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Конспект урока "Prepare.Plan.Stay informed"

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Конспект урока по теме "Natural Disasters. Emergency situations".

Задачи: 1) Развивать речевые навыки по теме «Natural Disasters. Emergency situations.»

               2) Практиковать в устном монологическом высказывании по данной теме, высказывая собственное мнение о природных катастрофах.

               3) Учить навыкам безопасного поведения во время возникновения природных бедствий.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, Powerpoint презентация.

Ход урока.

Introduction (2 min.)

T.: Today, here we are, join in common purpose to learn the steps in emergency situations. The better prepared you are, the safer you will be!

Warming up: (8 min)

СЛАЙД 1. T.:Nature is beautiful, isn’t it? I like flowers, and you? What season do you like?-  -P1,P2…

СЛАЙД 2. T.: Match the words. P1, P2, P3 …

СЛАЙД 3. T.: Nature shows off! Disasters can strike quickly and without warning. What is a disaster?-

P1: It is when something happens that could hurt people, cause damage or loss off electricity, water, or telephone service.

T.: When people know what to do — and practice in advance — everyone is better able to handle emergencies. That’s why we need to talk about safety rules and create a disaster plan “Prepare.Plan.Stay informed.

Main part (25 min)

СЛАЙДЫ 4-5. T.:. Which natural  disaster kills the most? –

Pl.: World-wide, high winds -tornado, cyclone, or hurricane- are the biggest killer, followed by floods and drought.

T.:Some of the students are ready to report on the most dangerous disasters on the planet.

СЛАЙД 6.  P1- WILDFIRE; (2 min)

СЛАЙД 7.  P2- HURRICANE; (2 min)

СЛАЙД 8.  P3- TYPHOON; (2 min)

СЛАЙД 9.  P4- EARTHQUAKE; (2 min)

T.: Thanks a lot. What do you feel while listening to such facts? –P1, P2…fear, helplessness, emotional stress… and so on and so forth.

СЛАЙД 10. T.: Over the centuries there have been many natural disasters. Thousands of people die each year due to them. Developing countries suffer the greatest costs when a disaster hits.

T.: What can disasters cause? –

Pls.: Loss of life, injuries, destruction of property, economic and social disruption.

СЛАЙД 11. T.: Have you ever been abroad? What countries did you visit? –P1, P2, P3…

T.: They say: Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer. Do you agree? - P1, P2…(improve English, make new friends, discover new places, get to know culture and traditions, visit sightseeings…)

T.: Right. I want to add that travelling is exciting as well as risky. Every country has safety and warning signs and  before travelling you can find website resources to read “Travel Safety Tips”.  Just remember - safety is everyone’s responsibility. Be informed!  It’s the way to keep far from hazardous situations.

СЛАЙД 12. T.: Here you can see some of safety and warning signs. What are they?-Pls…(in case of flood…)

СЛАЙД 13. T.: There are internationally known warning symbols that are able to be recognized by people all across the world to understand the dangers or help in emergency cases. What do they mean?-

Pls.: 1. First aid 2. Fire exit. 3. Danger, electric shock risk. 4. Plug out 5.Safe drinking water. 6. Caution, danger of falling, slippery surface. 7. Don’t use lifts. 8. No smoking. 9. Fire assembly point.

СЛАЙД 14. T.: The American Red Cross provides people in crisis today with hope for tomorrow. It says: “Be Red Cross Ready- Get a kit. Make a plan. Be informed.” Let’s discuss some safety rules in case of evacuation and if someone is injured, bleeding or hit by something.

СЛАЙД 15. T.: You can never tell when there will be any disaster, but you can reduce or avoid damage, injuries or loss of life by preparing yourself. I am sure you will be able to take actions and make a difference by helping to stay calm if a disaster strikes and tell others about the dangers of fires, floods, thunderstorms, and winter storms. You know safety rules and you can create a disaster plan “Prepare. Plan. Stay informed.   Thank you for the lesson. You worked hard today and surely you will have only good and excellent marks for today.

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«конспект урока Prepare.Plan.Stay informed.»

Группа 2

Prepare. Plan. Stay informed.

Конспект урока

Учитель английского языка

Андреева Ольга леонидовна

Задачи: 1) Развивать речевые навыки по теме «Natural Disasters. Emergency situations.»

2) Практиковать в устном монологическом высказывании по данной теме, высказывая собственное мнение о природных катастрофах.

3) Учить навыкам безопасного поведения во время возникновения природных бедствий.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, Powerpoint презентация.

Ход урока.

Introduction (2 min.)

T.: Today, here we are, join in common purpose to learn the steps in emergency situations. The better prepared you are, the safer you will be!

Warming up: (8 min)

СЛАЙД 1. T.:Nature is beautiful, isn’t it? I like flowers, and you? What season do you like?- --P1,P2…

СЛАЙД 2. T.: Match the words. P1, P2, P3 …

СЛАЙД 3. T.: Nature shows off! Disasters can strike quickly and without warning. What is a disaster?-

P1: It is when something happens that could hurt people, cause damage or loss off electricity, water, or telephone service.

