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Конспект урока на тему "Помешанные на электронике" Spotlight 7

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Цель: отработка материала по теме «Помешанные на электронике»
Задачи урока:
•    Формирование лексических навыков говорения и применение их на практике; 
•    Развитие навыков исследования, творчества в работе над проектами;
•    Отработка грамматических навыков по теме “FUTURE  SIMPLE. CONDITIONALS”;
•    Совершенствование  навыков работы в группе;
•     Развитие речевых действий, абстрактного воображения; 
•    Формирование познавательного интереса к новым электронным изобретениям; 
•    Развитие презентационных умений.

Речевой материал: активизация изученной лексики по теме «Электронные приборы»

Тип урока: творческое применение знаний.

Вид урока: урок cовершенствования речевых и презентационных умений по теме «Электронные приборы».

Форма урока: ролевая игра.

Применяемые технологии: проектные, информационно-коммуникативные, игровые, личностно-ориентированные, технология сотрудничества.

Оборудование: медиа проектор, проекты учащихся, выполненные в программе Power Point, раздаточный материал, учебник «Спотлайт» 7 кл., карточки с заданиями, смайлики.

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«Конспект урока на тему "Помешанные на электронике" Spotlight 7»

Unit 5 b Gadget madness 7 класс


Тема: «Помешанные на электронике»

Цель: отработка материала по теме «Помешанные на электронике»
Задачи урока:

  • Формирование лексических навыков говорения и применение их на практике;

  • Развитие навыков исследования, творчества в работе над проектами;

  • Отработка грамматических навыков по теме FUTURE SIMPLE. CONDITIONALS”;

  • Совершенствование навыков работы в группе;

  • Развитие речевых действий, абстрактного воображения;


  • Формирование познавательного интереса к новым электронным изобретениям;

  • Развитие презентационных умений.

    Речевой материал: активизация изученной лексики по теме «Электронные приборы»

    Тип урока: творческое применение знаний.

    Вид урока: урок cовершенствования речевых и презентационных умений по теме «Электронные приборы».

    Форма урока: ролевая игра.

    Применяемые технологии: проектные, информационно-коммуникативные, игровые, личностно-ориентированные, технология сотрудничества.

    Оборудование: медиа проектор, проекты учащихся, выполненные в программе Power Point, раздаточный материал, учебник «Спотлайт» 7 кл., карточки с заданиями, смайлики.

Ход урока.

  1. Dive in. Вводно-мотивационный этап.

Teacher: Good morning boy and girls! Sit down, please. Glad to see you! How are you today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What’s the weather like today? Who is absent in our group? The topic of our lesson is “Gadget madness”. You know that wonderful inventions are created in science and technology. They are changing the lifestyle of millions of people all over the world. Modern inventions are used in everyday life and make it easier. What are gadgets? Why does a modern man need them? This is what we are going to speak about at our lesson. Look at the blackboard. The first item of our lesson is lexical work, then we pass on group work and revise our grammar ‘Conditionals’. The third point is a role game. Then we’ll write a test. The last point is project work. Let’s start.

  1. Lexical work. Конструирование предложений.

Teacher: First of all let’s look at the pictures on the screen and repeat them after me:

Computer mobile phone laptop

Digital camera MP3 player electronic book

Robot pet headphones DVD player

Teacher: Which of these gadgets do you use? What for? Mind the infinitive for purpose.

Pupil1: I use a mobile phone to call my parents and friends.

Pupil2: I use a digital camera to take pictures.

Pupil3: I use a computer to play games.

Pupil4: I use headphones to listen to music.

Pupil5: I use an electronic book to read.

Pupil6: I use a DVD player to watch films.

Teacher: How often do use these gadgets?

Pupil: I use the gadgets every day.

  1. Group work. Работа в группах.

Teacher: Let’s imagine for a second that you haven’t got them. Let’s divide in groups and discuss. What will you do without them? Use THE FIRST CONDITIONALS. I give you 5 minutes.

On the blackboard.


If/when + present simple + present simple


If/when + present simple + will + infinitive

Pupils: If we don’t have any gadgets, we won’t …

Teacher: Our time is over. The leaders of the groups, come to the blackboard. Now let’s check your answers.

I think that Group №3 was the best one. It has more examples and it gets medals.

Who thinks that our life will be boring without them? Raise your hands. Who doesn’t think so?

  1. A role game. Просмотр видео и ролевая игра.

Teacher: People like to dream, don’t they? They always think about their past, present and future. It’s interesting to find out how people imagined their life in the future. Let’s watch a video film about it.

Teacher: Now it’s time to play. Let’s imagine that we have a magician who is going to make predictions about our future. Your task is to ask her questions.

Pupils: Where will people live?

