keeping a rabbit foot in your pocket

i) catching falling leaves

5. What bad superstitions is he telling about?

a) walking under a ladder

b) killing a spider

c) taking the last piece of bread on the plate

d) putting a new pair of shoes on the table

e) seeing one magpie

f) a black cat walking past you

g) picking up scissors

h) opening an umbrella indoors

i) the number 13( Friday 13th)

7. Беседа о британских суевериях?

T.: What other British superstitions do you know?

What’s lucky or unlucky in British culture?

It’s lucky to ….

  • put money in the pocket of new clothes.

  • walk under a ladder.

  • put new shoes on the table.

  • pass someone on the stairs.

  • open an umbrella in doors.

  • meet a black cat.

  • wear a horseshoe as a charm.

  • catch falling leaves in Autumn.

  • look a white heather

  • say “white rabbits, white rabbits, white rabbits” on the first day of the month.

8. Групповая работа.

Match the phrases to form the sentences and match the appropriate picture to each sentence. (Приложение 2).

When you wake up on the first day of the month, you should say "rabbit rabbit" before anything else…

…and you will get presents that month.

Never give knives as presents…

…they cut love or friendship.

If you want to give a knife as a present…

…take a coin back for it in return so that the knife has been sold and not given.

Never give an even number of flowers…

…they are for the dead.

Never give shoes for Christmas gifts…

…it would make your friends walk away from you.

In Germany three sneezes before breakfast…

…means you will receive a present during the day.

When you give money as a present in India, give 101$ instead of 100$...

…odd number brings good luck.

9. Сравнение русских и британский суеверий

T.: Let’s compare British superstitions and Russian superstitions. What is similar? What is different?

(To meet a black cat crossing my path is lucky for British people and unlucky for Russian people).

T.: Complete these sentences. What’ s the most…

Will you be divided into two groups and discuss these questions:

  1. The most unusual British superstition is …

  2. The funniest British superstition is…

  3. The most pleasant Russian superstition is…

  4. The main remedy to avoid bad luck is…

  5. The reliable remedy to have good luck is….

T.: Let’s compare your answers.

10. Развитие диалогической речи

Примерные диалоги

Диалог №1

1. Hello! Why are you upset?

2. Hi! I’ ve read a horoscope for tomorrow.

1. Do you believe in horoscope?

2. Of course, not! But sometimes I read it before the exams. Tomorrow I have

got a test. I’m nervous.

1. Do you feel anything badly?

2. Yes, I do. Tomorrow is unlucky for me.

1. Don’t worry. I have a remedy to avoid bad luck. Put a coin into your shoe

and pass your exam.

2. Thank you.

1. You are welcome.

Диалог №2

1. Hello! Why are you running around the park. Can you stop?

2. Hi! I try to catch falling leaves.

I need to catch 4 leaves to avoid bad luck.

1. Why do you need 4 leaves?

2. Because I’ve got 4 superstitions for today.

In the morning I ‘ve met a woman with an empty pail, then I’ve seen a magpie.

In the afternoon I spilt salt.

And some minutes ago a black cat has passed my path.

What an unlucky day!

2. Oh, I see. If you are so superstitious I wish you to catch 4 falling leaves,

to find a clover with 4 leaves, to meet a woman with a pailfull.

Good luck!

Диалог №3

1. Hi! I’ve got a good idea!

2. What sort of idea?

1. Let’s go to the swimming pool tomorrow afternoon.

2. Sorry” I can’t. I’m afraid of drowing.

1. Ok. Let’s skate in the park.

2. Sorry” I can’t. I’m afraid of breaking my leg.

1. Then. Let’s ski in the forest.

2. Sorry” I can’t. I’m afraid of meeting a bear.

1. Why are you timid?

2. Tomorrow is Friday 13th!

1. Do you believe in superstitions?

2. Of course, not. But I don’t want to tempt fate.

1. That’s a pity! Then, of course, you should stay at home

Диалог № 4

- Hello! This is Andrey! Can I speak to Max, please?

- Hello, Andrey! Hang on a moment! I’ll get him.

- Hi, Andrey! What’s up?

- Hi! Could you take part in the running competition instead of me?

- Are you ill? Have you broken your leg?

- No, I’m fine. I have seen a bad dream. I have lost this competition.

- Are you superstitious? Take it easy!

I have got heaps of remedies to have good luck!

- Really? What should I do?

- Put a coin into your trainer, touch wood, spit three times over your left shoulder, cross fingers and

keep them crossing to the finish! You will win! Sure!

- I’ ll do that! Thank you!

- Good luck!

11. Выполнение психологического теста «Суеверны ли вы?» (журнал “Speak out” 6 (82) /201 стр. 11 (тест)

T.: Test yourself. Are you superstitious? Try to be honest!

Your score:

  • For every no: 0

  • For every yes: 2

  • For every doubtful answer: 1

Your scoring:

  • Less than 4: You are not superstitious at all. That’s very unusual. Are you sure you answered all your questions honesty?

  • Between 4 and 12: You are a practical person. You don’t believe in things other people do. But you probably wouldn’t be happy to sit for an important exam on Friday 13th.

  • Between 12 and 24: For you, the superstitions of day may well be the fact of tomorrow. You probably believe in horoscopes and palmistry, ghosts and flying saucers.

12. Рефлексия.

What task was the most interesting?

What task was the most difficult?

What was new for you?

You have worked very well. (Выставление оценок). Thank you!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Конспект урока по теме: “Суеверия в России и Британии”

Автор: Небогова Татьяна Михайловна

Дата: 17.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 393029

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