T.: When people know what to do — and practice in advance — everyone is better able to handle emergencies. That’s why we need to talk about safety rules and create a disaster plan “Prepare.Plan.Stay informed.

Main part (25 min)

СЛАЙДЫ 4-5. T.:. Which natural disaster kills the most? –

Pl.: World-wide, high winds -tornado, cyclone, or hurricane- are the biggest killer, followed by floods and drought.

T.:Some of the students are ready to report on the most dangerous disasters on the planet.

СЛАЙД 6. P1- WILDFIRE; (2 min)

СЛАЙД 7. P2- HURRICANE; (2 min)

СЛАЙД 8. P3- TYPHOON; (2 min)

СЛАЙД 9. P4- EARTHQUAKE; (2 min)

T.: Thanks a lot. What do you feel while listening to such facts? –P1, P2…fear, helplessness, emotional stress… and so on and so forth.

СЛАЙД 10. T.: Over the centuries there have been many natural disasters. Thousands of people die each year due to them. Developing countries suffer the greatest costs when a disaster hits.

T.: What can disasters cause? –

Pls.: Loss of life, injuries, destruction of property, economic and social disruption.

СЛАЙД 11. T.: Have you ever been abroad? What countries did you visit? –P1, P2, P3…

T.: They say: Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer. Do you agree? - P1, P2…(improve English, make new friends, discover new places, get to know culture and traditions, visit sightseeings…)

T.: Right. I want to add that travelling is exciting as well as risky. Every country has safety and warning signs and before travelling you can find website resources to read “Travel Safety Tips”. Just remember - safety is everyone’s responsibility. Be informed! It’s the way to keep far from hazardous situations.

СЛАЙД 12. T.: Here you can see some of safety and warning signs. What are they?-Pls…(in case of flood…)

СЛАЙД 13. T.: There are internationally known warning symbols that are able to be recognized by people all across the world to understand the dangers or help in emergency cases. What do they mean?-

Pls.: 1. First aid 2. Fire exit. 3. Danger, electric shock risk. 4. Plug out 5.Safe drinking water. 6. Caution, danger of falling, slippery surface. 7. Don’t use lifts. 8. No smoking. 9. Fire assembly point.

СЛАЙД 14. T.: The American Red Cross provides people in crisis today with hope for tomorrow. It says: “Be Red Cross Ready- Get a kit. Make a plan. Be informed.” Let’s discuss some safety rules in case of evacuation and if someone is injured, bleeding or hit by something.

СЛАЙД 15. T.: You can never tell when there will be any disaster, but you can reduce or avoid damage, injuries or loss of life by preparing yourself. I am sure you will be able to take actions and make a difference by helping to stay calm if a disaster strikes and tell others about the dangers of fires, floods, thunderstorms, and winter storms. You know safety rules and you can create a disaster plan “Prepare. Plan. Stay informed. Thank you for the lesson. You worked hard today and surely you will have only good and excellent marks for today.


Просмотр содержимого презентации
«Prepare.Plan.Stay informed.»



can keep us warm. Wind helps flowers grow. Fire Rain makes kites fly. BUT The wind blows too hard. Fires get too big. It rains too much.

can keep us warm.


helps flowers grow.



makes kites fly.


The wind blows too hard.

Fires get too big.

It rains too much.



Which natural disaster kills the most? World-wide, high winds (tornado, cyclone, or hurricane) are the biggest killer, followed by floods and drought.

Which natural disaster kills the most?

World-wide, high winds (tornado, cyclone, or hurricane) are the biggest killer, followed by floods and drought.

WILDFIRE The 2003  Canberra bushfires


The 2003



HURRICANE 2005 Atlantic hurricane season



Atlantic hurricane season

TYPHOON 2006 Pacific Typhoon  season


2006 Pacific





2011 Tohoku


IN Japan





destruction loss of of life property DISASTERS can cause injuries    economic and social disruption The better prepared you are,  the safer you will be!


loss of









and social


The better prepared you are,

the safer you will be!

TRAVELLING exciting - risky “ Travel Safety Tips”


exciting - risky

“ Travel Safety Tips”

be informed.

be informed.

Safety rules but responsibility in case of evacuation If someone is injured, bleeding or hit by something 1.You should know emergency  numbers. 1. Don’t move the person, go for help. 2.APPLY PRESSURE TO THE WOUND. 2.You should know  family/friends numbers/contacts. 3.Stay nearby to help in case of feeling sick. 3.You should keep kits at home, at work  and in cars.

Safety rules



in case of evacuation

If someone is injured, bleeding or hit by something

1.You should know emergency


1. Don’t move the person, go for help.


2.You should know



3.Stay nearby to help in case of feeling sick.

3.You should keep


at home, at work

and in cars.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Конспект урока "Prepare.Plan.Stay informed"

Автор: Андреева Ольга Леонидовна

Дата: 20.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 232018

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