A magician: People will live in glass domes underwater.

Pupils: Will people have robotic housemaids?

A magician: Yes, they will. They’ll look after kids and do all the housework.

Pupils: Will pupils go to school?

A magician: No, they won’t. There will be online school and robotic teachers.

Pupils: Will people have flying cars?

A magician: Yes, they will. They will fly around the cities and there won’t be any traffic jams.

Pupils: How will people spend their holidays and weekends?

A magician: They will travel to the moon and visit moon zoos.

Pupils: Will people travel in time?

A magician: Yes, they will.

Pupils: Computer will talk to people, won’t they?

A magician: Yes, they will.

Relaxing. Физкультминутка.

Teacher: Now it’s time to have a rest. Let’s do our eye gymnastic. Now let’s do our exercises for hands and body.

Hands up, hand down,

Hand on hips, sit down,

Stand up, hand to the sides,

Bend left, bend right.

  1. Check work.

Teacher: Now let’s check how well you know our Grammar: Future Simple and Conditionals.

Your task is to choose the right variant.

  1. If the weather … fine, we … to the country.

  1. are, will go b.) is, will go c.) will be, will go

  1. If he … a lot of money, he … around the world.

  1. will have, will travel b.) have, will travel c.) has, will travel

  1. If they … lucky, they … a car.

  1. will be, will buy b.) is, buy c.) are, will buy

  1. I … for a walk if it … rain

  1. will go, doesn’t b.) go, won’t c.) will go, don’t

  1. We … all the housework if we … a robotic maid.

  1. don’t do, will have b.) will do, will have c.) won’t do, have

  1. She … a vet if she … a robot pet

  1. don’t need, will have b.) doesn’t need, will c.) won’t need, has

  1. I … you if I … busy.

  1. will help, am b.) will help, will be c.) help, will be


Teacher: Now exchange your papers, check the answers and give marks.

On the blackboard.


  1. b.)

  2. c.)

  3. c.)

  4. a.)

  5. c.)

  6. c.)

  7. a.)


0 mistakes – «5»

1-2 mistakes – «4»

3 mistakes – «3»

4 mistakes and more – «2»

Teacher: Please, stand up who has «5», «4», «3». Well done! We haven’t got any pupils who has «2».

  1. Project work.

Teacher: I’m sure that everyone has your favorite gadgets. What are they?

Come to the blackboard and stick your hearts.

Now it’s time to listen to your projects about modern gadgets which you’ve prepared at home.

We’ll continue to listen to your projects next lesson.

  1. Feed back.

Teacher: Our lesson comes to an end. We see that we can’t imagine our life without gadgets and they really make our life easier and more interesting but don’t forget that no gadget, no robot can replace real communication. I want to say that you are brilliant, your projects were wonderful. You’ve worked hard. Thank you for your excellent preparation for this lesson. You are getting good and excellent marks . Your homework is to do exercises 1 and 2, page 30 in your workbooks. If somebody is interested, do exercise 9, p. 49 in written form.
Now I’d like to know how you liked the lesson. Show me your pictures with smiles and show your mood. (Учащиеся показывают смайлики, согласно их настроению от увиденного на уроке)

3. Speaking (6 min)

Teacher: Now, tell me please have you got any gadgets at home?

Pupil 1: Yes. I've got a laptop at home and I use it all the time. I like play computer games, especially educational. Besides, I can surf the Internet and discover everything about anything, it's a brilliant source of information.

Teacher: Excellent.

Pupil 2: As for me I also have got a computer at home. But I prefer use my e-book for reading different books. It more easily read the book on the screen wherever you've been, than sitting for an hours in the library. I don't know how I ever live without it.

T: Good, well done.

Pupil 3: I have a lot of gadgets, but my favorite is MP3 player. I also have a headphones. I like listen to music. I listen pop music and rap also. I can't live without my gadgets.

Pupil 4: As for me I mad about photography. I have a professional digital camera. I try to take lots of photos, especially the photos of landscapes and portraits.

Pupil 5: As for me I like using my telephone. I can contact my friend very quickly and communicate with him or her. Besides I can listen to music, send and receive messages, take photos.

5. T: Now, you have the worksheets. Do the exercise. Put the verbs in the brackets into the Zero Conditional and Ist Conditional. (6 min) (Worksheets) (Слайд 8,9)

1. If you heat water, it boils.

2. I will take my umbrella, if it rains tomorrow.

3. If you drop a book, it falls.

4. She will do the exercise again, if she makes a lot of mistakes.

5. If you don't study, you will fail the exam.

6. I will call the doctor, if my stomach still hurts tomorrow.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока на тему "Помешанные на электронике" Spotlight 7

Автор: Иштудова Наталия Юрьевна

Дата: 11.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 456415

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