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"Конспект урока английского языка" Astana is city of my dreams.

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Конспект урока на тему "Astana is city of my dreams", тема предусторена для изучения программой.

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«"Конспект урока английского языка" Astana is city of my dreams.»

Astana is city of my dreams”

Задачи урока:


Обучить практике использования монологической, диалогической речи и аудированию;
уметь проводить воображаемую экскурсию по Астане;
обучать и развивать познавательную активность учащихся.
активизировать известную учащимся лексику по теме “Astana” и обучать навыкам применения Present Simple.

Воспитательные:Развивать любовь и чувство гордости за свою столицу, чувство дружбы;
Развивающие: а) развитие коммуникативных навыков общения студентов в условиях большого мегаполиса; развитие речевых навыков коммуникации; использование речевых структур в постановке вопросов и утвердительных предложениях.

Межпредметная связь: география, русский и казахский языки.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Оформление урока: презентация.

  1. Вводно мотивационный этап. Organizational  moment .

а) Warming-up. T: Good morning!

P: Good morning!

T:  I am glad to see you. How are you? What is your mood?

My mood is

1. good not bad so-so
2. calm [ka:m] –
3. excellent –
4. cheerful –
бодрый, весёлый 

My mood is good, because I like English.

My mood is so-so, because I don’t like such weather.

My mood is bad, because I want to sleep.

I am glad, that you have a good mood. I think you prepare for our work.

б) Введение в урок. Целеполагание.

в) Проблемная ситуация. Определение темы урока учащимися. Watching the Video.

Today we’ll work on a very interesting theme. What shall we do today? Look at the board please.

Записываем на доске и в тетрадях тему урока

Astana is city of my dreams.

We’ll learn a lot of interesting things about Astana.

2.a) Актуализация субъектного опыта. Speaking practice. Подготовка к изучению

новой темы. Speaking practice.

Where are you from?

Where do you live?

Where do you study?

What is your profession?

What is the capital of our country?

b) Активизация мыслительной деятельности учащихся. Кроссворд. (игра-слов)


2.Listening. Text «Astana» Аудирование. Presentation/ Listen to the text.

  1. You have to try to understand the text. Listen to me. Did you understand the text? What is the text about? What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

  1. Where is Astana situated?

  2. What is the population of Astana?

  3. When was Akmolinsk renamed into Tselinograd?

  4. When did the president decide to move the capital from Almaty to Akmola?

  5. When was Akmola renamed into Astana?

  6. What are the sightseeings of Astana?

4.Этапы изучения нового материала.

1/Presentation. Sights of Astana. ( I offer you to see the Presentation about Astana. я комментирую слайды, после меня дети называют )

2/ Формирование монологических навыков. Work in pairs with the text. The Khan Shatyr in Astana.

The Khan Shatyr in Astana. Work in groups.

Astana is the capital of the republic of Kazakhstan. Astana is a big and beautiful city Astana is a modern growing city, a political, financial, economic and socio-cultural centre of the state. There are a lot of magnificent beautiful buildings, higher educational establishments, colleges, and secondary schools, hotels, banks. There are many places of interests in Astana: the Central square, the Republic Avenue, the Palace of Youth, the Regional Museum of Fine Arts and others. From everywhere you can see Baiterek, the symbol of prosperity and happiness.

The Khan Shatyr is a cultural centre in Astana. There are 6 storeys in the building. On the basement floor there are shops, banks, shoe repair, services, a post office, a photo studio, a Green supermarket, a car wash and a parking for 430 cars. The first and second floors have clothes. shops.

On the third floor there is a large food store. On the fourth floor there is a centre for small children, an Internet café, a vitamin bar and a SPA centre. There is a water park on the fifth floor. There are 180 shops in the Khan Shatyr.

a) Работа с лексикой.

b) Изучающее чтение текста учащимися самостоятельно.

c) перевод словосочетаний

д) перевод предложений

d) чтение и перевод

e) вопросы

What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

- What are the popular buildings?

Is Astana a big city?

Is the Khan Shatyr a cultural centre?

Are there shops in Khan Shatyr?

How many shops are there?

Is there a centre for small children?

What is there on the basement floor?

What is there on the first floor?

What is there on the second floor?

What is there on the fourth floor?

What is there on the fifth floor?

5. Совершенствование знаний лексических единиц по теме. Complete these sentences.

resources, capital, state, independent, Eurasia, cultural, population,

well-developed, hospitality.

1/1. Kazakhstan is situated in ………..

2. Our Republic is an …………state.

3. Astana is a ……….of Kazakhstan.

4. Almaty is a …………. centre of our Republic.

5. Kazakh is the ……….language of the country.

6. The………… of our country is about 16 million people.

7. Kazakhstan has a………… heavy industry.

8. Our country is rich in mineral ………….

9. Kazakh people are famous for its…………..


1. Kazakhstan is situated in Eurasia.

2. Our Republic is an independent state.

3. Astana is a capital of Kazakhstan.

4. Almaty is a cultural centre of our Republic.

5. Kazakh is the state language of the country.

6. The population of our country is about 16 million people.

7. Kazakhstan has a well-developed heavy industry.

8. Our country is rich in mineral resources.

9. Kazakh people are famous for its hospitality.

2/Complete the sentences. to, over, by, by.

1.You can go ________Astana by train.

2. I go to the college _________bus.

3. People can travel all ________the world by ship.

4. You can go to Almaty _________bus.

3/ Make questions.

  1. There in a metro is your city ?

2. parks your there in are any city?

3. there your a river in is village?

6. Формирование речевых грамматических навыков /грамматические структуры/.

Model: Excuse me, сan you help me ?

You can go to Astana by car.

How can I get to the bank? ---You can get to the bank by taxi.

1)Ознакомление и первичное закрепление

2) тренировка


7.Формирование речевых диалогических умений.

Make up a dialogue with your partner.

8.Этап усвоения и проверки знаний
. Тест


  1. When was founded Astana (the former Akmola)?

  A) in 1830

  B) in 1930

  C) in 1960

2. What is the name of the capital of Kazakhstan at present time?

  A) Almaty

  B) Akmola

  C) Astana

  3. Where was the Soviet Power established in March 1917?

 A) in Astana

 B) in Akmola

  C) in Almaty

 4. When has Astana became a new capital of Kazakhstan?

  A) in 1999

  B) in 1998

  c) in 1997

  5. On what river is Atana situated?

  A) Ertis

  B) Ishim

  C) Zhaiyk

 6. When was Astana awarded with the medal and title of City of Peace by UNESCO?

  A) in 1999

  B) in 1998

  C) in 1997

 7. What is the symbol of the Baiterek Tower?

 A) peace and happiness

 B) freedom

 C) prosperity and happiness

9. Короткометражный фильм ЭКСПО -2017.

10. Рефлексия.


12. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

"Конспект урока английского языка" Astana is city of my dreams.

Автор: Балсеитова Айгуль Кайратовна

Дата: 21.09.2017

Номер свидетельства: 429100

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